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Everything posted by Shuggie_Murray7

  1. I'll go for Cancellara today....he seems to do it most years.
  2. The Cena/Edge Last Man Standing was indeed a fucking beauty.
  3. I doubt it was the clothesline....if that is when it happened, and chances are it was, I thought at the time Steamboat took a really hard bump off that spinbuster from Otunga.
  4. WWE posted the following on their website: "Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat performed a stunt with other Legends this past Monday. Late Wednesday night, Ricky was experiencing pain in his neck and shoulder, and immediately went to the hospital. It is not clear if his current condition is related to his performance on Monday night. WWE is waiting to hear more from the attending physicians." - According to F4Wonline.com, Steamboat's condition has been upgraded to stable condition. Apparently Steamboat suffered a brain aneurysm Wednesday night in Tampa, Florida. Steamboat is likely to remain hospitalized for a while. A work? I seriously hope so.
  5. After some of the shit that happened in WCW with creative control I highly doubt it.
  6. Thats always been his problem. Amazing matches in the ring... but can't cut a promo worth a f**k, his voice doesn't fit the way he looks. His mic skills have always been holding him back. Also, does anybody think The Miz and Alex Riley look similar?
  7. Just watched the last episode again and I have to say, Kaval and Harris are my two favourites by miles.
  8. Never has a possible WHC match seemed so unappealing.
  9. I'm thinking more of the aftermath of MitB. The lack of heels in the match means a high chance of a face victory, and with Rey as champ and heading into SummerSlam etc. I'm wondering what they are going to do.
  10. When I forst read it I thought it had a particular whiff of bullshit about it, but apparently it was something they were seriously considering. Put it this way, if he won MitB, there is no chance in hell he would have become champ. Looking at MitB now from the SmackDown side of things, there is a lack of heels in the match now with Drews issues and Punks injury.
  11. Can't see that, surely if Seamus notified them, then the genius responsible would have thought "Oh we better check Wade and Drews aswell". EDIT: Drew must be gutted, I jsut read that the plan was to have him WIN MITB.
  12. Kind of a gutter though that if the rumours are true he won't be in the MitB.
  13. Word going around at the WWE SmackDown tapings tonight is that CM Punk had surgery on his arm last week. Apparently Punk may be out of action for 4-8 weeks from the surgery. Punk has been working hurt for at least a few weeks.Punk will appear on this week’s SmackDown with a sling on his arm.
  14. I thought Drew married a yank? And how did Barretts and McIntyres expire yet Seamus' didnae?
  15. Apparently he's one of Cenas best mates in the locker room and Cena has been having a word in Vinces ear that he should be pushing him.
  16. Could see that beat down of the "legends" coming a mile off. Also, Nexus doesn't seem right without Barrett, I'm definetly a fan of his.
  17. Like I said before, it's like Lost, the writers don't seem to have a fucking clue where they are going with it.
  18. Coming to SmackDown soon is "The Honest Man" Alberto Del Rio (Dos Caras Jr without the mask, a wealthy, upper class Mexican.
  19. Whis bright idea was it to give Cody Rhodes 10 minutes of mic time....he's a tedious p***k. EDIT: Holy f**k...a vignette on WWE TV.....I've no seen one of them since......Punk??? EDIT AGAIN: A vignette and a brawl outside the arena?....Fuckin hell, it's like watching wrestling 10 years ago
  20. I haven't bothered for ages. They are full of wankers, ran by wankers. I tend to just read through them, but can;t bring myself to post anymore.
  21. Does anyone get the feeling that Raw is like Lost, in that the writers ahve no idea yet where there going with the whole Nexus angle?
  22. I thought that was pretty obvious to be honest.
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