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Everything posted by mjw

  1. Must have been unlucky and got a different panel from the one who overturned Kiernans red card for punching another player.
  2. The first post doesn't mention constituents though. He's supposed to be our representative in the government, no?
  3. Its probably best just leaving the roasters to roast away (insert Kenneth Williams gif here) The bumping of the McGhee out thread on steelmen within minutes of us losing a match is proof of that. We've come through another window looking a bit stronger than when it opened and hopefully stronger than the teams in the bottom six.
  4. The Mall was a sea of protesters when the Chinese premier visited. It probably started on the net somewhere.
  5. Is that the get out ? Obama made the list and trump had to use it?
  6. It depends,if the president has business interests in them they won't be.
  7. You should have stopped there then.
  8. They've got one serving a suspension from here this month for that very thing. Hypocrites every one of them.
  9. The daily Heil have fairly set the dogs on Gina Miller. Mrs Goves attack piece today is especially poisonous.
  10. I've a feeling wullie would die of thirst before drinking out of a Brit vat.
  11. At least this draw got completed at the first effort. Maybe pissed up cup draws are the future.
  12. Watergate pt2 going on in this thread. Who is 'deep throat ' though?
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