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Everything posted by Shuggie_Murray7

  1. Anybody try to cast a vote? What a load of shite.
  2. The thing about his finisher is that half of the time he misses it or barely connects....also the name of it if fucking awful.
  3. He has had some great matches...but nothing that would suggest to me that he should be pushed to the main event.
  4. To be honest, I've never really liked him that much. I mean as a gimmick, I think he's pretty good, but as a worker I'm not a fan. He has arguablly the shitest, most stupid, sloppy finisher in wrestling today.
  5. Public Enemies - 8/10 A really good film I thought, but it dragged on a bit.
  6. I guess it depends what you already know about it...when I first watched it there was a whole bunch of stuff that I had no idea baout. I thought the documentary part was fantastic.
  7. The first part I could see....the second part.....no chance. No way they will do a ladder or TLC now that thye have the TLC PPV. I'd like to see Drew vs Orton, Punk vs Rey.....again.
  8. Ok so we have the potential for a good episode of Raw tonight, given that it's viewers choice, what do you want to/think will happen tonight?
  9. Looks like Newton is taking a bit of a pumping.
  10. They were talking yesterday about how Lewis has NEVER beat Taylor on TV...hopefully he can get it
  11. I'd love to see a Taylor/Anderson final....more important an Anderson victory, but to be honest I see no possible way that anyone can stop Taylor.
  12. C'mon Anderson....get in. Anyone know how the semi-final draw shapes up? Do hye have a draw again or has it already been decided?
  13. Anderson has looked really impressive so far...especially when you look at the draw he has had...Van Gerwin, Nicholson, King and ow Hamilton...as ever though, I'm still expecting him to bottle it at some point.
  14. Superb 152 checkout...Taylor is a cert to win it now with Wade dropping out.
  15. 9-9....we're going the distance
  16. Anderson and King seemed like really good mates after the match and King seemed extremely dignified and respectful....I'm not exactly a King fan but he went up a little in my book after that. Now bring on another cracking day.
  17. Another great night of darts. Anderson/King would have been worth the admission alone....superb. A right ding dong battle that goes the distance.......and a nine-darter, great stuff. Reaaly looking forward to tomorrow now.
  18. Bollocks, Angle is terrible these days. If anything, it will be the other way around.
  19. Looking at this draw it could throw up some cracking matches.
  20. DH Smith races into a 4-1 lead already
  21. I have to agree with Anderson...If Nicholson wants the bad boy image then he has to deal with it.
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