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Everything posted by Shuggie_Murray7

  1. Mania is looking pretty ordinary this year. Taker/HHH has failed to whip me into a frenzy as Takers Mania matches usually do. Cena/Miz is about the least appealing match of the night for me. Punk/Orton should be good and Rhodes/Rey has the potential. A few things which I would liked to have seen: A much earlier return from both Taker and HHH and a proper build up rather than a story thrown together with 6 weeks to go and no explanation as to why Taker doesn't want revenge on either Kane or The Nexus/Corre. Someone other than Austin as special ref, gives away the finish. Bryan holding onto the US title until Mani where he then looses to Sheamus. Ziggler to stay on SmackDown and feud with Christian and facing each other at Mania (which could been a MOTY) The IC title to be defended in a meaningful feud.
  2. Underrated match - Shawn Michaels vs Chris Jericho, WM 19
  3. 1. WWF RAW 2. Favourite DVD - The Ultimate Ric Flair Collection. . 3. Most Underatted Wrestler - Perry Saturn
  4. Anyone else completely un-interested in the 2 title matches at Mania?
  5. My girlfriend took the piss out of me, saying how fake it was. After my first session she wasn't taking the piss anymore, I was a mess. Until you take bumps, it's hard to appreciate the toll it takes on your body. At SWA they did this thing where they made you bump onto piss thin gym mats then moved them away and made you do it on the floor.....fucking agony. Compared to that a wrestling ring feels like a big plump matress. Although after the first couple it gets better. You're not in as much pain after 2/3 sessions. The first session I took was on a Saturday, where they last from noon until 5pm, 5 hours of bumps is no fun.
  6. I only went to Area 52 maybe half a dozen times. But before going I searched for all the academies in the area, but East Kilbride was just inconvenient. Plus when Kid Fite usually comes over to talk to me and my mate after shows or watching PPV's in town and we got talking about it one night and he mentioned we should go along sometime. SWA training was ok but from what I hear East Kilbride is streets ahead. Also the head trainers there are guys I'd be interested in learning under compared to SWA.
  7. It 's the name of the SWA training academy in Linwood. They only train on Sundays and it's a b*****d for me to get to East Kilbride from here on a Sunday. I'm trying to persuade my mate to join too and drive me there
  8. Don't forget RAW is a 1am start tonight folks.
  9. They brought him in for the same reason they brought in Del Rio, to keep thr multi-cultural audience, him and Del Rio are to keep the Hispanics watching, Mysterio can't keep them hooked forever.
  10. Neither is the one in Linwood. It's a tiny little unit in a shitty little industrial estate. I trained there a few times and it was ok but after talking to Ross aka Kid Fite he's tried to persuade me to go to his one in East Kilbride which I'm sorely tempted to do. When I went to Area 52 the head trainer for newbies was Raging Bull and to be honest, I would have rather learned under Ross. Although I believe the headtrainer there now is Damian O'Connor, To cut a long story short if I was gonna choose one, it'd be Kid Fites in East Kilbride.
  11. Had a week off with f**k all to do so I've started over again. A few episodes of series 1 left to watch....again....for about the 10th time. Good characters: 1) Marlo 2) McNulty 3) Stringer Bell 4) Ziggy 5) Bunk 6) Omar 7) Lester Boadie 9) Slim Charles 10)Chris 11) Wee Bey Shite characters: 1) Cheese 2) Prop Joe 3) Valcheck 4) Daniels 5) D'Angelo Barksdale As for favourite scene: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EVEwpYt0EwE
  12. Hows that different to any other RAW. It's always the same, your lucky to get 15 mins out of a 2 hour show. For actual wrestling your better off with SmackDown, always has more wrestling.
  13. Yes. But who gives a f**k about them. Anything involving The Rock gets my support.
  14. Was I the only one who got goosebumps when The Rock said "Well John Cena there are consequences. You're gonna pay for running your mouth"?
  15. So Husky Harris and Skip Sheffield are injured and can't face Orton, so they'll be in Punks corner at Mania?
  16. To be honest, I don't get it. I liem Sheamus. He's big , stiff and can brawl. He's got what it takes. No need to shite all over him.
  17. Sheamus is heading in the same direction that Vladimir Koslov has.
  18. There be a better be a good excuse as to why HHH gas forgiven Sheamus here.
  19. Been watching alot of the revived ECW and just thought I'd share a few of my favourites. I'll put them in spoiler for those that can't be arsed.
  20. Now 24 weeks in and I've been absolutely shiteing myself this week for some, unknown, reason.
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