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Everything posted by EdgarusQPFC

  1. They delayed release for nearly 6 months and then delayed online for a further 2 weeks and it was still broken and unplayable. If you think that's acceptable then there's no point discussing anything further. Rockstar have been hallmarks of quality gaming for years, the online was and still is far from quality. 3 patches and the problems people had from day one are still there. They appear less often admittedly, but there's people out there still struggling to get online at all. And they released the game fully aware of how bad it was, they warned us before release, but still left the store open knowing how bad the service was.
  2. They claimed 500 "jobs" at release, but didn't tell us that all deathmatches and races, survivals, and any other modes are classed as jobs. They have lowered the money you can make and are increasing the costs of buying. You can buy any house or car online by level 5, which is pretty much the only thing to make money for. So your claim that money is useless at a low level is a load of bollocks. And it takes half an hour tops to unlock everything that matters for the cars by racing a mate.
  3. The games built around mindlessly replaying the same boring missions, but Rockstar start bitching if people are just replaying one mission a few times to make a few quid rather than fork out real money, "Oh yeah you gotta grind out our repetitive missions, just not that way" I know there's c***s out there who glitch and spam and exploit the game for millions quickly, but all these changes don't affect the exploiters, they will continue regardless, but it ruins the game for the average joe and makes it more of a chore than a laugh. Rockstar are clearly trying to push people towards those micro transactions tho, which is really low for them, leave that shite to EA. My mate had been trying to ask Rockstar about this on thier forums and Rockstar ignore his questions and delete his comments instead. It's all properly underhanded EA actions I'm seeing here.
  4. Don't blame you mate, that's total BS. Rockstar claim these updates are fixing the game, are they really? They seem more interested in forcing thier Micro transactions on us than improving the cloud service, I'm losing money all the time. I expect alot more from Rockstar and they have never been this sloppy in the past.
  5. New update out, no longer can friends join you for jobs if they are too low a level. And from what ive read all jobs with a payout of 9000 or more have had thier rewards halved. Base invaders, for example was a tricky 25k high level mission invading the military base, destroying fighter jets and stealing a chopper. Is now only worth 12.5k. Still think Rockstar arent trying to blackmail users into buying money rather than earning it slowly?
  6. Jumped on the game for about 5 minutes last night and what happened kinda sums up what needs fixed. Id landed a titan at trevors airfield waiting to pick up 2 of my mates, one came with the cops after him, i didnt have any and i was parked up at the end of the runway waiting for him to lose the cops and come back. One cop car drives down the runway towards me to get to my mate and drives straight into my plane, and the cop car instantly explodes, im saved tho, but i lose 2 props and the front landing gear, and for my horrible crime of having a plane on a runway i get a instant 3 star and im getting shot at. I attempt to flee but i get shot getting out the plane. So i respawn and fortunately my other mate lands another titan, so i steal a suv and pick up my other mate and drive over, i idle the car to do a u-turn and by accident ever so slightly graze my mates titan, and my car instantly explodes. I dont even mean like a decent little hit, i mean barely grazed the car, i doubt i even scratched the paint. Pissed me off a bit and i ended up switching off and went and played Battlestations Pacific, which for a 4 year old game has a far superior control layout for flying. Its well documented how pathetic the cops are online, but i swear its getting worse. How it should be. Would be an improvement.
  7. The whole game is about replaying the same missions again and again to make money. Rockstar don't like it when people figure out a way to avoid unnecessary grinding, cause that means they won't buy the money. Look on the forums, there are people begging and pleading for the store to open again, do you really think that Rockstar aren't holding off making them available again cause of errors? Or to make people so impatient to get money so they go mental with spending when it comes back?
  8. Starting to get really frustrated with online. They are lowering all the payouts for most missions, stopping replays, changing survivals so you can't defend an area and other things to make it more of a chore to get paid. And tbh I think it's so people will buy money rather than grind it, and there's twats out there who are begging, actually begging Rockstar to allow them to buy money again. Already started playing other games, there's f**k all to do but the same shite steal/kill jobs again and again. There's no plot, story or anything, just repetition. Doesnt help that they are now dragging thier feet on the heists and other "free" dlc we were promised.
  9. Still working thru this, I've seen comments on Facebook etc of people powering thru the campaign in 16 hours and saying it's not a difficult game to complete. I've been taking my time and not in any rush to complete it. Pikachu Lvl 32 Venusaur Lvl 32 Charmeleon Lvl 32 Lucario Lvl 33 Wartortle Lvl 33 Gardevoir Lvl 32 3 badges in, sitting outside the 4th gym. Still enjoying the game, a lot of nice touches to the menu to make healing, etc much quicker. My only minor gripe is the rollerskates, an off switch for them would be nice, find myself constantly missing tight paths etc. Ev training is less of a chore but it's still a grind. I was lucky enough to get a female charmander when the prof gave me one so I bred it and got a squirtle and Venusaur pretty easy, seems like a broken record as I always use the original starters, but they are still some of my favorites. If anyone needs a charmander let me know. The pokemon of this generation are definetly much better than the previous two, not just moves, but types, movesets and such.
  10. "Naw it's sound mate, I shut the windae before I left"
  11. Not directed at you, but What difference does it actually make the he once worked for celtic? Is it in way relevant to the case? Are former celtic employees statistically more likely to misplace children? Is it a vital clue to solving the case? It's fucking daft that such a thing is even noted. I'm sure he also shites in a toilet at least once per day and eats breakfast, and yet no one feels the need to note it. In a bit of amusing irony, when I first typed celtic my phone autocorrected it to cultic
  12. Multi storey parking lots are great for escapes too.
  13. Agreed. Anyone had the walk under water glitch happen yet?
  14. Tried searching for info regarding it, seems to be affecting only a handful of people and no specific action or scenario seems to be the cause. Some people seem convinced it's a hardware issue. I'd contact Nintendo
  15. One badge down, some of the new features are pretty handy, being able to quickly work your Pokemons ev's at a low level helps. Being able to instantly challenge other players for battles or trade while being in the field is great. Lvl 15 Ralts Lvl 17 charmeleon Lvl 17 combusken Lvl 17 Frogadier(water starter, surprisingly good) Lvl 20 Pikachu (with light ball) Lvl 18 Furfrou (poodle thing with great abl to take half damage from all physical attacks)
  16. My bad, it was Y I got. So far it's great, my team is Lvl 7 Pikachu Lvl 8 Pidgey Lvl 8 Froakie I'll also have the mystery gift torchic that's available and after the first badge you have the choice of any Kanto starter, I'm gonna struggle with which one to choose, cause Charizard is of course my favorite. But I already have a torchic.
  17. On my way home with a copy of X
  18. I'll be putting that money towards a veyron
  19. http://www.rockstargames.com/newswire/article/51565/grand-theft-auto-online-half-a-million-gta-stimulus-package-this.html All players being given $500,000 in game money to apologise for the loss of stuff by the end of the month.
  20. Spent all yesterday racing, it's a brilliant way to level quickly and make money fast, I went from level 37 to 53 in a matter of hours, unlocked every mod for all cars and made close to 400k. Even in a 4 player race first place is 12k, and last is nearly 3k. The rp is excellent too, 2200 for a win, 800 for last place. The money and rp is starting to go up at my levels now, 20k jobs are regular, 3500 rp a job is common. Got myself a rapid gt and maxed it out, it's a bloody beast of a machine.
  21. Exactly why I play in invite only match ups. Btw don't trust the claimed stats of any car, try before you buy. Me and my mates have been racing all day and what the cars claim to do on paper isn't fact in reality.
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