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Everything posted by mjw

  1. mjw


    I've rattled through seven episodes this weekend and having read all the books, it's great seeing some of the characters come to life. Only gripe would be the episode where Irvings son had been murdered, I thought I had missed an episode.
  2. The Brown/Stewart spat was heavily edited. They played around 15 minutes of a half hour discussion.
  3. Howard Wilkinson tried that line of defence once when he was manager of Sunderland. It went badly for him. After yet another defeat during his short reign he addressed the press's concerns about his team's form with lofty disdain. "What do you lot know anyway? How many caps have you won?" he asked. Jimmy Armfield, former Daily Express journalist, Five Live summariser, one of Wilkinson's predecessors at Elland Road and once the England captain, piped up: "Forty-three actually, Howard."
  4. That's horrendous from Billy Brown. He should have just brought out the 'show us your medals' argument and been done with it.
  5. It's a shame they can't even take part in a match thread without the bad boys ruining it for them.
  6. Running a bill so large on his expenses credit card that it was barred might be described as 'cashing in'
  7. Iain Duncan Smith has said he is resigning as work and pensions secretary, complaining of Treasury pressure to make cuts to benefits. In a letter released on Friday evening, he wrote: “I have for some time and rather reluctantly come to believe that the latest changes to benefits to the disabled, and the context in which they’ve been made are, a compromise too far. “While they are defensible in narrow terms, given the continuing deficit, they are not defensible in the way they were placed within a budget that benefits higher earning taxpayers. They should have instead been part of a wider process to engage others in finding the best way to better focus resources on those most in need. “It is therefore with enormous regret that I have decided to resign.†The news came hours after the Treasury signalled a retreat from its controversial cuts to disability benefits, amid a mounting rebellion from Conservative backbenchers. A growing number of Tories have signalled their alarm over reductions in personal independence payments (PIP), which the chancellor said would save £4.4bn over the course of this parliament. If IDS thinks you are going to far,is it not time for a rethink?
  8. Nicky Morgan doesn't seem to have much on on a Thursday night. She must be getting to Farage level of appearances.
  9. The metal blades turning at lots of rpm will definitely struggle to blend frozen water. You're one step ahead of the recipe on this one.
  10. But we will though.Every thread on here relating to Europe has had the same ' how can you vote yes for independence and want to stay in Europe?' Question from the Unionists. Its very silly.
  11. Will you be taking your lead from her majesty who (according to senior Tories and the sun) is Britain's most senior Eurosceptic?
  12. They've nothing to offer in the fight to rid England of Johnny Foreigner.
  13. Has kevthedee got a ticket for this. His cutting political insight should not be limited to readers of these boards, he deserves a national audience.
  14. This woman is an embarrassment, you don't need to a 'frothing unionist' to see that.
  15. Has she not tweeted before that she had been asked but was too busy Tsaring to go on?
  16. Press conference just played on 5Live. A medicine she has taken for ten years has gone on the banned list but she didn't open the email.
  17. It's been a while since rob had an enemies of Britain rant.
  18. Hopefully jenas steers clear of any ugly woman analogies that got Joey Barton into trouble.
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