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Everything posted by Shuggie_Murray7

  1. I'm just sitting watching old Muhammad Hassan promos. He was fucking great. For me he's the last guy to get REAL heat from a crowd.
  2. Yes. It's jus shite promo.........dance of.........gets his arse out. Same old shite everytime. On a side note, I'm in Seattle just now until the end of the month and I'm going to see one of thir promotions on the 20th. http://www.tulalipchampionshipwrestling.com/tcwroster.html It looks shite.
  3. I think I've seen him 3 times now....and I can't distinguish between any of them.
  4. As reported earlier, TNA Wrestling has suspended Samoa Joe due to an incident that took place at the July 13 television taping. Following the former World Heavyweight Champion's match with Jeff Hardy, he reportedly yelled at TNA production members because he felt the finish was telegraphed due to ring announcer Jeremy Borash counting down its conclusion. Company brass instructed Borash to make the announcement, going against Joe's request. He entered the production truck while the broadcast was ongoing to complain, which is considered a breach of etiquette. A decision was made to suspend him due to his conduct. The suspension is reportedly for one month. He was not at last week's iMPACT! television tapings in Orlando. He is also not listed for any upcoming live events. How fucking stupid can you get? We already knew that he wasn't happy about it, but to go into the production truck during the show...what an idiot.
  5. Any other transfer rumours? I heard that Damiano Cunego is set for Liquigas.
  6. This still remains my favourite out of character video I wonderI Punk is still welcomed in Straight Edge circles after that.
  7. I've compiled a list of all PPV's from 2000, and you have to admit, looking through them all, there is not one single bad PPV.
  8. It was the Armageddon Hell in a Cell, with Rikishis insane bump from the top of the cell to the truck conveniently filled with hay....it was like something froma cartoon.
  9. Aye... anyone think the Team WWE implosion is a swerve?
  10. What a great year 2000 was. Triple H/The Rock feud is still the dreatest one I have ever seen. Not onyl were the storylines perfect. The amtches were absolutely incredible and the booking was fucking mental.
  11. Backlash 2000 is 2nd on my all time favourite PPV list. The opener was decent. Malenko/Scotty was superb and was given way more time than I thought it would, but thak god it did. If I remember right Eddie/Rios was nae bad either. Benoit/ Jericho was sensational. The main event is one of my most memorable main events I've ever seen......incredible.
  12. My favourite PPV of all time. Classic. Hardys vs Dudleys in a table match. Tazzs debut. A trmendous street fight with HHH and Cactus jack and a great Rumble match. I still remember the hole HHH had in his leg after spiking it on a wooden pallet. I think Taka was taken to hospital, didn't he dislocate his shoulder?
  13. Jus watched the main event from SmackDown and it was most definetly a throwback to attidue, very entertaining. By far the best episode of any WWE TV show since the beginning of the nexus angle.
  14. Shit I missed this. Not too sure about it, looks a bit iffy to me.
  15. Just watched SmackDown and it was pretty good. A decent match with Kofi/Ziggler and a wee cracker in McIntyre/Christian.
  16. I forgot to mention Richards earlier, he really should be much higher. Form 250+ I counted about 60 odd that I'd ever heard of, which makes you wonder whats the point in doing it all the way to 500. The top 200 would be plenty.
  17. I was waiting to see who'd hit out with that first. Heres the 500 At a glance I can't see him.
  18. Lets be honest, the PWI 500 has little significance on anything to do with wrestling, I jus thought it would stir up a little debate. For me AJ had an absolutle belter of a year and deserved to at least be in the top 2, so the fact that he's number 1 isn't really a surprise to me. A list where Kevin Nash and Matt Morgan are above MCMG and Otunga above Kaval is rediculous. How Eli Cottonwood isn't 500th I'll never know.
  19. PWI 500 List of 2010 (well the top 50 anyway)
  20. Those are on live. If you come on here after a live show a see a "spoiler" then you can't blame anyone. Generally I just stay away from here until I've watched it. I hate when people fail to use spoiler tags when discussing iMPACT, just bacause it airs in the US beofre it does here.
  21. Never listen to what strange men tell you on the street.
  22. <br /><br /><br />Shit....I knew I forgot something.
  23. I'm one of the few who doesn't get the Cav-hating. I'm not his biggest fan, but personally I don't mind him. I can't see Wiggins ever up challenging for a podium again. Last year was a fluke. The form he found came out of nowhere and I'd say it's unlikely he'll recapture for the duration of a whole tour. The next few years of the tour should be fascinating. Obviously I can see Contador getting a couple more, but at the same time I see Schleck getting at least one tour win against Contador.
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