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Everything posted by Shuggie_Murray7

  1. Anything with Regal in it has me interested.
  2. I'd imagine Mr.McMahon will reinstate McIntyre and give him his IC title back where he will face the winner of the IC title tournament at Over The Limit.
  3. It's the HoF man.....kayfabe doesn't come into it. Did anyone complain when Flair spoke about Steamboat, Dusty, Race etc.? No. It doesn't matter. It's about honouring careers, not continuing storylines that happened 15, 20, 30 years ago.
  4. Indeed. It was played by Matt Bourne, who was actually a pretty good wrestler in his own right Oh and Doink I'm sure I posted this before but he was brilliant....the original Heath Ladgers Joker....he was so sinister and creepy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IhRnWMBcNQQ&feature=related
  5. Aye, this is on the Monday night wars DVD. I suppose WCW had it coming as Bischoff had been playing dirty upto that point.
  6. Dolph Ziggler used to be Nicky in the Spirit Squad and he was Kerwin Whites caddy. Ranjin Singh used to be Khalis manager...now he's his brother. According to WWE, there was no Royal Rumble in 2004....it never existed.
  7. The whole of the character character of Kane is just full inconsistancies. 1) He used to be unable to talk...then he could talk with that throat device...then all of a sudden he can talk perfectly fine....WTF? 2) He was supposed to have been locked in a basement for 20 years, but then we learn he was driving cars and having girlfriends....even though Tori was supposedly the "first woman in his life." WTF? It all boils down to the fact that Vince thinks all of his audience are complete fucking morons.
  8. When he debuted I was still a wean and I genuinely had nightmares about Kane for about a week after I first saw him.
  9. Agreed. Although I cant help but think King has brought it on himself by making his feelings public. Now everywhere he goes he's going to get boos.
  10. Fucks sake Baxter .....8 darts for the game....all missed.
  11. What he said. On the point of NXT, as far as I'm concerned Danielson has been one big let down on the show. If I was to rate the rookies he would be lucky to get second spot. 1) Wade Barrett. If he doesn't brought upto the roster then it's a fucking travesty. I don't want to get carried away, but during the promo challenge I thought he was incredible. When everyone else simply stood and listed flavours of chewing gum etc. he always found a way to turn it round and talk about himself. I've also been impresse by his in ring work too, although nothing special, hes pretty solid. 2) Jusin Gabriel. Aside from Bryan, he;s probably the best worker of the rest. 3) Daniel Bryan. Oviously has his talents but the have pretty much fucked him by the way they have booked him....hes looked shite so far. 4) Heath Slater. I dont know what it is but I actually like him. 5) David Otunga. Hes had the odd entertaining moment, thats about it. 6) Darren Young. Meh. 7) Skip Sheffeild. What a waste of Regal. They could have done something phenomenal by putting Bryan and Regal together. Michael Tarver. Shite!
  12. I agree. He really does look like a cruiserweight which is a shame as he can go. I also reckon his look is shite aswell.
  13. A source of mines ...reckons Lionheart will be heading for a WWE tryout soon. Any truth to this? I call bullshit.
  14. Teddy Long "Smackdown for sure got the better of the draft". I love when they script people to look like idiots. EDIT Cody Rhodes is a fuckin fanny.......wi shite entrance music. Also, how brutal were the Big Shows punches to Jericho and Edge .
  15. I'd say this was the case pretty much up until Sting signed for them.
  16. Ive jus finished watching a load of iMPACT episodes and it is infuriating as f**k. They have the guys there to have a phenomenal promotion but somehow they continue to make honking decisions. 1) The whole Hulk/Abyss angle is embarassing. I find the whole Abyss character embarassing these days when you think back to what he used to be. The secret for Abyss is to stop him talking, turn him heel and bring back James Mitchell. 2) They need to take they tag titles from striker. Their tag division was the main reason I watched TNA for a long time. WWE has completely neglected this aspect of wrestling and TNA has the oppertunity to offer us something which WWE doesn't. They should put the titles on Beer Money and have 3D, Gen-Me and MCMG feuding to become #1 contender. Even looking at their roster maybe thye are a little light on legit tag teams too. Maybe by brining in another team they could havesomething on teir hands. 3) They need to put more emphasis on the X-Division. These days its become like the cruiserweight title in its dying days. I mean Amazing Red? Shannon Moore? Come on to f**k. Get Kaz, Williams, Wolfe, Suicide etc in the mix and bring Joe back, put the title on him and start from the bginning this time in puching him to the moon. 4) With the amount of ex-ECW talent thehy have its about time they did something with it. I'd like to see the face ECW guys vs heel ECW guys Raven/Rhino etc lead by Bischoff vs 3D/Dreamer etc lead by Heyman. Plus there are plenty of other ex ECW guys out there who could do a job. 5) I still have noidea how they have managed to take Hardy, a guy who was the most over wrestler in WWE over the past 2 years and turned him into nothing. To be fair to TNA, I loved the idea of putting AJ with Flair. It became thourghly, thourghly entertaining and the best that the Nature Boy has been in a long, long time. If thye manage to get a few of the points I mentioned right then I think they could begin to get the ratings they crav.
  17. Any value this ever had would be lost now that we know what the ugly fucker looks like. On the point of nobody knowing who Paul Bearer is.....given the current target audience of the WWE none of them would have known who Bfret Hart was. EDIT Also, it would seem we could be seeing The Worlds Greatest Tag Team teaming with Angle in TNA in the not too distant future. I just finished watching RAW and I chuffed that the Hart Dynasty have finally been given theor chance. And this made me chuckle: There is said to be legit heat between Jerry Lawler and Matt Striker. Striker reportedly has a reputation for being an elitist, which is rubbing people the wrong way, as Michael Cole isn't a fan of Striker's either. There have been times that Striker wanted to prepare for a show with his broadcast partners but he irritates them so much that they go out of their way to avoid him until showtime.
  18. TNA is wanting to bring back Christopher Daniels under a pay-per-appearance deal. Fuuuuuuck nooooooo!!! Batista and Rey Mysterio are the most talked about within WWE right now as far as "problems" go. Batista is upset because WWE removed him from the movie due to uncertainty about his future with the company. Mysterio, who has a long time left on his contract, is apparently making a fuss again about money. WWE has been trying to make a new Mexican star in case something happens with Mysterio and he leaves the company. WWE realizes that Mexico is it's hottest market right now. Dos Caras, even though he has been working as a heel, was brought on the road with WWE because there is a directive that the company wants a new Mexican star rolling as quickly as possible. Was Rey not greetin about this a few months ago and got an improved contract? Why did he sign if he wasn't happy with it....he could have made a fortune in Mexico.
  19. When WWE is on form its untouchable as is evident by Sunday nights PPV. But......I'd much rather watch a bad episode of iMPACT over a bad episode of RAW. A bad episodeof iMPACT is hilariously funny to watch. A bad episode of RAW is filled with guest hosts, piss poor comedy segments, divas, Hornswoggle and Santino. I think what we have here is a load of teenagers to guys in their mid 20's longing for the attitude era all over again.
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