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Everything posted by Shuggie_Murray7

  1. Still can;t believe what I watched last night....the man is an arse, but f**k me hes good, I found myself screaming at the tellies when he was on his 3rd 9-darter. Un-fucking-believable.
  2. Can't see Mysterio winning...we've not see Joey Matthews come and help Punk in the last week or two, perhaps he will be revealed?
  3. WWE Championship I Quit match Cena vs Batista World Championship Swagger vs The Big Show IC Match Drew McIntyre vs Kofi Kingston Rey Rey vs CM Punk Randy Orton vs Edge Tag Team Title match Hart Dynasty vs Jericho/Miz R-Truth vs Ted DiBiase
  4. Agreed. From the write ups it got I was expecting a 10/10 effort. It was still good, but I was left slightly disappointed with it.
  5. One-half of the TNA Tag Team Champions Scott Hall was arrested in Chuluota, Florida on May 14th for disorderly conduct and resisting a police officer, according to the Orlando Sentinel. Police were called to the Hitching Post Bar and found Hall cursing at the bartender and customers. Police informed Hall that he was being arrested and went to handcuff him. "Scott refused this directive," reads the police report, "and instead, thrust out his chest, walking closer to me, stating, 'I ain't going down for this [expletive deleted].'" Hall was soon cuffed and placed in a squad car. The bartender claimed Hall was drinking heavily and arguing with customers. The bartender arranged a ride home for Hall but Hall is accused of punching out the window in the car. Hall is also being accused of pushing two women in the parking lot. Waltman no-shows, Hall gets pished. Now all we are waiting on is Nash to blow out a knee and wee got the hat trick. Also, Former World Champion Booker T returned to TNA last night at the TNA live event in Lake Charles, Louisiana. The main event last night was scheduled to be Rob Van Dam vs. AJ Styles but it was announced that Styles wouldn't be appearing because his flight was detoured to another city. The referee went to do a 10 count but at 9, out came Booker T to challenge Van Dam for the TNA World Title.
  6. WWE.com has announced that Carlos Colon (Carlito) has been released from his WWE contract as of today May 21, 2010. According to WWE, "Carlito’s termination was due to his first violation of the WWE Wellness Program and his subsequent refusal to attend a rehabilitation facility."
  7. The contents of the new Ricky Steamboat DVD. Really looking forward to this, I'll definetly be buying it.
  8. And to think a few years people were saying his lack of mic skills would get him nowhere.
  9. Just watching the WWE Special that was on earlier, it was the John Morrison one and he lost just about every match on it.
  10. What pisses me off is that they have things which could potentially be huge for them and then, somehow, they always find a way to f**k it.
  11. Well how else are they going to make a show without anybody on the roster? They need to keep the NXT guys on the show once they are eliminated, or eventually they will end up with 2 guys on the show.
  12. American Pie: The Wedding Seen it a million times before. Pretty pish...apart from Stiffler in the gay bar. Not as good as the second one and not even close to the first.
  13. I think it's about time that I admitted that I got it wrong about Swagger. I said his run would never work, and to be fair he had done f**k all in WWE up until that point, but as far as I'm concerned its been a success. It's fresh and new and so far he;s kept me entertained. His mic skills have come on a shitload in the past few weeks. Along with the Punk/Rey feud its the best thing on WWE TV right now.
  14. Apparently Daniels will be back soon enough. I want a Joe/AJ feud, with Flair with AJ and Taz with Joe.
  15. I genuinely have no fucking idea what they are trying to do with Joe. Are thye putting him back in the X-Division or is he a main eventer or what?
  16. Regal is a fucking hero always has been, always will be. Also, I only recently just read Regals book and it is an awesome read.
  17. To be honest, he looked like the old Scott Hall when he flashed the tights. It's really only in his face that makes him look like he's way out of shape.
  18. If its been shown already then its not a spoiler.....post away
  19. When was the last time Santino had a match that lasted longer than a 3 count? Speaking of a 3 count... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IDV1niw1VOw&feature=related
  20. I'll second that If I'm being honest, I've never really seen what all the fuss was about. Although I don't get along to as many shows as Dom, I've always thought he ws distinctly average when I've seen him. Don't get me wrong, he has had some belters, but I've never saw anything that would suggest he would be anything other that pretty decent. Nae wonder he's frustrated.
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