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Everything posted by EdgarusQPFC

  1. I seen a watch mojo video recently about favorite funny characters and they picked Brucie(gta4) over Trevor, just how? Trevor is the best GTA character in the last decade definitely, maybe the entire franchise
  2. Edge of Tomorrow - 8/10 Went to see this earlier today, better than I expected it to be. It looked like a generic cruise film with some Groundhog Day thrown in. Don't get me wrong in some ways it is in fact that, but it's very well done. Quite amusing at times too, if you have a unlimited card and a few hours to kill I'd definitely give it a shot. Speaking of, I ordered myself a unlimited card today. I've seen 5 films in 4 weeks and my works pretty close to Cineworld in the town, so on a half shift I could see myself dropping in to see something.
  3. Try Mobile Suit Gundam the 08th MS Team.
  4. I enjoyed Sword Art Online, was pretty decent. I'd recommend the NGE films of the series anyday though
  5. I agree the casting is spot on for Aurora, i just find the character annoying, shes just too good and pure, to the point that it just seems fake. If the rest of the cast had delivered as well as Fanning and Jolie id have given it a higher score.
  6. I found the rest of the cast rather annoying. The King is a hypocritical Judas and Aurora is just annoying.
  7. It was the same in First Class, he is brilliantly cast.
  8. Maleficent - 7/10 Pretty much the only reason to go see it though is for Jolie's outstanding performance, she couldn't have been more perfectly cast in the role. Everyone else however is fairly lackluster and the film would have greatly suffered without such a great lead. Good enough plot to keep you interested and some fantastic visuals too. Overall a good film.
  9. This, its the golden age of comic book films, We have had more good Xmen films than bad, The Spiderman films are excellent, the nolan batmans were outstanding, the newest superman has great potential, we might be proved wrong about the Affleck Batman and all of the Marvel Cinematic universe films have been brilliant. Im loving it just now and i cant wait to see dofp tomorrow
  10. Use the little grey reinforcement struts, it helps considerably. Also when your wanting to get into orbit, turn right to 90 degrees when you hit 10,000 meters, once you hit 30,000 turn your engines to half and keep that angle until you hit 100,000 turn off the engines then bring up the map with M and place a node ahead of you, pull the green Marker until it says your gonna be in orbit then go back to your rocket, angle the rocket to the blue mark on your navball and fire the engines when you hit your mark (little timer on the right of the nav)The game shows up on the steam sales regularly aswell
  11. I watch his videos regularly, his voice is a little boring at times but his builds are just outstanding, they piss over anything ive ever designed. One of my favorite Robbaz videos. His videos are quality, his Sims 3 stuff is hillarious
  12. Yeah its only on PC, Its not a very high requirement game tho. So here is one of my original designs before i began modding. Successfully landed on the moon Eventually the design was improved on (theres a satellite attached to the nosecone that ill be placing into the moons orbit while i slingshot towards Duna(Mars) This particular ship didn't succeed and was sent back to the drawing board. I eventually succeeded at the weekend, Its alot harder than just pointing at the planet and hoping for the best. While messing about one day i designed a "lazer" cannon, its entirely pointless and just there for my own amusement My Moon space station The pride of my fleet, i have several designs of this, the latest includes escape pods Pruely a space faring design, i found that out the hard way.. Perhaps flying just a little too fast
  13. Has anyone found or played this little gem? I'm absolutely hooked on it. I originally got interested after seeing some of Robbaz videos on YouTube. I downloaded the demo off steam and before I knew it I'd spent 5 hours designing rockets. For anyone who isn't familiar the game is basically a Rocketry/Aircraft design sim where you try to get little Green men called Kerbals into space to explore their solar system, which is loosely based on our own. The game trys to use proper astrophysics and getting a design to work at times can be frustrating but ultimately rewarding if it works. You can also design planes but really its all up to you. What really makes the game brilliant though is its modding community, some of the new features you can add are really good. In my own game I've successfully landed on both of Kerbals moons, have a spacestation around one and 3 surrounding their home planet, I've landed on their equivalent of Mars and made it back safely. In the last few days I've been designing single stage to orbit planes, which is quite tricky. Has anyone else here tried this yet? If so what do you think of it?
  14. I haven't enjoyed this season as much as the last few. Been pretty uneventful at times with a shocking plot twist at the end of the episode to keep you watching.
  15. I started watching this the other night. I initially thought the first episode was pretty poor, but I kept watching and now I'm hooked, I'm about 6 episodes in and it just gets better every time. Really enjoying this now.
  16. "You can write war and peace in 20 minutes" a fact made up by a dickhead of a manager today in work at someone, eh no you can't actually mate.
  17. If Origins is removed from the continuity then it repairs a lot of damage to the franchise. I enjoy it as a film but as a part of the franchise it was fucking devastating. So far first class is the best followed by Wolverine, then X2
  18. Will Smith Declined the lead role in The Matrix for the Lead role in Wild Wild West, not because he thought the latter was the stronger film, he was fully aware of how successful and iconic The Matrix was to become, its simply that Will Smith is such a fan of Tina Turner and the film 'What's Love got to do with it?' that he genuinely believes that Laurence Fishburne is in fact Ike Turner and wants no association with the man.
  19. A thought regarding Xmen Days of Futures Past:
  20. Won't lie, I know nothing about The Flash but that does look good
  21. Still great at a second sitting. During the final battle with Electro, what is the song he tries to play bouncing off the capacitors?
  22. Well she's no seen it yet and it's that bloody good I don't mind seeing it again. Seeing Godzilla on Sunday too
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