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Everything posted by Shuggie_Murray7

  1. Didn't they sort out a return for Hardy when he left only for him to jump ship to TNA? Or did I just make that up? EDIT: Speaking of WWE owning workers names. Do they own many others names which they have created themselves and WWE want. I know they bought out Rhinos name. Tazz? I can't imagine they'd have rights to Chris Jericho.
  2. I think quite clearly that one of Punks problems is life on the road, so I understand why he wants Cabana back. Travelling/rooming with your mate would make life on the road a hell of a lot easier. But to be honest, unless WWE agree to it to obtain Punks name, I don't think he'd get his wish. That priviliege is reserved for guys like Cena, and even at that I'm not sure.
  3. From Lords of Pain: One person close to the situation notes that CM Punk mentioning Colt Cabana, Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar during his promo on Monday's RAW has to do with all three of those stars possibly coming back to WWE. Apparently Punk recently asked for his friend Colt Cabana to be re-hired and put on the main roster, as one of the points in Punk's new deal if he should re-sign. Regarding Punk staying or going, WWE creative has been told that he's finishing up at Money in the Bank and most feel that he is still leaving, despite Monday's promo. WWE still does have an offer on the table to Punk for him to stay. Heyman and Lesnar have reportedly either made a deal or are at least in very serious negotiations to have a business relationship with WWE. Regarding Lesnar, word is that he won't be wrestling and won't be a TV character, should he have a business relationship with WWE again. Heyman would start working with the company again under a deal similar to Lesnar, according to the report by the Wrestling Observer. In all honesty, I don't think Punk has the kind of stroke backstage to make demands like that.
  4. I tend to only watch the majors as it were, the Tour, Giro and Vuelta so I'm not excatly a cycling expert. With that said, anyone got any tips for an outsider to make a top 10 finish? I love the tour, but I've added a wee bit extra interest with a few bets, now I'm looking for a bet for a top 10 finish with pretty good odds. I've short listed : Kreuziger @ 13/2 Roche @ 10/1 Luis Leon Sanchez @ 12/1 Sivtsov @ 16/1 Any kind, knowledgable soul care to inform me if they think any of these have a shot, and if not tips will be welcomed
  5. For what it's worth, the people at WWE Magazine wrote the following online after Monday's RAW: "The mood backstage is...edgy, to put it mildly. @CMPunk is in a meeting with a lot of the people he just called out... So WWE Magazine are now commenting on it, a definite work.
  6. God forbid a title run that last more than 2 months.
  7. No I know the term worked shoot. What I'm trying to say is that it seems like more tha that. As incredible an angle as that would be, you forget one little thing, this is WWE we are talking about. The only guys who get pushes like that are the guys already at the top. They constantly whittle on about no new talent breaking throught, but the reality is, unless you're John Cena, Randy Orton, Undertaker or Triple H, it's never going to happen.
  8. I'm trying to think of way to describe it. I reckon it was a pre-planned shoot. No doubt that at the end he was straight shooting,but he was clearly told to do so.
  9. I forgot to mention camera changes. How would they have known when to cut to each camera as Punk braoke the 4th wall and said hi to Cabana? So to me it's clear that certain parts were scripted.
  10. I noticed that Punk kept saying "I am the best wrestler in the world" As far as I'm aware you're not allowed to say wrestler. It's "Superstar". Punk referred to himself as a wrestler several times.
  11. As I said yesterday, Vince would have been backstage watching a monitor with a headset glued to his lugs. The second Punk stryaed from a scripted promo the mic would have beeen cut / someone else would have been sent out to interupt etc. etc. etc. As I also said, it is a phenomenal piece fo work. To have people like us here even debting whether it was real or not is genius. On the point of Punk mentioning NJPW and ROH, 99.99% of WWE fans wouldn't have had a clue what he was talking about. When he said it most of us would have went "Ooohh!! FFS" Yet the crowd on the night, no reaction to it.
