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Everything posted by Shuggie_Murray7

  1. Good Food channel right now.....Dinner Impossible with JR and The Miz
  2. Managed to get flights for next Tuesday. Continental allow you to fly at any stage of pregnancy as long as you get a permission letter from the doctor saying you're fit to fly. So we are off to Seattle for 5 days so she can see her folks before the birth. Glad to finally get it sorted, genuinely thought we would have trouble finding and airline to take us. Good luck
  3. What an absolute clusterfuck ending to iMPACT.
  4. There's speculation that Finlay's recent release from WWE may be a "lay low" type of thing until the heat from the Army National Guard blows over, similar to what happened with Daniel Bryan last year. Finlay was released after officials from the Guard were upset over a segment that he booked at a live event where The Miz interrupted the National Anthem. It's expected he will be brought back in the future. and also Sting and Lesnar talking about recent aproaches from WWE. Sting: “I wouldn’t say it was utter nonsense, that’s not true! It’s a dream match that fans would want to see. It was close. I’m glad things turned out the way they did. There are so many variables. Let’s just say that I turned it down for the same reasons I always have. Some- thing in me never trusted what would happen up there, based entirely on the track record with other WCW guys and everything that went on after Vince bought WCW. I wont be watching but I’ll be asking what happened between Undertaker and Triple H." Lesnar: "They were smart enough to know that I am deeply involved in UFC, what I am doing now. Wrestling doesn’t affect my life so much. I’m a fighter. The WWE will go on, and it will always be there, but I am in the UFC for as far as I can see. If ever there was an opportunity in the future to be on Wrestlemania, then I guess I have to say: ‘Never say never.’"
  5. Hmmmm I doubt it All out of Penguins, she'll have to make do with a Club or I'll need to go shopping, the second is more than likely. Oh did anyone fly while pregnant? When is it safe to fly until? I read somewhere that some airlines won't allow anyone past 32 weeks on board. She wants to fly home for a week before the birth, so is planning on going in two weeks time, she'll be 31 weeks by then. I think she may also need a doctors letter to confirm she#s fit to fly.
  6. O Oh FFS, I was expecting to hear about the miraculious healing properties concealed in chocolate, was gettin ready to run away to the shop there
  7. Can't wait till this is all over, she has been pretty miserable all week. Aching joints and back, heartburn, hot flushes and just generally worn out. I've been told by loads of people to try and enjoy the pregnancy....but it's murder
  8. I killed Chris Benoit!!! Sitting watching Night of Champions with my mate and when Benoit no-showed, I jokingly said "I can't see Benoit no-showing for no reason. He's probably deid or something" My mate text me the next day to tell me and I nearly fainted. Spooky.
  9. Had a Saturday night in last night. My girlfriend got up to go to the kitchen and I was still sitting on the livingroom couch and as I looked round I jus saw her going down. She tripped and landed on her right hand side, hitting her stomach. I absolutely shat myself, panicking more than her. Today she woke up and has excurciating back pain and nausea but the baby is still moving around. My heart was in my mouth . Anyway got a checkup tomorrow so we'll have to mention it.
  10. Saddest wrestling moment for me would be the Eddie Guerrero memorial show on RAW the day after he died. Especially at the start when Vince is addressing the crowd. Big Show greetin his eyes out and JBL just looking absolutely devastated. I was absolutely gutted that day,
  11. One of my favourites has always been Johnny Saint. Just an insanely talented guy, and still making appearacnes well into his 50's. Just made chain wrestling look simple and absolutely flawless in transitions. As you say Rocco was c lass. As a matter of fact, only the other day I watched a great match between Rocco and Billington. Superb. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bb_beuE76aA It is freaky how much Billington and Benoit remind you of each other.
  12. DOUBLE POST Michael Cole posted a homophobic slur this afternoon on his recently launched Twitter account as he called fellow WWE announcer Josh Mathews a 'faggot'. The tweet was in response to Mathews writing "Chicago!", the host city of this Monday's Raw taping. The one word message was deleted approximately half an hour later and an apology was issued. "I apologize to any and all who were offended by my tweet toward young Josh Mathews," Cole wrote. "It was obviously not meant the way it was taken." He later added, "I was not ordered to apologize I said I am sorry because I am. Now can I get back to being a character again please?"
  13. Just looking for thoughts here, hopefully drum up some conversation outside of American wrestling or recent British stuff. Who are your favourite British wrestlers/was the best, excluding the big four of Regal, Finlay, Davey Boy and Billington? From back in the days of World of Sport (or futher back), all the way to today.
  14. Day 7. Your favourite tag team - Edge & Christian Day 8. Your favourite championship belt - or or Day9. Favourite entrance theme - CM Punk, Triple H (current), Mr.Perfect, Doink
  15. I miss WCW. Even when it was fucking rotten it was brilliant. I'm in the section that really can't bring myself to watch TNA but really hope that they get it right and succeed. Vince McMahon, for all the good he has done, effectively killed wrestling by buying out all the competition and we need something that is a real threat to WWE for them to start producing truly great wrestling.
  16. I'm still not sure as to what the appeal of The Miz is, as unpopular as that is. He's not a standout wrestler and his gimmick isn't all that great. As for his promos, all he says is "Really? Really? **insert city name** sucks. **insert sports team put down**, I'm The Miz and I'm awesome. Honestly don't see what the fuss is about. Punk and Orton WILL be good, but I'm actually really looking forward to Mysterio vs Rhodes. Have Sheamus repeatedly attack Bryan backstage, interfere in matches etc etc would have been enough to set up a title match at Mania. It's not like it needed a particularly good build up. If I had my way Edge would be nowhere near the title, he has pretty much been constantly since 2006. Del Rio vs Christian would have been the shit, it already has a build up dating back months and would have me far more interested than Edgs vs Del Rio.
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