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Everything posted by Shuggie_Murray7

  1. Brajkovic looked like a bad fall today. Hope he's ok. The stage itself was pretty exciting with all the crashes and the style of finish. With 3k to go I was praying for Voeckler to hold on. I like him for some reason. Always willing to have a go and never gives in until the pack catch him. The intermediate sprint turned into a bit of a farce with the amount of swinging across the road. The correct decision was made, no doubt. The race is shaping up very nicely. Really looking forward to the next 2 weeks racing. If I'm being honest, I don't reckon AC will win it now. He has had a disasterous first week. For me it's going to be one of the Schlecks. I can't see Evans ever winning it. However, if things go the way I reckon they will, who does Team Leopard Trek work for? Andy or Franck? If Franck is the man in form, does Andy work for him? Or do they stick with the team leader they entered the tour with? It'd be most interesting if both of them got in a break away with AC.
  2. Several key WWE sources have informed us that the new priority for talent executive John Laurinaitis is to re-sign Rey Mysterio, whose contract expires early in 2012. "Laurinaitis has a lot of egg on his face right now," we were told, "think about all the talent that has refused to re-sign. Jericho wouldn't re-sign. MVP wouldn't re-sign. Punk won't re-sign. Even undercard wrestlers like Chavo (Guerrero) won't re-sign right now. Laurinaitis needs a key re-signing to keep his corporate credibility alive right now!" With the serious fallout from CM Punk's homophobic remarks in Australia, Laurinaitis has targeted keeping Rey Mysterio in the fold as a demonstration to WWE Chairman Vince McMahon he still has the talent under control. "Laurinaitis always had big shoes to fill since he took over from Jim Ross," we were told, "now he has to produce results. This is going to be very interesting to watch!" Somebody has been well telt
  3. Well when your job is to re-sign talent and you manage to let the two biggest heels in the company walk away then you have to take the responsibility. His job is that when Vince tells him to re-sign main eventers he does whatever it takes to make it happen. Punks promo pretty much sums up his take on the situation with Laurinaitis. Everytime I read something about the guy it makes me wonder what Vince sees in him, his "yes man" mentality I suppose.
  4. From Lords of Pain: Sources within WWE have exclusively revealed that WWE Chairman Vince McMahon and Triple H are said to be very angry at talent relations executive John Laurinaitis over his failure to re-sign CM Punk. We have been told the heat on Laurinaitis is serious because this is seen as his second serious failure this year, with the failure to keep Chris Jericho on the roster falling on Laurinaitis’ shoulders as well. One WWE source says “this is the same job JR had for years, and it’s a heat-magnet because you’re trapped between Vince’s expectations and the talents who want to break away from the brutal schedule.” Another company source told us “Laurinaitis has made millions in salary and stock options. He’s expected to perform for that money, and produce results. Right now, he’s not getting done the job Vince expects of him!” A WWE spokesman noted to GLAAD in their response to CM Punk uttering an anti-gay slur during yesterday's Raw live event in Australia that the wrestler is legitimately leaving the organization following the Money in the Bank pay-per-view event on July 18. OpposingViews.com printed the following in their article: "WWE officials also told GLAAD this morning that CM Punk's contract will expire in a few weeks, he will not be immediately renewed, and he will no longer be with WWE as of July 18. A spokesperson told us "this departure is not part of a storyline. He is contractually leaving the organization. "A spokesperson for the WWE told us "We are taking this very seriously." OpposingViews.com also notes that GLAAD provided training to members of WWE's editorial staff and writing team in May. The media monitoring organization is also in discussions with WWE to provide similar training seminars to on-camera talent.
  5. I don't see giving ROH exposure as a problem. As you say, they aren't a threat to WWE whatsoever. In fact it would probably get people talking more about WWE than ROH. Anyway, it's pointless talking about it...it's never going to happen!!! Punk has been my favourite over the last 2 years. But to me this anlge says they want to push Punk to the very top as a heel. He;s the best they've got. Who are the alternatives? Miz? Del Rio? Neither even come close.
  6. I've been on a health kick since the start of the year. I'm 5'11. When I started I was just under 14 stone, I wasn't fat, infact I was quite fit already but just wanted to trim down a little body weight Since the 1/1/11 I haven't touched a drop of alcohol. I run, I've only missed a couple of days, largely due to my girlfriend giving birth. I've cut down drastically on the amount of shite I eat and have combned that by going to the gym at least 4 times a week when possible. I'm now down to just over 12 stone. The main reason? Without doubt, it is completely down to cutting out alcohol all together. I only drank maybe 8/9 pints a week, but cutting that out has made a hell of a difference. So now that I'm down to a weight I'm happy with,it's all about trying to keep it there.
