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Everything posted by Shuggie_Murray7

  1. That can't be Matt Hardy. Clearly that picture was taken in a gym.
  2. Kaval would have fitted perfectly into the SES.
  3. Most of my wrestling loving mates (all both of them) hate him too......I'm not sure why, I don't mind him.
  4. Danielson was was always going to win? How so?
  5. Wrong. Ziggler/Kingston, Miz/Danielson, Taker/Kane made it far from boring
  6. Was MVP not blabbering on about fighting Swagger at Night of Champions a couple weeks back?
  7. The 6 pack challenge is elimination....so that will go at last 45 minutes.
  8. I was wondering what DeMarcus Beasley was upto these days.
  9. I get where people are coming from with the heel Cole thing, but he's shite jus now. Heeling it up for one guy/match is pish...turn him full time....add JR back into the mix and we have a winner.
  10. Yaaaaaaaaaasssss!!!! Great match...the crowd are going fucking nuts.
  11. As leader if the SES he was made to look shite by there continuous jobbing and when you add to that Punk being knocked out on a weekly basis...he has looked shite.
  12. TBH that was bettet than expected...but thay haven't half done a good job of making Punk look like shite in this feud.
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