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Everything posted by EdgarusQPFC

  1. Personally my list would go: The Dark Knight The Dark Knight Rises Batman Spiderman 2 The Avengers X-men First Class The Amazing Spiderman X-Men 2 Iron Man The Incredible Hulk
  2. I've been distracted by other things so I haven't been playing. My team are all around lvl 50 Charizard Magnezone Gardevoir Gyarados Salamence Lucario Aux team Venusaur Blastoise Blaziken Pikachu
  3. Someones suggestion for the next Joker, Would be fucking brilliant!
  4. I thought it was a great sequel, better than the first, thoroughly enjoyable, some great action and even some comedy
  5. Well its been a few years, during which Anna Paquin has spent it getting her tits out, shagging the undead, and occasional murder, hopefully she can evolve the character beyond screaming alot now.
  6. Stryker found Wolverine and Sabretooth being put to a firing squad during the vietnam war, Origins was set 6 years later
  7. It says there was a "few" years between X3 and The Wolverine, this can be used to bring the timeline to modern time. To me the timeline really should be: First Class - 1961 "Past" setting of days of futures past 1965/1970 Wolverine joins Striker - 1975 Origins - 1981 - Wolverine has the adamantium bonding, Charles finds Cyclops, Wolverine begins his wandering Eric and Charles find Jean Grey - 1985 Some event truely puts a divide between Eric and Charles 1985 -1990 X1 - 2006 X2 - 2007 X3 - 2007 The Wolverine - 2013 "Future" setting of Days of futures past - 2013/2014 Its not perfect in anyway, but it would do
  8. Well Wolverine joined strykers unit in 1975, and Origins is set in 1981, so if he has been wandering without a memory for 15 years, that puts Xmen in 1996 tho the film says its set in the not so distant future which puts it really in the 2000-2005 kinda area. First class was set in 1962. Its really the gap between Origins and Xmen that ruins the timeline, its only ment to be 15 years but could realistically be as much as 25 years, we can assume this can be explained with wolverines memory loss, but at the end of Origins we see Charles without a wheelchair, nearly 20 years after he loses the use of his legs. As much as i do like Origins, its totally fucked the timeline First Class - 1962 Wolverine meets stryker - 1975 Xmen Origins: Wolverine - 1981 Eric and Charles meeting a young Jean Grey - between 1976 and 1986 Xmen - : 1996 tho possibly as far on as 2005 X2&X3 - within a year follwing Xmen The Wolverine - "Few" years follwing X3
  9. Well it kinda works since he's immortal, hes not going back in time to when he was a child or a lesser being, i assume it will be after he has had the adamantium bonded to his body. That trailer is amazing. Way better than this one, tho this looks awesome too
  10. Plastic surgery? Who knows! But either way, bringing back Cyclops is easier to explain than these other characters
  11. True, but why does he look like himself rather than the person he currently resides within? It's assumed Scott is dead as he isn't found but his glasses are, it's far from being concrete, if they can bring Xavier, and Bucky(cpt America, fell to his death, in the sequel) back, then bringing back Scott would be easier to explain.
  12. If they can bring back xavier from being disintegrated and turned into dust, they can bring back Cyclops, technically his body is never found.
  13. As I've said, it's a great game when it works. Anyways I've said what I wanted regarding the game, I'll wait until the free dlc is out and see how the game is then.
  14. I already have, until the heists come out at least, but it doesn't mean I can't voice my opinions on the game.
  15. I agree that plenty of issues can be attributed to the Rockstar Servers, but until the most recent patch you didn't get notified when the game was unable to save, and even then it doesn't always tell you. So I can totally get why alot of people lose stuff. But even with me being very cautious, making sure to save, and seeing it save when I quit the game. I'll still come back online and loose a few thousand rounds of ammo here and there, the occasional 10k will disappear, after a while you can't help but wonder if there's any point trying cause the games gonna take it away from you the next time the server goes tits up.
  16. Easier said than done when the games taking houses, cars, money, levels, and ammo from you at random intervals. When the game works it's a good laugh with mates, but all the little annoying shit adds up and after being patient with the game you can't help but end up frustrated.
  17. Surely the whole point of the game is to aquire a large house, have multiple custom cars and a heavy arsenal.
  18. All of the car upgrades that matter, engine, transmission and turbo are unlocked winning races. The best paint schemes are unlocked thru racing also.
  19. I was lucky when it came to the online release, I had problems with it sure, but it's nothing compared to how it was for many people. And all the stuff I have in the game was earned, it bloody took alot of hours and patience with the games problems to get to my level. I'm just glad I haven't ever lost my character progression. Worst I've lost is a house, and a combined total of like 200k. The rewards for some missions are a joke, and if Rockstar were balancing the rewards, making easy jobs pay less and make hard jobs pay what they are worth, then I could understand, but all I'm seeing is rewards going down.
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