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Everything posted by mjw

  1. Andy Ritchie. Couldn't believe he said it and nobody corrected him.
  2. 3 months? They've been talking about a new runway for fifteen fucking years and they still won't say where its going.
  3. It must have had something happening pretty consistently for a team to be 8 down in their second inning on the the third day though. Add in the records for overturned decisions tumbling and there's plenty happened.
  4. It is. I posted elsewhere the comments after a lorry killed an asylum seeker in Calais. They would turn you're stomach.
  5. Did they ever demand clarksons job while he was doing a column for them?
  6. Theresa better get rob into her cabinet, he's the only person in Britain who knows what's going on.
  7. mjw


    Kicked out of their London office. Has Aaron Banks turned off the funding tap?
  8. The disappointment doesn't last long. You get up,go to work and just get on with it. I'm not convinced its really concern that keeps you coming back to these threads though.
  9. Loondave doing a lot of posting about something that's never going to happen. He's got me convinced.
  10. He's 75% puddle instead of wagon wheel.
  11. Whatever it is it will end up on a plate somewhere. They'll eat anything over there.
  12. Tory boy on Daily Politics arguing for our passports to go back to being blue to give us National identity. Bloody Nationalists.
  13. A pretty poor performance from May today at PMQs. It all started so well to when she made a rather 'carry on' style comment to Peter Bone.
  14. If you look at the shambles that is Joey Barton signing for Rangers,then signing someone who turns out to be not very good isn't the worst thing in the world.
  15. There's a poster on here who goes round hiding those cakes.
  16. mjw


    We seem to be living in a real life series of House of Cards just now.
  17. A Tory councillor has started a petition to make treasonable the act of opposing Brexit. Christian Holliday, member of the Guildford Conservative Association, is presumably so incensed by Remainers he is effectively seeking for them to face life imprisonment, the maximum sentence for the offence. The petition reads: Amend the Treason Felony Act to make supporting UK membership of the EU a crime. The Treason Felony Act be amended to include the following offences: - ‘To imagine, devise, promote, work, or encourage others, to support UK becoming a member of the European Union; - To conspire with foreign powers to make the UK, or part of the UK, become a member of the EU.’ Guildford residents voted to Remain in the EU by 56%. Unsurprisingly, a tweet from Holliday promoting his campaign has been met largely with ridicule.
  18. Aye but they kind of ignore that rule over here. They kind of cherry pick the rules they abide by.
  19. f**k sake a new low. Kev doesn't even speak on his own behalf.
  20. Telling that the first thing she thought of when Scotland was mentioned was how we would pay our welfare. Its almost as if we live in a country where absolutely everyone is claiming.
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