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Everything posted by Shuggie_Murray7

  1. Forgot all about ADR. Also, I think Yoshi Tatsu is supposed to be a bit of a scrapper is he not?
  2. Not really a surprise. The guy who brought Sorensen down got fired and the one yesterday the driver was even more at fault. It's the minimum you'd expect. Out of interest, if he had say, broken one of their legs etc. would police then be called in?
  3. The only guys in genuinely believe would be able to handle themselves in WWE are Taker and Punk. Taker because he is a hard b*****d. Punk because he has trained in both Muay Thai and Jiu Jitsu. Aye. Gave him a hook and JBL never bothered him again out of shame Dirty b*****d! Just watch the wrestling instead.
  4. Jericho got in an altercation with Goldberg back in the day in WCW where he grabbed him in a front head lock and mauled him around the locker room. Jericho mentions it in several interviews, saying he did maul but he was terrified to let go incase Goldberg destroyed him. I read Regals book and he spoke about it saying he thought Jericho was going to kill Goldberg.
  5. It made absolutely no sense...he was never getting through the gap in a million years. He has endangered not jst the 2 that went down but everyone in the breakaway. Flecha took the hit from the car but it looked like Hoogeland was worst off, looked to be really struggling, hope he manages to make the start tomorrow. Again, surely the arsehole driving will be fired like the motorbike rider the other day?
  6. As much as I like Thor, I'd love to see Tommy Voeckler in yellow for a couple of days.
  7. Did the motorbike driver who caused Sorensen to crash not get fired? Surely the person driving the motor should get the same, it wasn't a coming together he jst straight up veered into them.
  8. First the motorbike dring the week and now the car...f**k sake!!! Useless b*****ds.
  9. The f**k is going on in this Tour? More guys on the deck in the 1st week than I think I've seen in an entire tour.
  10. Exactly what I was thinking. The commentator said "Always sad to see someone leave a tor like that". Aye, it is, depending on who it is. Vino? Naw. He's a p***k.
  11. Sonds like it was a bad one. Vino got fucked up. Broken pelvis and leg. Van Den Broeck. Broken shoulder blade. Zabriskie. Broken wrist.
  12. Only just got in to my TV....what happened? How did the crash happen? Who retired?
  13. I'd love to see both Schlecks and AC break away by themselves on the way to Lz Ardiden, now that would be an interesting watch.
  14. First full night alone with the little one and so far it's been a success I don't know what I was panicking about all those months ago
  15. The commentary on ITV4 is shocking. I don't really have time to watch live stages, and the I think the Eurosport highlights is like 1 and a half/2 hours. ITV4 suits me, just sitting down to catch an hour of the best bits, but aye they are shite. Somebody tried to attack off the front of the peloton yesterday, I forget who, and they were saying "There goes Jurgen Van Den Broeck". Up comes the guy who tried to make a moves name on the screen, then for a further 5 minutes they continued to rant and rave about Van Den Broeck, his seasons stats and how much of a contender he is before finally saying "Oh wait no it's not him, it's someone else from Omega Pharma Lotto, they have numbers to tell them apart FFS. Anyway, as much as I like a good sprint finish, I cannot wait for the high mountains to we get a look at how the real contenders are going to play this out. Will Schleck/Evans attack or will they simply sit on Contadors wheel and just react to moves from him. To be honst, I don't see Evans keeping up, he will blow up at some point. Also, anyone else fancy Franck over Andy. Franck has looked to be going easy since the start and by Andys own admission he is in decent form. It would be sperb if AndyAC/Evans were all concentrating on each other so much that Franck pulled a fly one.
  16. When the wee lassie walked through the door and he said "What the f**k you lookin' at" had me in stitches Oh aye and the bit with the bike..."Oh look Nicks driving." It was widely rumoured that he was for a while until the rumours about him beong shot surfaced.
  17. Looks like it will be quite an interesting watch...but f**k me what the flying f**k has Perry Saturn done to hiself?
  18. The only reason Leopard briefly tok to the front was to keep their men out of trouble. But as I said earlier, was Kreuziger not stuck in the group that fell? Surely he's a top 10 guy? Oh and at that stage apparently nobody knew Wiggins was out until the finish if Cavs interview is anything to go by.
  19. That sums it up for me. The race isn't waiting for anyone. There are a huge number of c***s in cycling these days. Too often it's about who can gain the biggest unfair advantage rather than who's the best. And I think the average stage is about 110 miles.
  20. Just because Wiggins got an advantage when Contador got held up doesn't make it right. But when I said they should have allowed the chasing pack to catch up I'm talking about once Wiggins retired, surely the GC contenders were told over radio. I'm talking about Krueziger, Leipheimer etc. I mean over 80 guys got held up.
  21. Gutted for Wiggins, I was really looking forward to seeing how he tackled the mountains after everyone has been ranting and raving about his form. Never nice to see someone crash out of a race. Is it just me, but was that not bad form in not letting those held up by the crash catch back up to the pack? I feel sorry for Thomas too. He could have been granted leadership of Sky and just went out and had a go. Now he's lost hiswhite jersey and has went from 6 seconds down to over 3 minutes down. Obviously not a great climber, but with the team leader out, Sky would have nothing to loose.
  22. Great show. After Dom spoke about MOTY candidates last week, I think I had 3 matches from this in my top 10.
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