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Everything posted by Shuggie_Murray7

  1. Thats the best compliment he'll ever get from you.
  2. Everyone needs luck at some stage to win the tour, Contador got his and he took advantage of it wether it was fair or unfair (it was unfair in my book) but there are no rules saying he had to wait. But as I said, he wins it by 39 seconds, the exact amount he took that day which makes both of them as even as any two riders in a tour have ever been as far as I'm concerned. As has been said, Schleck was a bit of a surprise last year, has been superb but unlucky this year....I already can't wait for next years tour.
  3. For A Few Dollars More (1965) It's the man with no name.....what more do you need? It's slightly better than A Fist Full of Dollars and not quite as good as The Good The Bad And The Ugly in the Dollars trilogy. EDIT: The scene with the hats is fantastic. 8.5/10
  4. It appears it did. I cringed watching that Dreamer promo tonight. Especially the fake greetin. Thats 2 promos in 2 nights that I've cringed at after seeing Kanes last night...that fuckin dramatic background music is shite....I remember they used the same for Matt when he turned heel on Jeff at the RR.
  5. It's not the same amount of time. Schleck had a 31 second lead going into the stage, after it Contador led by 8.....a 39 second swing caused by the mechanical.
  6. No doubt Thor will go hunting at the intermediates, which means Pettachi will have to go too. Can't see Cav bothering his arse, he'll just go for the stage.
  7. Well I didn't see that coming. Superb TT by Schlecks standards. For me this is the closest tour I've seen especially considering the controversy the other day. But it has been fascinating. The 39 seconds Contador took the other day is all that separates them which just shows how evenly matched they have been. Schleck has been a huge surprise this year. I expected him to make podium, and if I'm being honest I fully expected him to get 2nd, but I never imagined he'd be as close as this to Contador. As for tomorrow, Cav looks like a shoe in after his win yesterday. Not too sure where Pettachi has to come to win the green. Big Thor must be gutted that Cancellara nutralised the race into Spa now, it really has cost him.
  8. How embarassing is it whe thye play dramatic background music during a promo?
  9. Sky by a mile for me. It has been an utter disaster from them. Wiggins in 24th? He didn't even challenge in the prologue. Apart from Thomas stting 2nd in the GC for a few days it's been miserable tour for them. It was highlighted yesterday when they set up Boasson Hagen for the sprint yet Cavendish still won without any of his own team. At least Liquigas have had a Kreuziger who alone has done more than the entire Sky team.
  10. I actually think I hate Cottonwood.....he is utter shite. He walks funny, his promos are shite, he cannae wrestle, how the f**k did he get on the show? For me I would have: 1) Kaval 2) Alex Riley 3) Husky Harris 4) Michael McGillicutty 5) Lucky Cannon 6/7) Joint last would be Eli Cottonwood and Percy Watson Cottonwoods tache promo was pathetic. "Real men have moustaches" erm.......Eli.....you don't have a tache you fucking idiot.
  11. I thought Schlecks comments were odd regarding the TT. He said that unless he starts his TT after Contador, ie. in the yellow jersey, then he has no chance of winning. To be honest, I don't ink it would matter if he knew what Contador was doing on the road ahead of him, he still wouldn't better his time. It's a bit of a shame for Schleck that Contador will win the tour with only two real attacks of any note, one where he took 10 seconds and the other coming whilst Schleck had a mechanical.
  12. Schleck takes it, Contador didn't challenge since Schleck dragged them both all the way to the line. 8 seconds the gap still and Contador will no doubt destroy him in the TT.
  13. It apears to me that that c**t Landis is chipping in with his tuppence worth to deflect from his own wrong doing.
  14. Of course it does. It would be rediculous for it to apply to the entire field.
  15. I was going to point this out, but I'm not the most knowledgable when it comes to ECW and wasn't sure if I was talking out my arse. Wasn't there a shoot Paul E. did on TNN about how little backing thye were giving ECW?
  16. It is believed that TNA Wrestling's May and June pay-per-view events, Sacrifice and Slammiversary, drew approximately 8,000 buys apiece. The gross sum per event would total to approximately $111,000 for the company, though that is before the expense of running a live pay-per-view event is factored in. By comparison, TNA drew in the neighborhood of 25,000 to 30,000 pay-per-view buys when iMPACT! was airing at 11 p.m. on Saturday nights. And when WCW was on its death bed, the company was still garnering approximately 40,000 buys per pay-per-view. To draw another comparison, illegal live streams of TNA Wrestling pay-per-view events are nowhere near as popular as that of WWE and UFC. According to a source in monitoring, there are usually thirty to fifty unique live streams for wrestling pay-per-view events with an average of 1,000 viewers per stream prior to its termination. For last week's Victory Road pay-per-view, there were only five streams across the major live streaming sites — Justin.tv, Ustream.tv and freedocast.com. Victory Road garnered less than 1,500 viewers per stream. Meanwhile, live streams for WWE events are in the triple digits with most averaging 60,000 viewers, and UFC events tend to have live viewers in excess of 200,000.
  17. He said he accepted Contadors apology and that it was forgotten about. The point that someone made earlier about Roche falling behind and nobody waiting for him is shite as well. The gentlemens rule of waiting is aimed more at the yellow jersey contenders. Roche falling behind had absolutely no bearing on the GC. As I already said, if Contador fails to win by anymore than 40 seconds then I'll view it as worthless, but chances are he will win it by more than that given the fact that thye have the big one on Thursday and the TT (where AC will more than likely destroy Schleck). The thing that's annoying is that we will never know what would have happened at the point of Schlecks mechanical as he looked to be pulling away and had Contador struggling.
  18. When it happened though I'd say it was the exact opposite of what Contador claims. It didn't happen when HE was attacking. It happened when Schleck was attacking and Contador was struggling to keep his wheel.
  19. It's all this "Andy had a mechanical AS I WAS ATTCKING" bullshit that I don't buy. Correct me if I'm wrong but Schleck was the one attacking and Contador was defending, trying to get onto Schlecks wheel. No?
  20. So if Contador wins the tour by any less than 40 seconds you think he'll have deserved it?
  21. I thought that Darren Young was Gabriel for a minute there.
  22. Pretty pathetic for Contador to take advantage of that and proves that he is indeed shiteing himself from Schleck. Does he seriously expect us to believe that he didn't know what had happened? He took a look down at Schlecks chain has he passed him. Are we supposed to believe that from the point where it happened, all the way to the finish, that he wasn't told what had happened to Schleck over the team radio? I'm not saying that the sportsmanship stuff should be there, but everyone else abides by it, why shouldn't Contador here. I'm sorry, but no matter what excuses get wheeled out, that was bullshit today. If Contador wins the tour by any less than 40 seconds then I or one won't particularly view him as the winner. In saying all that, what it does give us is a great few days racing now as Schleck has no option but to come out and attack.
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