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Everything posted by Shuggie_Murray7

  1. The state has added another charge to Jeff Hardy's case, that being a felony charge of conspiracy to traffic in opium, related to the valium . Hardy will go to trial on March 17th in Moore County, North Carolina
  2. The book is phenomenal. Just watched it on Film4 for the first time in an while. I've seen it loads of times but it never gets old 9/10
  3. If the plans to have feud with Jericho are to be believed then I am looking forward to his return. A face turn for Edge would just freshen the whole Smackdown scene up since he has pr.etty much had the same gimmick since 2004/05
  4. Just waiting on Batista to f**k off so Rey and Jericho can have at it again. Or Rey and anyone really.
  5. Does anyone really believe he was drug trafficking? I think it's very likely that he wasn't, but he stil has to be punished possesion. He WILL get punished but I can't see it being anything like the 14 years suggested.
  6. I thought that was common knowledge when he first got arrested. They claimed that the amount of drugs he had on him (£1,500 apparently) at the time lead them to believe that he had the intention of supplying drugs. He's pretty much fucked I reckon, I remember at the time reading that if he is found guilty of trafficking he faces something like 14 years.
  7. Isn;t he contemplating retirement at the end of his current contract?
  8. Just watched this for the first time in ages. I forgot how much I loved Smackdown back then.
  9. TNA gets visits from loads of people all the time, I don't see this being anything more than a flying visit by Jeff. Infact I think WWE may make a push to get him back in time for the Rumble.
  10. If Whitlocks no in it then I'm not watchin .
  11. Didn't they say he was relocating to the UK next month for at least 2 years?
  12. Welcome to the Premier League Simon Whitlock. He has fucked my coupon, but after watching that I dont particularly care.
  13. There is a story going around the WWE locker room about Sheamus, Ted DiBiase and Yoshi Tatsu, who were all three roommates at one time in Tampa, Florida. The story goes that Sheamus played "big dog" in the apartment and pissed his roommates off because he allegedly would use their protein shakers and not clean them. Ted and Yoshi confronted him at the same time once. Sheamus got mad and threw Tatsu's shaker at him but Yoshi caught it. Sheamus then called out Tatsu but Yoshi ended up beating Sheamus pretty bad. Yoshi is said to be very good with his hands and has boxed and gone through the New Japan dojo. When asked if the story was true, Tatsu would only say, "I just wanted to teach Sheamus a lesson in respect. Don't mess with other peoples stuff." There was hope within WWE that the story would make its way to Vince McMahon, who has always had the mindset that he doesn't want people to think one of his World Champions lost a real fight.
  14. Couldn't beleive Barney last night......I backed him to win 4-0
  15. I wasn't aware Barney is a dibetic. I geniunely feared for him tonight, he looked like he was ready to collapse. I can't see him getting past the quarters if thats going to continually happen to him.
  16. I have that album . Whit? EDIT: "Dr.Death" Steve Williams has lost hisbattle with cancer RIP
  17. If wee Jelle isnae in it.....I riot
  18. As soon as I placed my line on I knew that if anyone would f**k it then it would be Jenkins.
  19. C'mon tae f**k Jenkins. I've been doing pretty good backing the darts the last few days, but Jenkins has put my coupon in doubt the day.
  20. How much loose skin does he have on the back of his heid?
  21. I'm looking forward to seeing Young Bucks in TNA. To be honest, the TNA Tag division is where my main interest lies in wrestling just now. The WWE tag division could be awesome, but for some reason they just don't give a f**k about it anymore.
  22. I couldn't give a f**k about Bret Hart the guy, but the controversy of him returning has me interested to see where they go with it. I couldn't give a f**k about Hulk Hogan the guy, but what he brings to TNA will be interesting to see and will hopefully bring the best out in both of the companies. Also it seems that WWE and TNA are going signing for signing with each other. Hogan and then Hart. McGuinness and Danielson. Young Bucks and the Briscoes.
  23. Don't get me wrong I do like Angle. But as Dom pointed out, he is infuriating sometimes. Whens hes on he is phenomenal. But his lack of psychology within a match and countless Angle slams and countless ankle lock attempts within one match can at times be boring as shit. With that said, I really enjoyed his submission fall with Wolfe at Final Resolution .
  24. This. Yes he is. He's better. At least he can build a match properly and actually sell moves/injuries. Shut up ya parasite
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