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Everything posted by EdgarusQPFC

  1. Going to see spiderman 2 again on Friday when I finish work
  2. Long overdue update, I'm working again. It's not the best job in the world but it's money and is keeping me busy which helps a lot, helping me sleep better at night aswell. I'm in a better place than I was 6 months ago.
  3. The Clones were designed to be completely compliant and follow any order given, so if Palpatine, their leader was to issue out a "Kill all the jedi's when ordered to but dont tell them about the order" they would comply regardless, it doesn't necessarily mean it was written into them at birth. Or he wrote a possible exception for Anakin from the get go cause he had high hopes for him, we can assume Palpatine had a wire or a spy inside the Jedi Temple, so when he heard about a chosen one possibly being found he will have altered his plans accordingly when he seen a potential new apprentice
  4. The Clone army was created because of the return of the sith during the events of episode one, but Sifo Dyas was murdered by dooku before he could let the council know about them.
  5. Mostly a cast of relative unknowns, mixed with the old but Andy Serkis being involved is bloody fantastic.
  6. cause its a million times better than anything he ever wrote
  7. I throughly enjoyed spiderman 2, seen it yesterday. I agree that it felt like there was too much story to tell and going from 1 foe to 3 was too much, but I was glued to the screen from start to finish. Next it's finally Days of futures past and Godzilla. Brilliant times
  8. "A didnae realise London was the capital of England tae"
  9. Just back from seeing it, was pretty good. Some brilliant fight scenes and a plenty of easter eggs to keep the films tied in well
  10. On a S3 right now and my contract is up in September, the S5 from a technical point of view is very impressive, but I have my reservations. My S3 hasn't aged that gracefully and it even had to go in for repairs recently.
  11. Could be a mistake or a hackamon they are trying to get rid of.
  12. Just read this online: "Once when Dooku and Yoda tried to convince the other to join their side, Yoda allowed the dark side within him, just to see if turning to the dark side would bring him happiness. The result was a lil frightening. An excerpt: "At this moment Yoda turned, and Dooku gasped. Whether it was the play of the holomonitors, beaming their views of bleak space and distant battles, or some other trick of the light, Yoda's face was deeply hidden in the shadows, mottled black and blue, so that for one terrible instant he looked exactly like Darth Sidious. Or rather, it was Yoda as he might have been, or could yet become: a Yoda gone rotten, a Yoda whose awesome powers had been utterly unleashed by his connection to the dark side. In a flash Dooku saw how foolish he had been, trying to urge the old Master to the dark side. If Yoda ever turned that way, Sidious himself would be annihilated. The universe had yet to comprehend the kind of evil that a Jedi Knight of nearly nine hundred years could wield." The best stories in Star Wars had no Lucas involvement.
  13. This, WWE are making so many blunders lately, the connections between them now and WCW back in 99 are becoming more and real. If WWE had a competitor they would be loving this right now
  14. If Bryan beats HHH at WM then he goes into the Orton/Batista title match that night
  15. Bryan winning the title at WM would make WM
  16. This is painfully scripted, burying the proper yes movement
  17. So can we watch Raw live tonight on it?
  18. just set up my trial, little disappointed that all the old Raw episodes arent on yet, main reason i signed up, but im watching Wrestlemania 14 so i couldnt give a f**k
  19. You know the WWE are running out of ideas when they bring in Hogan. What? Had they seen what great a job he did for TNA and decided to bring him in? WWE have some amazing talent and push them aside for part timers who were past their best a long time ago. It's pathetic
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