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Everything posted by mjw

  1. First caller was Timothy from Glesga. Awra refs ir pure aginst is so they ir!
  2. Grimsby. Everyone involved in this should have bad things happen to them.
  3. At least you could finally admit to knowing one.
  4. It doesn't matter what nichola offered, Milliband was never ever going to be in a position to take it up.
  5. Let's just stick to things that actually happened and leave the whatabout for other threads. No party with Milliband in charge would secure the most seats in a GE.
  6. "I don't think we're not nice guys. We play a good, hard, aggressive brand of cricket," Smith said They trot this pish out every time they act like p***ks.
  7. It's worse than drug dealing and that money they donate means their children go hungry.
  8. June Sarpong is a spokesperson for one of the pro EU groups. She'll not go down well with the bongo bongo types in the out side.
  9. This seems to be a common complaint about BBC programs just now.
  10. The 'escalated quickly ' gif would fit right in to that conversation. I see one of our own has got in with a head's gone.
  11. The blood won't be coming out your nose m8.
  12. Can they split Jones and farage up? They are like two pub bores arguing.
  13. The 'commie' investigator reminds me of Oscar Isaacs from Show me a hero. In Romanzo Criminale.
  14. mjw

    Breaking Bad

    Watched the last episode today. It was a great ending but that last series seemed to take me forever to get through.
  15. I'll not hold my breath waiting on you replying quite as aggressively the next time a Rangers fan uses that line.
  16. FFS. You'll have all their heads gone crew in here looking for square go's.
  17. Something I've been doing more and more recently.
  18. English isn't even your second language is it?
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