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Everything posted by Shuggie_Murray7

  1. In a way, yes. It was nostalgia trip. You weren't supposed to take it seriously, well apart from Raven/Dreamer I guess. It was nothing special but I enjoyed it.
  2. I enjoyed Hardcore Justice for what it was.
  3. Got the potential for some good matches tonight with Nexus vs WWE again. Barett/Jericho could be decent if it's an actual match and not part of an angle.
  4. I can't see them feuding with one another, that means one season would have to shit on the other. I reckon they'll both join up.
  5. The way I'd go from here with this is hve Nexus take the whole "we're embarassed" approach and begin taking out members of WWE. Have them take more people out than they already have, have them attack SmackDown guys aswell and build up to Survivor Series were its Nexus vs WWE (RAW & SmackDown) where Nexus pul off the victory. Not only would it achieve what people feel should have been done last night but guys like Barrett and Sheffeild would look superb.
  6. Aye it was honking, but it's still one of their biggest drawing PPV's of the year. What if Nexus had won? Then they have already toppled three of the top guys in the company and are let with what exactly? Having Nexus job was the right thing to do in order to keep the angle running. Having them go over would have made Team WWE look like what? Anyone who would pay for any PPV other than Mania or the Rumble is a mug. If you spend £15 on a PPV and it turns out to be shote then get it up ye.
  7. Way to bolden only half of the sentence, did you tire yourself out half way through? If you read it again I said they wouldn't loose AT ONE OF THE BIGGEST PPV'S OF THE YEAR. Of course I can Nexus winning at a later date, and not on one of the big four PPV's. Oh and they weren't unbeatable....I don't know how to break this to you, but they lost.
  8. I said WWE would win. No way would Vince have Cena, Edge and Jericho job to what many of his audience still see as a bunch of nobodies on one of his biggest PPV's of the year. To be honest I don't think this is the end of the WWE vs Nexus thing. I can see them continuing until the Nexus look unbeatable and eventually have them beat the WWE.
  9. Lookin forward to tonight, well apart from the 2 title matches. Ziggler/Kingston should be nae bad, but to be honest I'm not that highon Ziggler,I am however a big Kingston fan. It'll be interesting to see what happens with Show and Punk. Nexus/WWE is the PPV. It's the match which makes me want to watch the PPV. Its hard trying to figure whats gona happen. I can't see Kane/Rey not having the Undertaker in it at some point...yet I reckon HHH will come back against Nexus.....but would WWE have both comeback...on the sme PPV?
  10. Pretty good iMPACT tonight. MCMG/Beer Money was the highlight of the night......again. In saying that though I didn't like the 2 out of 3 falls stip. It was so obvious it was goning to go to the final fall anyway I'd have prefered just a straight up tag match and given the same amount of time. That way it would have been far more dramatic, but to be honest I'm nitpicking, in the same way I was disapointed in HBK/Bret ironman at Mania 12 because it finished 0-0. To be honest Angle/AJ was nothing special, still decent bout for TV. Moore/Hardy was good it was actually a decent little surprise match. Where was Lethal? Was he in tonights episode at all?
  11. Thats the one thing thatalways got me with him. He was a decent enough wrestler but as a personality he was ust soooo bland and boring, he got that great oppertunity when they put him with Jericho and still he showed zero personality.
  12. If we are talking WWF/E, WCW and ECW guys then yes, but if we include wrestlign as a wholeI reckon it'd be much higher than 120. It shows you the state if wrestling today. I text my mate earlier to let hik know about Cade and his reply was "Aye thats a sore one but we were due anohter on by now."
  13. We are sad to report that former WWE superstar Lance Cade (real name Lance McNaught) was found dead today. He was 29 years old and leaves behind two young daughters. Cade was trained by former WWE superstar Shawn Michaels in late 1990’s at Michaels’ wrestling academy in San Antonio, Texas. He held WWE tag team gold with his partner Trevor Murdoch and had a brief run as Chris Jericho’s protege during Jericho’s feud with Shawn Michaels a few years ago. During that program, he was released from WWE after an incident on an airplane where Cade took too many painkillers and went into a seizure. He was brought back to WWE developmental last year but was never used on television and was released again earlier this year. Cade spoke openly in several interviews about his struggle with sleeping pills. He had been working for independent promotions and in Japan over the past year. We extend our deepest condolences to the family and friends of Lance McNaught. Following the news that former WWE superstar Lance Cade was found dead this morning at the age of 29 due to apparent heart failure, several people from WWE and TNA have posted messages on Twitter regarding the news: Jim Ross: “Multiple sources have reported that Lance Cade passed away a few hours ago of heart failure. Our condolences go out to his family & friends” Shawn Michaels: “5min aft my morning tweet I got the call about Lance. No words will b good enuff. 1 of my boys is gone.” Matt Hardy: “Was saddened to hear about the passing of Lance Cade today. My condolences & thoughts are with his family & children. It’s a sad situation.” Christopher Daniels: “RIP Lance Cade.” Mick Foley: “I am very sorry to hear about the passing of Lance Cade. Only 29 – I had no idea he was so young. My thoughts go out to his family.” Taz: “More deepest condolences to Lance Cade’s family. I got to know Lance slightly in WWE, He was a good guy with tons of potential…RIP. “ Matt Morgan: “Very sad to hear loss of Lance Cade! Great young performer,lance trained in ovw with alot us and had limitless potential! Our condolensces to Lance’s family. He had two beautiful daughters. RIP buddy. I hate that this keeps happening. “ Shannon Moore: “My thoughts and prayers go out to Lances family and kids. I have many great memories of lance and was fortunate to spend a great amount of time with him when we lived in Cinci for WWE. You will be missed!!!!” So WWE claims it was heart failure...no need to guess why I suppose.
  14. I don't want to spoil SummerSlam for anyone......but:
  15. Thats why I'm saying it....Cena was meant to be out for like another 4 months. I can see a huge swerve coming. I don't know if anyone else can remember but they said HHH would be back by SummerSlam and then he mysteriously "reinjured himself and needed another op which would keep him out of SummerSlam". Imagine the ovation he would get this time.
  16. I'll say Triple H will be the 7th guy....and that team WWE will destroy the Nexus.
  17. Belting episode of Raw. The change if heart of Jericho and Edge was epic.
  18. For anyone who hasn't seen Hardcore Justice yet: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmnhFfgT8Bw
  19. Not only was Hassan one of my favourite heel chracters of the past 10 years or so but Daivari was a phenomenal manager too.
  20. I'm actually looking forward to it....even if it's only for sentimental reasons.
  21. Lethal Weapon MARTIN FUCKING RIGGS!!! Thats all you need in a film. 10/10 No Country For Old Men One of my favourite films. Chigurh is one of the greatest movie villains ever, his enigmatic persona becomes quite creepy. Tommy Lee was superb in it aswell. I truly gripping watch, I genuinely started watching it on the couch and by the end i was inches from the screen waiting to see what happens next....even though I've seen its about a dozen times. 10/10
  22. Planes, Trains and Automobiles - 9/10 One of my favourite comedy films ever. John Candy is in top form in it. I love the Steve Martin scene where he's trying to rent the car. A comedy film with a genuinely poignant ending. Kept me entertained, brilliant film.
  23. I loved him simply because his promos were so close to the bone. Everything he said hd elements of truth to it. For me, his promos are as close to reality as wrestling gets, I loved his run, it's just a shame it didn't last.
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