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Everything posted by Shuggie_Murray7

  1. If I see a match I fancy, then I read it, if not Ijust scroll past it....spolier tags would make sense though for those not interested.
  2. Thats fuckin out of order.......what aboot them that don't know.
  3. Just finished watching RAW and I got choked up at HBK's farewell address.....Yes. I am a sad b*****d. Also, I actually loved the bit where Bret squared upto ShowMiz and the Hart Dynasty came out. Thats the best they've been made to look yet.
  4. Not sure if this merits a spoiler or not...but what the hell:
  5. Im not so sure the signing Goldberg would make that much sense. He'd fit in better in TNA. WWE's target audience ie. kids wouldn;t know who he is. He was a massive name in WCW in the 90's but what would they know about. I know people will say what about Hart but kids will only know Hart as being at the centre of Montreal.
  6. John Cena vs Triple H - WrestleMania 22 Mick Foley vs Edge - WrestleMania 22 Shawn Michaels vs Steve Austin - WrestleMania 14 Shawn Michaels vs Bret Hart - WrestleMania 12 Edge & Christian vs The Dudley Boyz vs The Hardy Boyz - WrestleMania 17 Steve Austin vs Bret Hart - WrestleMania 13 Triple H vs Shawn Michaels vs Chris Benoit - WrestleMania 20
  7. Batista? Naw Cena? Definetly...I'm confident the two pull a shit hot match out at Mania. I've just been reading this and found it **ahem** quite interesting. A letter to Linda McMahon
  8. Right up forMania now. Taker/HBK, Cena/Batista, Orton/DiBiase/Rhodes and Rey/Punk should all be really good. Bret/Vince will be as expected, shite for a wrestling PPV but entertaining to watch nonetheless. MitB will be the usual clusterfuck, spotfest....but it'll have me entertained still.
  9. Theres about 6 or 7 of us going this year...but only 3 of us watch wrestling. The rest are going for a piss up,although thye did that last year and ended up hooked after Taker/HBK. Not sure what the drink deals are but the last time is was in the price of a pint wasn't too bad...£2 or somethin....oh aye and the special offer of a 4 pint pitcher for £8 . EDIT: Oh aye...I f you want seats you'll have to reserve them ASAP.
  10. Have you got nae mates that watch WrestleMania....or even enjoy a cheap piss up? I stay in Motherwell but theres a group of 5/6 of us so taxi it general cost us only about £5/6 each. If you can get a group I'd recommend it, it beats watchin it in the hoose yerself. Watchin it wi other wrestling fans, great atmosphre and getting pished all at the same time .
  11. Sports Cafe on Sauchiehall Street? I've went there for Mania the past three years now and they've all been good nights. Relatively cheap booze and nae bawbag claimin that "it's aw fake you know".....great atmosphere especially for the big matches....watching Taker vs HBK last year was awesome.
  12. I always loved goofy Kurt. He always had me entertained both in the ring and on the mic. I also enjoyed psycho Kurt once he got his head shaved, although I couldn't stand his run on RAW...on Smackdown though he was the shit.
  13. I can't think of many worse debuts that I've seen. What could have been such an outstanding moment, which TNA could have stole viewers from WWE, and they fucked it. They have the potential to be so much more, but shitty, shitty decisions are holding them back.
  14. So I should have said "Why did Sting kick the shit out of RVD" ? I guess that wouldn't have gotten my point over. It is what it is.
  15. A lack of respect? Sting IS a 50 year old guy. And they DID claim RVD was the "biggest free agent in wrestling". Reardless of who was popular when, to have Sting destroy RVD on his debut is an absolutely rediculous decision. Stings had his day. By all means have him on the roster, but to book him to do that on RVD's debut is moronic. Sting was my favourite wrestler as a kid, so I got full respect for him, but he doesn't belong in the main event anymore, his time has been and gone. They could quite easily have had Sting kick the shit out of anybody else on the entire roster....just not "the biggest free agent in wrestling" on his TNA debut.
  16. I'd agree with Danielson (he's still Danielson to me damn it!) to SmackDown!. He would be completely wasted on RAW. I just watched iMPACT again and some of it really stupid as f**k. 1) Again I still dunno what I missed with Beer Money. They were face last week right? Have I missed something? 2) Shannon Moore? WTF? What has happened to the once outstanding X-Division. 3) RVD (the hottest free agent in all of pro wrestling so they kept saying) gets his c**t kicked in for a good 10 minutes by a 50 year old man. 4) Any news on what the f**k happened to Samoa Joe? 5) Is Eric Bischoff face or heel? With Hall and Waltman he's face. With Jarrett he's heel. WTF is going on?
  17. Still laugh at that. "BOOOOOOOOOO - YAAAAAAAAH- kAAAAAAAAAHH"
  18. Up until now I thought McIntyre was just the usualnew, young heel trying to find his feet in WWE, but over the last 3 weeks I've been really getting into is character....he's been entertaining as f**k to watch.
  19. The Miz is still shite.....no matter how many times he claims to be "Awesome!!!!" he never will be. EDIT: I'm in love with Big Drews music.....it's fucking phenomenal.
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