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Everything posted by Shuggie_Murray7

  1. Has series 3 aired here yet? I've watched the first 2 but didn't bother to check about series 3 when Bravo diapeared.
  2. I just got round to watching SD just now. I'm getting extremley bored with these Corre run ins every single week now. Mix it up FFS. I'm glad Christian has now turned heel. He was just your typical WWE medicore face. He is ten times better as a heel and I fuly expect a superb Orton/Christian feud. Anyway, I'll be able to stay up for a lot more live wrestling now with lots of late nights!!!
  3. Looking at the odds theres no real value in a Wade/Newton final so I've plumped for Wade/Ovens, probably won't happen but I backed James Wade to win the whole thing before the tournament started at 12/1 so it's looking quite good already.
  4. Thornton is murder on the doubles here.
  5. Webster, Ovens, Bowlesand Newton I reckon tonight.
  6. As noted earlier in the week, a strange incident happened with Mark Henry after Tuesday's SmackDown tapings where he was sent out for a dark main event and waited for around 20 minutes while several theme songs hit but no opponent came out. Word going around WWE is that the whole thing was a big rib on Henry to see how long he would stay in the ring before getting mad and storming off, which he did. Henry was actually told that he would be wrestling a dark main event against Sin Cara. He and Cara actually called spots for their match earlier in the evening. Henry was sent to the ring and when he went to cut a promo to set up Cara's entrance, the mic was cut out. Henry finally stormed to the back and demanded to know what was going on. Vince McMahon's theme song was the last one played during the rib, which is fitting because the whole thing was Vince's personal joke on Henry. Vince had already left the arena but according to a source, he directed the entire thing via cell phone. A source in WWE production adds that producer Kevin Dunn was in on the whole thing also, laughing as it was going on. The impression left backstage among the other talents was that it was funny, but misplaced. The feeling was that it's one thing to pull a joke on one wrestler from another, but when WWE is doing the jokes it sends a bad message, especially when they are ribbing a veteran like Mark Henry. It was also pointed out how WWE shouldn't have pulled a joke on Henry at the fans expense who had to sit through it and were expecting a match.
  7. Last nights darts. Walsh, Ovens, Part and Jenkins, £5 accumulator. Reutrned £97.
  8. Tonight I've went for Jenkins, Part, Ovens and Walsh.
  9. I read rumours about this weeks ago, but just assumed they were bullshit. I guess competeing at the Olympics will get his name out there far more than working for TNA.
  10. I had £5 on Hudson in that last game
  11. Cheers. I saw Truth and was gutted when the sound wasn't working!!!! I wonder when Riley will have an actual match!
  12. Is RAW worth watching? I was shattered and as soon as it came on and the sound was fucked I just switched off.
  13. I tried that yesterday and it didn't go down so well.
  14. It's not so much of an issue for me to be honest. I suffered from insomnia for about 2 years, so I'm used to coping without sleep, but it's taking a toll on my girlfriend, shes not so used to it. I keep telling her her body will adjust to less sleep.
  15. Lucky for me my sleep pattern was already all over the place
  16. For me, there are no heels that even come close to Punk. Truth certainly is entertaining and doing a cracking job promo wise, but he isn't capable of getting close to Punk in terms of match quality. Miz is just bland IMO. He just uses the Jericho tactic of using the same patter week in week out, only far less entertaining than Jericho. Ziggler has been made to look a complete pussy after being "fired". Having Vicki doesn't help him either. It makes him look like a little boy. Drop Vicki, give him more mic time so that he at least looks credible becuse theres no doubt that he can have great matches. But he has done litterally nothing since hi feud with Edge. When was his last PPV match? Unless something is done to make Punk feel that the way he has been booked will change, I can see him going, or at very least, taking a hiatus. If he was made leader of a heel stable that looked threatening in the slightest he could re-sign and have a great feud with Cena, if it's booked right. To date the Nexus has been used as Cenas jobbers. Even when Barett was leader Cena had booted f**k out of them and Orton came along and took them all out. Simply because the target audience now is kids, the top face will always absolutely dominate the heels in order to sell merch.
  17. I'm just beginning to realise that no amount of books will ever prepare you for looking after someone so young .Only experiencing and learning that way will teach you how to be a father
  18. Rumours are suggesting Punk could be gone as soon as July. I hope something gets sorted between the two soon, even if it includes giving Punk a few months off or whatever. If he goes all RAW has on the heel side are Del Rio, Truth and Miz (all of whom are shite compared to Punk).
  19. We just arrived home to a flat full of neighbours, family and friends waiitng to see Madison.
  20. This better no be the start of a Cole/Booker T feud
  21. So Christians main event push is humped already?
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