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Everything posted by Shuggie_Murray7

  1. Everyone should stop mentioning R-Truth as anyone reading this thread should just assume that we all hate the dancing spastic.
  2. My lists will mostly include WWE, as I have pretty much given up on TNA. Like 1) CM Punk 2) Dolph Ziggler 3) Alberto Del Rio 4) AJ Styles 5) Wade Barrett Hate 1) R-Truth 2) Edge 3) David Otunga 4) Heath Slater 5) RVD Divas 1) Christy Hemme 2) Layla 3) Trish Stratus 4) Micky James 5) Candice Michelle
  3. Vince in the late 90's and early 00's was a sensational heel. An evil b*****d of man. However, my favourite heel runs have to be The Rock 2003, HHH 2000 and JBL 2004.
  4. Yes oh yes oh yes :thumsup2 Loved that, no words needed. Triple H wants revenge for HBK, simple.
  5. I'm still expecting a 3-way for the WHC as I said as soon as Del Rio won the Rumble, Del Rio vs Edge vs Rey. I thought they made McIntyre look superb on the PPV, with the whole stare down with Edge in the interview segment and then the domionation of Rey when he entered the match. The bit where Punk was stuck in the pod was sensational. He looke demented, like a fucking psychopath, I loved it. Pish, pish, pish ending. I would rather Cena vs Miz for the WWE title and Punk vs Cena at Mania. I can't think of a main event that would have me any less interested than Miz vs Cena. I was disapointed at the complete lack of Dolph Ziggler, one of the best things going in WWE at the minute. Will intersting to see what now happens with the whole "2 21 11" angle if it's Taker, why is it on RAW?
  6. Happy fucking days!!! Walking about with the biggest smile today....my hero . Shaping up to be the best Mania of all time
  7. Not sure if this has been posted, and cant be arsed to trawl back to find out, but just a rumour on plans for Taker at Mania
  8. On the topic of entrance themes, current favourites are: Nexus Punk Miz McIntyre Evan Bourne Oh and Del Rio's But the best theme in a while has to be: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JY_yz6DHtU
  9. Agree. His WWE Title run was superb. He was the hottest heel by miles and one of the most entertaining in years.
  10. ECW was some fantastic wrestling mixed in with complete and utter shite that didn't even make sense half the time. Mania is very over-rated. People get carried away with all the hype. Obviously you get matches like Taker/HBK, HHH/Cena but when you consider it, there are better PPV's throughout the year but just because they don't get the hype that Mania gets isn't as good. Edge makes me cringe these days. When he first became the Rated R Superstar he was brilliant, but he's boring as sin now. Christian is always entertaining, I just wish theyd turn him heel. Oh and at least when Christian tries to be funny he usually is, unlike Edge.
  11. Stickining with the unpopular opinions, if we are free from being criticised , these see to be some of mines which seem to be unpopular with my mates. ECW was shit. WCW was fantastic. Bret Hart is a c**t. WrestleMania is over rated. Christian has always been better than Edge.
  12. I'm a fan of Harris, he is by far the best of Punks followers. He could loose a few pounds and still keep the "big guy" image. Sometimes you wonder if management actually know anything they do.
  13. After Raw Husky harris won't be on TV indefinetly. Apparently WWE management aren't high on him or his look. How the f**k can you be high on Otunga and McGillicutty but not Harris?
  14. Well it's not like he's upto much. Can I remember him making an appearance on TNA awhile back? Or did I make that up?
  15. You'd get so much more PPV buys if people knew he was appearing before hand. He's a big enough name to draw extra buys,
  16. As far as celebrities for the big show, it's been noted that WWE has not announced one yet and they usually do the RAW after the Rumble. WWE is still trying to get Justin Beiber to come, which is why Alberto Del Rio made the reference to Beiber on RAW last night. f**k sake
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