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Everything posted by Shuggie_Murray7

  1. Actually intrigued to see this doubles match, but surely England have all the momentum yet again.
  2. Lewis looking trouble now here. 1-0 down and Young hits a 180.
  3. Hopefully he comes back and starts attacking people, fairly high up the card. The thought of a babyface McIntyre is making me cringe. Have him as a badass. Randomly boots the f**k out of people. Maybe have him up against a face Christian when he's back?
  4. Exactly. The two guys myself and Dom mentioned, PAC and Ricochet, had an absolute belter at Dragon Gate Infinity. I just don't understand how some people can completely disregard the "spot monkeys" as though it's a bad thing. I can guarantee the haters (ie. Smarks) were all creaming their drawers every WrestleMania during the MITB matches. If done right between two guys who gel then it can have some great/crazy/exciting/fun matches.
  5. To me, England are in the driving seat to go through. Taylor and Lewis if they then win the doubles to make it 2-2 then all the momentum is with them to win the sudden death. The two singles matches seem a bit pointless in this circumstance.
  6. So England are through then in all likelihood? Sounds daft to me, I'd rather see the doubles game first and then the two singles.
  7. That's the thing that irks me with wrestling fans. They foam at the mouth about how some guy is a spot monkey. To me it's a great skill. I've mentioned PAC, his timing is fucking insanely good. In fact I don't recall seeing him botching anything. And he's different from Chris Daniels in that everything he does doesn't look rehearsed to f**k. If anything, Daniels is too perfect that it just looks like a choreographed spot.
  8. I'm trying to decide on my favourite high flyer/spot monkey/cruiserweight going today.It's not always wrestling but sometimes you just can't beat a stunt show between 2 spot monkeys for entertainment. I'm currently watching PAC who is one of my favourites just now. Actually, out of all the live shows I've been to, PAC was involved in one of the best I've seen (his match with AJ Styles from the 1PW 1st Anniversary). Any other suggestions?
  9. If I was to pick a darting hero it'd easily be John Part.
  10. How does this work? Are England out? How much is the doubles worth tomorrow?
  11. Only started playing recently, well I use the term playing lossely. I play for a laugh, nothing serious. Today I hit my first 100+ finish. 101. Treble 17, Bull. Chuffed with that.
  12. Aye can and £140 is way over the odds. Just a quick Google search has revealed I could have got one for £87.99 or £59.99
  13. One of my favourite wrestling related tweeters has to be Not Dave Meltzer.
  14. Purchased a new car seat for Madison today, or I should say my other half did. £140....ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY FUCKING POUNDS!!!!
  15. On the topic of great WrestleMania matches, one that is under rated and one of my favourite Mania main events ever was Cena vs HHH from Mania 22. Incredible story telling in that match. It was during a period where I just got fed up with Cena winning week in and week out and was absolutely wanting HHH to win. The only time I remember genuinely screaming, cheering and booing as though at a Saints game.
  16. From Laurinitis twitter: "I called it and counted it right down the middle. #wwe #raw is must see tonight, I will be vindicated in my five star job review. Just wait."
  17. Exactly, Primo and Epico are the tag champions, so what's the point? Hunico is dire. The one thing the Rumble missed was the huge shick entry to blow the roof off the place, someone like a Taker or HHH, it didn't come. Ryan is set to have his push renewed. Yeah. The ref counted 3 but Laurinitis came in and missed the first, so he did 2-3 and that was it. I'd be surprised if it was anything other than a f**k up, but you never know.
  18. I think Mason Ryan could be in one of them.
  19. Not that odd a choice. He's a WWE employee, it was the easy/cheap option that got all of us cheering. It did its job.
  20. Thinking about it now, I'm gutted about the way Barrett was booked. He has been made to look like a legit bad ass the last 6 weeks or so then in the Rumble he is eliminated relatively quickly.
  21. The only thing that I didn't like was the lack of surprise entrants. Usually there are a few that have me going mental, the only one was Road Dogg. I said last week the winner would come from Jericho, Sheamus or Barrett......just a pity I went for the wrong one. Some noteable abscentees who werent there yet some amount of shit was. Primo, Epico, Hunico, Uso etc yet no McIntyre, Clay, Ryan, HHH, Taker, Henry. The WHC match was shite. The WWE title match was my favourite of the night. I really good match that decended into a bit of a cluster f**k. Too many ref bumps and why did Laurinitis jump in at the end to only do a 2 count before leaving again? Kane vs Cena was meh.......could see the double count out coming a mile off. I watched it with my mates who claim its the worst Rumble PPV ever. I thought it was ok, but being the Rumble I expected much more. PS. Kofi is the man.
  22. I'm currently watching the 2001 Rumble match. the hardcore one. It was in New Orleans and JR just said "It looks like a hurricane blew through here"...it made me laugh
  23. I always thought the Rumble and Mania were midnight starts. Anyway, as long as I see the title matches and the Rumble itself I don't care!!!
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