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Everything posted by Shuggie_Murray7

  1. And finally Contador makes his move and Andy is onto him in a flash. Andy looked good there, lets hope he didn't blow his load trying to get onto his wheel.
  2. As I've said before, Bourne is very good friends with Cena. Cena has reportedly had a word with Vince.....hence the push. When I watch him he certainly appears to be getting over with the live crowds. His matches he had with Jericho a few weeks ago show he certainly has what it takes to mix it with the main eventers.
  3. Astana have ripped the peloton apart so far, I don;t really see the point though, thye don't really need to eliminate anybody since it's pretty much down to Contador and Schleck. Schleck surely has to make a move today, even if he doesn't gain time at least push Contador to see how he's going.
  4. Former ECW star Chris Hamrick reportedly attempted suicide on July 13th at his home in North Carolina. On his Facebook he wrote, “BIG announcement tonight. Stay tuned. It’s to die for!” Then later he wrote, “Hey world I just took 25 sleeping pills. Goodnight.” Hamrick also reportedly sent several strange text messages to friends before authorities were notified and sent to his home. Hamrick is reportedly getting the help he needs from friends and family. Pretty sad news if true.
  5. Contador really caught Andy sleeping today. It might only be 10 seconds, but given the advantage Contador will have in the TT every one counts. You ahve to wonder what Contador was thinking though, if he had just put his head down and went for the line he could have took more time instead of continually looking round and contesting the stage with Rodriguez.
  6. For the pat two months or so I've avoided as many spoilers as I can, and it really does make it better to watch.
  7. Anyone think wrestling has took a massive turn for the good in the last 4/6 weeks? Both WWE and TNA are not only watchable...but in all honesty, quite enjoyable. It's a change from the same auld pish we've had the last 4/5 years.
  8. The ariel camera clearly shows Dean leaning into Renshaw. Raging
  9. Anyone see someone cashing in on Sunday. I can't see them having two guys running around with contracts. I'd expect someone to cash in on the night or in the not too distant future.
  10. Possible spoiler on the whole Nexus angle:
  11. A relatively uneventful days racing. Cav clearly isn't interested in the green jersey anymore since he allowed Thor to go for the intermediate sprints unchallenged.
  12. Really? I think he's looked the strongest rider so far, looking slightly better than Contador as well. Loosing Frank has worked out well for Andy, Saxo Bank now have one single definitive leader. I still reckon he can do it. He only has 41 seconds so I expect him to reallyhave a go before the TT. If he can put another minute into Contador he should be just about able to hold him off.
  13. And he has a lead of 41 seconds just now? You need to remember that it was a pretty short prologue too, and chances are he'll take more in the time trial. The race to the the Tourmalet should be fun.
  14. How much did Contador take out of Andy in the prologue?
  15. Schleck really does look good this year....he'll still need to find more time on Contador, I wouldnt be too confident with him going with this sort of lead into the time trial.
  16. Bang goes his podeum finish...he'll probably drop out of the top ten on GC.
  17. It is now definetly a two horse race for the yellow jersey.
  18. To be honest..it looks shite with either one of them.
  19. Orton jobs to a move which Edge does in every one of his matches and is lucky to get a 2 count. BTW...Bourne/Orton spot was fucking incredible.
  20. Scratch that....Regal is my ultimate hero!
  21. I'll be firmly supporting Schleck from now on. Contador looked a bit suspect today. When he had all his Astana boys he looked good, but when thye all fell away and some riders started having a go at him he looked a bit uncertain.
  22. York....they're Britpop, not Madchester. It has to be Inspiral Carpets.
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