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Everything posted by Shuggie_Murray7

  1. Never even realised that was Gilbert without those Belgian colours.
  2. Right, without giving reasons why and analysing the stage, just by simply giving the name, who will be in yellow by the end of the day? Andy Schleck.
  3. "Easily his best match ever"? It might be his best match, but it's not easily. How about Punk vs Joe 2 or 3, Punk vs Eddie vs Rey, his TLC vs Jeff from SummerSlam 09 was a belter too. Like I say it may have been his best match, but then again it has some competition to qualify as his best. However, it is my favourite angle/sotry that he has been involved in, maybe that's what sway me towards vs Cena from MITB '11 as being his best. It had everything. Phenomenally booked, he was made to look a legit badass for the fist time in WWE. he got his hometown crowd which practically made the match and add all that to a superb match. So aye, for me his best match, but t may be a bit inaccurate to say "easily" his best.
  4. 57 seconds between Andy and Evans? Might just be me, but Andy will be motivated and determined not to only be in yellow for the TT, I don't think he will loose as much time as people think. PS. I reckon they tour will be won and lost by no more than 15 seconds.
  5. Voeckler taking abuse from the crowd?
  6. Roland and Voeckler have had an outstanding tour!!!! I'll be gutted if Evans wins this year.
  7. Well being 23 now and still watching wrestling, it's maybe 80% about good matches 20% storyline, But like we have seen the past month, the combination of great matches and cracking stories is like nothing else. But when you're younger, you go for cool characters and amazingly far fetched stories. It is frustrating however, when you see that WWE are capable of doing the things they have the past 4/6 weeks, combining phenomenal stories and sensatonal matches, yet we have been fed shite for about 4/5 years now. Hopefully Punk has sparked a resurgance in "real" wrestling.
  8. Voeckler has cracked..........gutted!!
  9. It's always hard to tell when Andy is suffering so whether Contador can shake him off or not who knows? But the main story for me is Voeckler being paced back to the Schleck group by Pineau, obviously good mates.
  10. Voeckler struggling about 30 seconds back....C'mon Tommy!!! f**k me this is exciting.
  11. The pair have now joined the breakaway. Evans is going to have a shitload to do to catch up here, he's already 1'07 behind the breakaway. As it stands Andy has won the tour!!!! If Evans doesnt pull this back he wont gain enough tomorrow.
  12. Voeckler and Evans dropped, Evans looks to completely blown up or has a mechanical. Contador and Andy now chasing down the break away by themselves.
  13. AC again with a vicious attack the group is now down to Contador, Andy, Evans and Voeckler. Cunego and Frank struggling here. Finally, at the death of the tour we see a real battle!!!
  14. 92K to go and AC launches an attack.....that's more like it!!!! Immediately joined by the Schlecks. Evans and Voeckler both chasing to get on the wheel, with Voeckler really struggling. Great start!!!! Finally AC has actually came out to race, he realises he has nothing to loose so why not?
  15. Being 13 years old at the time, I could give a flying f**k about the matches at the time, it was all about the storyline for me and being 13 it was one of the coolest things I've ever seen.
  16. Mrs.Contador? The point I was making is that AC was furthest behind out of all of the GC conteneders, he had to take the race to them. So what exactly have we seen from AC? Nothing more that a couple of half arsed attacks and thats all. His defence of his title has been pathetic, he has just given up much easier than anyone expected. Only Frank and Andy Schleck deserve the title as the only two guys who have actually done any racing. Like it or not, Contadors defence of the TdF has been piss poor.
  17. If there's huge demand for the limited edition Tee then WWE won't miss a trick, it'll be out eventually. It was an ok shirt I thought, nothing spectacular but pretty good. Punks ring gear at MITB however, was fucking lovely!!!
  18. Estimated finishing time for Cav?
  19. Voeckler owes Evans big time!!! Contador has completely blew up, wouldn't be the least bit surprised if he retired tonight.
  20. Or he will and blow them all away the f**k do I know?
  21. Can't see Frank making a move here and taking Evans/Voeckler with him.
  22. This is going to be close as f**k!!!
  23. Cracking ride by Andy, he seems to be the only one to realise that to win the tour you actually have to you know......RACE!!! After this today I hope he wins now. If he pulls out a minute tomorrow I reckon he will do enough in the TT to hang on by his finger tips.
  24. Contador has cracked by the looks of it.
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