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Everything posted by mjw

  1. Strange that Europe is well down the list of concerns of voters in every poll released.
  2. Joe Miller,Frank Macvennie and those two last night. The expenses filed will be for a Slab of Stella and a gram for Frank.
  3. 5live had a decent report on the Chinese league on deadline day. There are companies and billionaires who are pumping money into the game because it's the presidents favourite sport. They reckon it gets them into his good books. It seems as if it is some sort of insurance policy against falling out of favour.
  4. Eddie Hitler replacing Nigel in a straight c**t for c**t swap.
  5. Washing sick out your mouth in the street is a messy business.
  6. The boy Sawers making his TV debut on the late show tonight. Ewan Cameron and that bawheid on the same program has got to be some kind of TV help.
  7. Gordon can't be bothered going out to get a burd because of killies results. Time to go Locke when you are messing with a mans sex life.
  8. Accies player rifles in a header according to Derek Ferguson.
  9. 'your guess is as good as mine who scored 'Doubt it hen, you're at the game.
  10. The Jim jeffries and Billy Brown episode last night was better than I thought it might be.I doubt John Brown has anything to say I want to hear.
  11. Has he still got his Waggy1872 account though?
  12. A Mod had to step in and tell some grown men to stop acting like fucknuts on the BRALT.That will give them all something to tell the grandkids. AWRA maybe didn't listen.
  13. Looks a bit dodgy short of a length.
  14. Send enough of them and they'll get a bite somewhere unfortunately.
  15. The argument descended into a shootout. Hate it when that happens.
  16. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-35412196?ocid=socialflow_facebook&ns_mchannel=social&ns_campaign=bbcnews&ns_source=facebook
  17. It was over before I got a chance to put my radio on.
  18. If you are getting your phone out you might as well film it.The Internet needs more film of burning people.
  19. He's a useful idiot but I wouldn't fancy his chances when he stops being useful.
  20. "I joined for one year, I didn't know Nick Griffin was in the National Front, I didn't know non-whites couldn't join the organisation. I joined, I saw what it was about, it was not for me," he said.It makes better headlines if they can put a 'non-white' in front of the cameras. That's why a Pakistani lad who isn't all there is regularly put in front of cameras up here at SDL and loyalist events.
  21. And Compton goes caught behind.
  22. Cook gone c&b. Ball is going through inches off the ground. Bad light can't come quick enough now.
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