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Everything posted by Shuggie_Murray7

  1. Thats the main reason for me why WWE is shit these days....a complete lack of not only a stable but stable vs stable rivalry. On the point about it being over produced....is it every old school fan who longs for the old days? .....the days with the absolutely shite set....wan big massive curtain with a titantron and a ramp...simples.
  2. I've seen thing that tell me Gen-ME could be awesome, but they use to many spots for my liking. HBK/Bret was a pretty good match if you ask me, but to this day I still have no idea why they put on a 1hr Iron Man with the intention of having a draw yet have it be 0-0.....f**k me. In that respect I'd agree with you that it was boring. If you want two of the best workeres in the world to have an awesome 1 hr draw in an iron man match.....for the love of fucking god at least have some pinfalls or subs. To the casual fan it became just a 0-0 boring piece of shit. I'd have booked it the same but added a few falls to the match.
  3. Is he not HBK's cousin? I think he's retired now though, he's doing something new but I forget what it is.
  4. I'd probably go with this one too...half the time whedn they did it, you genuinely feared for the c***s neck...some of them looked brutal. On the topic of Generation ME....I still don't get what all the fuss is about ....a poor man MCMG's if you ask me . I've been watchin Matches from various WrestleManias to get myself excited about it. Just watched Vintage Collection and HBK vs Tatanka from Mania 9 and HBK vs Bret from Mania 12.
  5. I think the only thing that would f**k that up is that its WWE biggest earner of the year ad the time difference could have an affect on buy rates...can't see a Mania outside of North American to be honest.
  6. I really want another one at Ceasasrs Palace.
  7. Me and my mate went to Orlando for Mania 24. We managed to get tickets but ended up aboot 3 mile away fae the ring. As great an occasion as it is, I wouldn'tgo again unless I knew I had a good seat.
  8. I've backed Wade, Lewis, Draw, Taylor
  9. Even if the case is cashed in, whos to say the title will change? They could have McIntyre win MitB. Have Vince have him cash it in and loose, just to act as a big "git it right up ye" to Vince.
  10. I think maybe this or if Cena beats Batista then something where Vince tries to screw Cena by having McIntyre cash in. Also talking of great music...I still think this one is a belter:
  11. To claim that Cena is shite in every aspect of wrestling is a rediculous statement to make. Also after someone mentioned Goldust, He has to be one of my favourite characters to come down the pipe in the past 20 years. And for Mania, can anyone else see the MitB winner cashing in on the night?
  12. The best thing about Battle Dome was that Terry Crews was in it
  13. Some of the commentary is fucking class....so is Mean Gene
  14. That was actually my favourite thing about it , I only remembered that when you mentioned it there. I'm in the middle of watching that link...now I know that Flair vs Santana was nothing great...but for some reason I find it fucking awesome .
  15. What was the name of it...WCW Worldwide or something? It was jus full of the lower mid card guys or lower anyway. Cheers for that Dom. I'm about to sit and watch that the now with a fry up...brings back the memories
  16. Guys I gotta say I may have had slightly too much to drink tonight but you've got me all emptional with the reminising. Fridays were always shithot....9 o'clock, TNT, Nitro. 10 o'clock, Sky Sports, Raw Is War (11-midnight was the War Zone ). Saturday Mornings at 11 on Sky 1 we had Smackdown. Saturday nights at about 10 or 11 and we had ECW on Bravo....also didn't WCW have like a heat/velocity type show on a Friday or Saturday on Channel 5....or am I making that up? My first wrestling that I ever....EVER!!!...had any exposure to was WWF Battle Royal at the Royal Albert Hall. It was on October 3, 1991....bearing in mind I was only born in 1988.....I have no idea how I remember this http://freepages.roo...cards/UK/02.htm This was the first wrestling of any kind I ever saw. The Nasty Boyz vs The Rockers, Tito Santana vs Ric Flair and the Mountie vs Kerry Von Erich syand out as clear as day as some of the first wrestlign matches I ever... ever watched in my life.
  17. I love Sean O'Haire more and more every time I see him ...beast of a swanton.
  18. The big news yesterday came from a radio appearance by Hulk Hogan where he talked about a major name that just signed with TNA and strongly implied that the major name is Rob Van Dam. RVD posted a message on his official website (robvandam.com) stating: "Wow, my phone has been buzzing all day, and not just because the room's been smokey. Ever have one of those days where you can't send out a text before two texts interrupt you. My attention span has been so distracted, I forget who I've called by the time the phone stops ringing and someone answers all the time. And not just because the room is smokey either." Van Dam stated that he'll be making a number of radio appearances this morning (Friday) to address the TNA rumors. Van Dam appeared on Greenville, South Carolina's New Rock 93.3 station this morning and said the following about signing with TNA: "I would say there is a high probability that that's going to happen. The official word is that it's still rumor and I haven't officially signed anything. It's been well-publicized news that I've been talking to both WWE and TNA. But, talks with TNA are sounding really good lately." Does TNA not do drug testing?
  19. <br /><br /><br />Aye and knowing TNA it would be an 8way, flaming cage of doom match wi weapons hangin faethe ceilling andaboot hauf a dozen run ins.
  20. RAW has used loads and loads of promo time during the shows for ages now. So you'd have to be a complete moron to pay to go to one of their shows and not expect it. If you want to pay money to go to RAW and watch wrestling then you have to put up with the promos...thats the deal.
  21. I couldnt be arsed goin back a page to check...I jsut assumed it had been . Anyway, there are some great potnetial matchups starting to become possible in TNA. With AJ, Joe, Angle, Wolfe, RVD, possibly Hardy, Pope etc etc
  22. Oh shit...I thought this had already been posted . Yeah if it materialises and the somehow get Jeff Hardy back then I will be really, really looking forward to Monday nights.
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