  12. Sources report that CM Punk's entire promo at the end of RAW this week was improvised by Punk and not scripted. Nobody in the back knew what Punk was going to say until he said it live on RAW. WWE officials told Punk to go out and say in his own words why he was leaving the company, why he wanted the WWE Title and why he wanted to leave with it in his possession. There was a discussion that when officials felt Punk was going too far, they would pull the plug on the segment and cut his mic. It's said that Punk was upset months ago when Triple H came back to feud with The Undertaker and while some of his comments on RAW towards Vince McMahon were well thought out to appear not as a shoot to the average viewer, most believe that Punk's comments towards Triple H and John Laurinaitis were strictly a shoot. Word also is that Punk had some notes for his speech jotted down on his wrist tape. As far as his contract status, Punk's deal apparently expires the second week of July but he signed an extension to work through Money in the Bank. Still with last night's new storyline development, sources maintain that Punk is leaving at Money in the Bank.
  13. It was? Wasn't that segment ridiculed for being so rediculous?
  14. Well I'm still saying it's a work. No way would Michael Cole be able to announce a suspenion so soon after. I reckon it is a carefully planned and supremely and expert delivered promo. Punk IS that good. To have even sparked the debate as to whether it was real or not is an incredible piece of work.
  15. How the f**k would Michael Cole know the second RAW went off air? Surely there has to be some kind of meeting before a suspension is handed out, not just said by a commentator 2 minutes after it has happened. Also, Punk doesn't strike me as a stupid guy. I can't imagine him burning his bridges with WWE in that manner. Another thing, why the SCSA t-shirt? EDIT: Also, didn't Punk mention on Twitter earlier in the day about not caring if they fire him now etc. etc.?
  16. I may be missing something, but if that was a straight shoot Vince McMahon would have cut that mic the second Punk wandered from his scripted promo, sounds like a worked shoot to me. It says to me that they have signed a new deal and Punk is going to be pushed as the top heel in the company. Now after watching, it was one incredible promo. I'd go as far as to say the best I've seen in the last 10 years, well, for WWE at least. I think Vince has given him a list of topics and tld him to go and deliver the promo howevr he likes. I had goosebumps watching it. The beginning sounded very "scripted" before he burst into the "shoot". Great stuff. I hope I am right in guessing he will stay. If they throw the spotlight on him as the top heel going and give him a degree of freedom and inout in his work then this could be the most successful thing in years. I'm praying he stays and if so I'm praying WWE don't f**k up by immediately jobbing him out to Cena. Let him beat Cena cleanly, hold the title for a long, long time, creating a great feud beore eventually allowing Cena to take the title back!!!!! Please!!!!
  17. Life has dictated that I haven't been able to watch as much wrestling as I normally would have by this stage of the year. With that in mind, from what I have seen I'll jut put together as many that come to mind just now, I'll have to have a proper think but in no particular order: 1. Eddie Edwards vs Davey Richards - ROH Best in the World 2. Edge vs Dolph Ziggler - WWE Royal Rumble 2011 3. Triple H vs Undertaker - WWE WrestleMania XXVII 4. Randy Orton vs Christian - WWE Over the Limit 5. Davey Richards vs Low Ki - Kurt RussellReunion II 6.Kevin Steen vs Chris Hero - Kurt RussellReunion II 7.Claudio Castagnoli vs El Generico - Kurt RussellReunion II
  18. He was good with his original gimmick, then they changed him an fucked it up. Also, if I cut about wearing the ring gear he does I'd be an addict as well. Easily one of the worst ring attires I've ever laid eyes on.
  19. I'm a creture of the night so I tend to take care of the night shifts
  20. Thats 2 nights in a row now .....hopefully she was just going through a wee fussy spell
  21. I think they are trying to tie Bret Hart up to do a few new projects, one being a DVD of the MSJ with Hart and HBK, so maybe DH Smith will keep his job in order to get Bret to agree. EDIT: The contents list for Ortons upcoming DVD: I have to say match wise it looks pretty good. All of disc 2 and disc 3 down to the triple threat at Mania XXIV look like it'll be worth a watch. Orton used to be so good looking back. I loved his matches with Foley and character wise he was superb when he feuded with Taker and Cowboy Bob was with him. 2ND EDIT: Guerrero comments:
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