  7. Normally I'd have said zero chance of defending it on another show, but after Punks RoH and NJPW comments it's possible. From WWE point it would help put the storyline across and they could try keep a partnership going where RoH swaps talent with WWE. From RoH pointof view, they get more exposure than they areever likely to get again, keeping their new broadcaster happy, and gives them the chance again of getting some WWE talent on a swap.
  8. Isn't that the "obvious" way to go? Cena gets screwed, therefore is fired. He fucks off until say Summerslam. Punk stays. Cena fucks with Vince/Punk until re-hired. Punk keeps the title until Cena gets back. They feud through until the RR were Punk wins to blow off the feud. Cean heads toward Rock at Mania and Punk heads to Mania to face RR winner, a face Miz. Never going to happen, but I can dream .
  9. The two Cena segments tonight were very good I thought. They've taken the whole story in a nice new direction having Cena take Punks side. It was also pretty good having heel Vinnie Mac back. Hopefully thought they still turn Punk monster heel after all this and don't f**k it up. So it leaves open Vinces role at MITB....I'm guessing he'll cost someone the title...who? Well that's anyones guess. Who knows what direction they want to go with this.
  10. I liked that opening, it was pretty interesting.
  11. Any chance of Puk returning to the indies disapeared long ago as far as I'm concerned...cracking news if he's resigned. He will be on a fair whack and for a long time to have agreed, so everyone concerned will be happy. Punk deservs to be working for the biggest promotion in the world anyway.
  12. Can't quite understand the fuss about the Cav/Thor "incident", a bit bizarre really. I reckon AC will absolutely launch an attack tomorrow to try and close the gap. Schleck, Evans, Wiggins etc will have to be wary.
  13. Did anyone get retired yesterday for not finishing on time?
  14. Continuing the pedantry, but naw it's no. It's sports entertainment.
  15. Sitting in the garden with a Liptons Lemon Ice Tea!!!
  16. Nothing? Anyway.....At the Melbourne show, Zack Ryder defended his WWE Internet Title, the same replica WWE belt that he has on his YouTube show. Ryder defeated Primo.
  17. Ladbrokes are usually shocking for odds away from horse racing and football. For things like cyclings etc their odds are honking. http://sports.ladbrokes.com/en-gb/Cycling-c110000020 Comparing the 2 sets of odds fro Paddy Power and Ladbrokes, I really do wonder why I keep my account with Ladbrokes.
  18. Are those odds for the outright win? Surely they must be, no? I think betting on the outright win will sadly be a wasted bet. Can't see past AC and if he does slip up Schleck will take over...no real value. After checking with Ladbrokes,Gadret is 13/2 for a top 10 finish with Peraud at 16/1 to finish top 10. So Peraud is worth a punt at 16/1 I'm guessing?
  19. I've went for Roman Kreuziger @13/2 and Remy Di Grigorio @ 33/1 and I had £1 left in my account so I risked it on L.L Sanchez @ 12/1 all to finish top 10.
  20. Again from Lords of Pain: Former WWE star Colt Cabana was interviewed this week by the Miami Herald and had a lot to say about CM Punk's shoot promo from RAW. Colt says that Punk's rant was almost entirely reality-based and reflected the frustrations Punk has felt in WWE since his first days with the company. “That whole thing has been building up forever,” Cabana said. “Personally, for almost forever, his whole time there, he is able to say this to me in the comfort of my house or his house. “From being laughed at by the trainers in Ohio Valley Wrestling to Paul [Heyman] finally bringing him up and everybody treating him like dirt, telling him he has an attitude problem and calling him the ‘King of the Indies.’ Just looking down on him, he just felt shunned his whole time there. It was a complete struggle.” Many are still under the impression that this angle is a storyline and that Punk will remain with WWE following his contract expiring the day after his title shot at Money In The Bank on 7/17, but Punk has been burnt out for a long time and is at the point where he just wants out. “The power of him not really caring because he was ready to leave — I always said the power of not giving a s--- is so important,” Cabana said. “He is really at the point where he just wants to get out of there. It’s too frustrating for him. If he said anything that made anybody mad, what are they going to do to him? Not re-sign him? He doesn’t want to be there." “So I think that idea is so powerful. He is so strong in his beliefs with the straight edge lifestyle. By being how strong headed that he is, he was able to have the power to go out on television and say what probably every other wrestler has wanted to say. He made unbelievable television. He made unbelievable history in wrestling." Punk may be on his way out of WWE, but Colt thinks his promo from RAW has the potential to change entire industry: “He almost has the ability to change professional wrestling as we know it. It has been so stagnant and vanilla. It kind of shook up the wrestling world because of his real life frustrations.”
  21. Well CM Punk fits with his gimick. Can you imagine him portraying the character he is while having some generic, indy jobber name that recent FCW guys have been given.....I mean I don't think you could create much more indy names than Evan Bourne and Heath Slater.
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