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Everything posted by Shuggie_Murray7

  1. Thats the point im getting at. Plus what was his clobber all aboot. They stupid wee sun glasses, his shite tattoo, his shite ring jackets.
  2. Only just 2 or 3 months ago he was fighting AJ for the world title, Hogan comes in and hes back in the X-division scene before falling out of the company completely. Wow Hogan really wasn't high on him was he? I've never liked him to be honest. I think its the way he moves around the ring. He is like wrestlings equivalent of Barry Ferguson.
  3. And the ultimate JBL moment. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_oveYcNZbDc
  4. Meh. Say hello to Curry Man . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkkrQ4drfv0
  5. I hadnae noticed. Besides hes the champ anyway, obviously hes on SmackDown.
  6. I still dont get how people can hate on over the other. I still watch both shows weekly and both have their shite and good parts. WWE loads the opening 20 minutes with a promo and TNA loads the show with aboot half an hour of promo videos throughout the show. The both feature women. WWE are for escorting the guest hosts to the ring etc....TNA's can't wrestle worth a f**k. Both have strengths and weaknesses but thye still have enough to keep me watching.
  7. If its any consolation to you The Rock is rumoured to be hosting at some point during the summer.
  8. WCW were trying to be too much like WWE. Now TNA are goin out of their way to be the exact oppoite of WWE. I dont get how some people can compare TNA to WCW.
  9. Well judging by last weeks RAW it looks like HHH and Sheamus will be continuing their feud. The Undertaker will likely go back into a title feud with whoevr comes out of Extreme Rules as champ. As for Orton, I dont think he'll jump back into the title hunt just yet. There aren't alot of guys thye can have him feud with until thye decide whether he is heel, face or tweener.
  10. Thats the one...I'll never forget the sound of the Big Shows chops that night...I can feel the thinking about it now.
  11. I think I was at that show...not sure about the year. Was it JBL vs Angle vs Cena?
  12. The Cabinet were fucking amazing . In fact JBL's reign as champ is the best one the WWE has seen in years. One of my favourite heels in recent memory.
  13. Its that bad I get confused about who is already dead and whos not. It's a tradgic state of afairs when theres that many young guys dropping dead that you loose track.
  14. Is it wrong that I already thought he was dead?
  15. Its awready been on.....its not a spoiler anymore . Anyway...I'm really struggling as to why they chose Swagger. Two weeks ago Swagger was getting his c**t kicked in off everybody going. Anyway, I enjoyed Jericho during Swaggers address. "Give it back to me come on. Come on give it back to me. Thats mines"
  16. Is it gay of me that I watched that just yesterday?
  17. Aye that made my week when I read that, delighted. Hopefully Good ol' JR is on top form when he getsback to full health and gets that Todd Grisham to f**k when he does.
  18. Thats the ket point. Theres maybe only 3 or 4 guys that are better than Michaels at 50%.
  19. Guys like HBK can't quit cold turkey. I don't have any doubt that he'll wrestle again, but I agree woth Dom, on a one off basis. The good thing about Shawn though is he's been smart woth his money and is pretty much set for life, unlike Flair. I'm gutted to see him go...but I'd rather this than see him end up in a wheel chair or worse. It's good to see someone decide to leave on their own terms.
  20. I'm dreading the day they turn Orton face. He's just not a face, much in the same way Edge isn't. They need to keep him heel or tweener at worst...I got a feeling that an Orton face turn would be a disaster.
  21. I went to train at SWA a few times and it was the big man who was taking the sessions.
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