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Everything posted by Shuggie_Murray7

  1. Assassins 8/10 Not the usual Stallone film. Yes its got shoot outs and fighting but this one has an actual plot to it. Nothing special, but entertaining nonetheless.
  2. So Barrett will be getting some sort of title shot soon?
  3. And Khali takes a further step away from the monster he used to be........what a laughing stock he has become.
  4. "Look at this fella. Who ate all the pies?"
  5. Cracking match on Vintage Collection tonight from SummerSlam 2001, Edge vs Lance Storm.
  6. I liked them. Te only thing that made no sense was creating a stable with a tag team when there isn't even a tag division. I'v been a fan of DiBiase since he debuted but I can't stand Rhodes, he's one of the most bland guys on the roster. In saying that, I enjoyed him in Legacy. They had some absolute cracking matches including that HIAC match with DX which I thought was phenomenal. They ruined it a little bit when they started taking in new members who quite simply weren't good enough in Manu and Sim Snuka. At one stage they really were getting great heat from live crowds. It was probably at this time that Orton was incredible levels of heat, handcufifng HHH to the ropes and DDTing Steph springs to mind. All in all a team that I really liked. Diamond Dallas Page
  7. But when the promo is that good theres no need. Just turn the lights down and put the red lights on and let him talk. Seriously, his promo was superb. Usuallyhe just come out, talks pish, uses words like "vengence" and raises his voice at certain bits,oring as f**k. But theres something about this one that makes it brilliant.
  8. A belting promo ruined by that shite dramatic music. f**k knows why thye use it. That promo last night didn't need.
  9. As a kid I used to love him. But now that I've grown up I'm not a fan. The whole gimmick was far too cartoony for me (and I loved gimmicks like Doink the Clown back in the day). He was the Goldberg of the late 80's/early 90's. Far from a good worker, but when he was in there with the right guys, he was dragged to some cracking matches with guys like Rick Rude and Jake Roberts. His promos wre whacky as hell and given the direction of the WWF at the time (aimed at kids) nobody knew what the hell he was talking about. Sgt. Slaughter
  10. For me he is one of the guys who will do anything to keep his name bing talked about. Back in WCW he was only interested in doing "shoots" so people would think "oh f**k he hates such and such". Easily in my top 5 workers ever. Some of his matches with Bret blow my mind. The Mr.Perfect gimmick worked ver well for him but when he made the move to WCW I wasn't a fan of the whole "rap is crap" gimmick. He was the guy who could always be trusted,proven by his IC title reigns in WWF and his US title reign in WCW but was never really given the chance to make it on the main event level. His return at the Rumble resulted in one of the loudest cheers I've ever gave watching wrestling. Amazing, amazing, amazing wrestler who just lacked the other components to elevate him all the way to the top. Ahmed Johnson
  11. I'm not saying he couldn't. But if he was the guy who had great matches (vs HBK springs to mind) and didn't kill himslef in those iconic matches, I bet a very small percentage would even care.
  12. Theres something seriously fucked up with him where he thought he had to kill himself everynight, but when you think about it, he did. Who would ever have gave a f**k if he hadn't thrown himself from the top of that cell or through it vs HHH...or the I Quit vs Rock at the Rumble. Otherwise he'd just have been some fat wrsetler. I kinda see where Flair was coming from when he called him a stunt man, but he was never one to ust do crazy stuff just for the hell of it. He has delivered some of my favourite promosin wrestling history, including in the build up to Foley/Edge vs Funk/Dreamer. Scott Steiner
  13. Played one of my favourite gimmicks/characters of all time. To be honest you couldn't have given him a harder gimmisck to play and he did if brilliantly. Had some decent matches with Razor Ramon when he first debuted. His match with Piper at Mania 12 is one that loved (probably because I was 8 ). He had his fair share of shite gimmicks in WCW. I also enjoyed him as Black Reign. Steve Corino
  14. Del Rio looks like he is goning to be really good. That Kane promo is the best thing he has done in years. One of the hottest heels of the 80's. He just really knew how to make people hate him from bring the women into the ring for a bit a tache kissing. It's a shame he never got a world title reign during his run in WWF. He carried the Warrior to some of his best matches.....and he had some of the greatest tights I've ever seen. Dean Malenko
  15. One of the guys who showed you don't have to be 6'5, 260 to wrestle along with Bret and Shawn. One of the most loyal guys I think I;ve ever seen in the businees as he pretty much portrayed any gimmick asked of him. To be honest I always prefered him to Bret for some reason. He had more charisma and was just as good a wrestler. Davey Boy Smith
  16. I'm sitting here bored and just thought of something drum up a bit of good ol' wrestling chat. Basically, one person names a wrestling personality from the past, present or future and the next person explains their feelings towards them. They can then name another person. I'm not sure if this will catch on, but what the hell. I'll go first. Jerry Lawler
  17. Aye....I'm only upto 90 something but. That one about Nash catching the cup is clearly bolllocks....but I chuckld at Halls story.
  18. I loved him when he first debuted in ECW. He had a few cracking matches as you say with Punk, didn't he have a wee cracker with Benoit in what turned out to be Benoits last match?
  19. If I remember correctly Burke was tremendous in ECW
  20. Aye R-Truth is shite....always has been, always will be. Dancing about like a fanny doesn't count as charisma, but I suppose compared to Shelton Benjamin he's Hulk Hogan.
  21. True. It's part of WWE trying to create more black characters for their audience. Hes not a main eventer but it being a 7 on 7 match they ran out of other guys.
  22. I think it's time you stopped watching WWE.
  23. I haven't changed my mind from when I first saw it.....horrific. Who the f**k holds "World Tag Team bronze"?
  24. And we get interference from Sheamus after 2 minutes.....pish.
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