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Everything posted by Shuggie_Murray7

  1. Finally got round to watching the last weeks wrestling. Just finished with RAW and the stuff between Cena and The Nexus is phenomenal. After Cena and Barrett squaring up last week I didn't think they would be able to give those kind of performances again but they did. Barrett really is superb at the role he is playing.
  2. Surely they must. The feud has been the best one they have done in years.....surely it has to go all the way to Mania.
  3. For the first tme in a long time I had goosebumps at the end of an episode of RAW. Incredible stuff.
  4. I used something similar once at work, whilst talkin to people who claimed The Rock as "the greatest wrestler of all time"....the looked at me like I was mental.
  5. Congratulations....another wee buddie in the world.
  6. I can't bear to watch any more than one episode a month, it's not good for my health.
  7. I thought this had already been confirmed? Anyway I good decision as he had fallen quite a bit from the SmackDown main event. Hopefully he gets put in a programme someone....I'm praying for Danielson vs Punk.
  8. I read that earlier, but it didn't say it was confirmed, just said it looked like he may be done.
  9. Like I said, I've not watched in quite a few weeks, but from last nights promo it appeared to me as though they were the heels.
  10. I don't particularly care about the decisions they have made, it's more the number of changes in such a short space of time.
  11. Watched iMPACT! for the first time in a few weeks last night and so much has changed in such little time. 1) The Pope is now heel and with Sting/Nash? 2) Generation ME are heel? 3) Eric Young and Orlando Jordan are a team? 4) Don't even get me started on the wumins division and the Beautiful People Thats my problem with TNA, it's too choppy changey. Miss a few weeks of WWE and the same feuds are still running jus the story has evolved. Miss the same if TNA and have the roster has changed from heel to face and vice versa.
  12. Absolutely ludicrous suggestion. I'm a huge wrestling fan and right through the 70's, 80's and 90's there was no testing. It was obviousfrom looking at half the guys that there was wide spread steroid use and only over the past few years have the effects been taking place. The number of deaths under the age of 50 is unbelievable, there is another one every other month, guys are dropping like flies. Allowing riders to dope would see the same happen to cycling in 10 years time. Horrible idea.
  13. It gave us the likes of Edge/Swagger from the other night, which had no build up at all and didn't merit a spot on a PPV card.
  14. Watched the road race earlier today and it was pretty good. Who was the p***k on commentary though? He was clueless. The camera showed Gilbert getting passed with about 2k to go and yet going into the home straight, the last couple hundred meters tye were still talking about how he hadn't been caught yet.
  15. Cheers for the info. To be honest, I thought it would be much better here than over there. I have no idea, haven't had time to look up on it yet. I assumed as she is American, it wouldn't be a problem.
  16. My girlfriend is American, so naturally wants to go back there. My heid is spinning, we've got ages yet to decide that.
  17. Not even known a week and already she hasstarted an arguement over where the baby is going to be born.
  18. Flair is just an extensions of the character he played inthe dying days of WCW......the nutcase. He does it better than anyone I've seen and is by far and away the best promo guy in the business right now.
  19. There is. A #1 contenders diva battle royal or something. Wasn't worth mentioning though as no fucker cares.
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