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Everything posted by Shuggie_Murray7

  1. He's got a new hunting show coming out soon so it will definelty be to promote that. Whos in line for some SCM? I'll go for Miz. Lets go Punk!!!!
  2. Surley there's no point in making Miz, Christian and Truth look even more shite. Just have a brawl all around ringside, and have the heels win by sneaky double team.
  3. Booker T is doing my fucking tits in with his "Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww" Shut the f**k up!!!! Get Josh Matthews on, he's by far the best commenttor in WWE.
  4. Aw FFS. It goes for a brek and we miss the first fall
  5. So everyone is voting for B.....again? Jesus
  6. Was it just me or did Christian actually get a pretty decent pop at first there?
  7. Aye. Broke his knee. He probably would have been given at least a brief reign with the WHC.
  8. Right, who the f**k voted for Batista Jr.? Own up.
  9. Well I never trust rumours in this business. However, one of the reasons he is considering leaving apparently is that h is burnt out from life on the road, I mean it's been pretty much constant for 5 years, so a hiatus for a few months could be enough to persuade him to stay. Although, if he did take time off until the Rumble then his return would pretty much make him a face...similar to Edge, a top heel, disapears for months, returns at the RR and in doing so becomes a face. I have to say I really do hope a deal has been reached. He is my favourite in WWE by a considerable distance.
  10. CM Punk is something "monumental" on tonight's 3-hour "Power To The People" edition of WWE RAW. CM Punk wrote on his Facebook page today: "Last night at Capitol Punishment, I not only defeated Rey Mysterio, I also vowed to perform the most honest act in WWE history. Join me on tonight's Power to the People episode of Monday Night Raw, and witness the genesis of something monumental." It has been widely reported that CM Punk will be leaving WWE when his WWE contract expires this summer. Since making the above announcement on Facebook earlier today, Punk's Facebook page has been bombarded with fan comments telling him not to leave WWE.
  11. If Riley gets over with tfans for a prolonged period, then we already know he can work very well as a heel, so turning him eventually shouldn't be a problem.
  12. I'm surprised so many people are outraged that Cena won. Didn't you see it coming a mile off? It was R-Truth for f**k sake,there was absolutely no danger Cena was ever going to loose. Miz had to put Riley over.Otherweise both would have looked shite. If Miz won with so much offence then how did he get his arse kicked 3 weeks ina row? Also Riley would have looked like an utter pussy. I'm glad Punk got the win. Hopefully once R-Truth moves away from the main event then Punk goes into (yes, I know, yet another) feud with Cena. Now that Barrett has lost the IC title, anyone else think he could be Ortons next challenger? It's boring watching Orton and Cena dominate, although Cenas matches are entertaining generally (minus the superman come backs). I never thought I'd say it but get HHH back in the main event!!!! At least it's change....sort of.
  13. The only matches I wanted to see were Miz vs Riley and Punk vs Rey.....are they worth a watch?
  14. No. Nothing expected. However, Austin has been on RAW the past 2 weeks so I wouldn't be surprised if he made an appearance. There's just something about this that has me completeley uninterested. I funking love R-Truth so him getting a title shot is a big deal, but he will be completely squashed by superman. Orton and Christian.......again? Miz vs Riley should be good if they allow Rileys push to continue and make him look as good as they have been doing. Punk/Rey WILL be a great match I reckon. They have had a few realy good matches and a few ok matches, they are due a spectaculat one. If it's as good as I hope then I'll catch it tomorrow. I reckon they have give Punk what he wants to try and get him to sign a new deal, and he has chosen another PPV with Rey. A cracker between these 2 is overdue.
  15. I did some training with SWA before, and while I enjoyed it, I couldn't help but feel it could be better. I really fancy training with PBW. I think their training is still on a Sunday which suits me and the trainers seem like guys I'd really like to learn under.
  16. Even SummerSlam is a waste of money these days.
  17. Me either. I don't order any PPV these days except the RR. I'll search for a decent stream and if I can't find one then meh.
  18. Not always. That would be my preference, rather than risk "being caught". On a side note, I did a little bit of training about a year and a half ago. Now I'm considering getting back into it, although I'm still trying to choose where.
  19. Under the ring is the only place 100% full proof. I can't see why Corino didn't wait until he hit the deck, grabbed his head and did it there....for me the way he did it was uber-messy. And from the seat I had at it was completely obvious what he jus did, we could see it as plain as day. And the conpany would be?
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