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Everything posted by EdgarusQPFC

  1. Exactly, the Avengers was years in development, and slowly came together over several films. If they rush this, it will be a disaster.
  2. Well didn't robin take the mantle of Batman when Bruce was believed dead in the comics? JGL using batmans style and equipment until he discovers his own style would kinda make sense, considering how DKR ends.
  3. Pre ordered my copy with Amazon the other day, I'm counting the days now
  4. One of the main themes of the film is Logan getting over Jeans death, and its handled very well.
  5. Went to see The Wolverine on Friday, it's remarkably good. Jackman is outstanding in the film and it ties in well with The Last Stand, it's definitely worth a watch.
  6. Got Surgeon Simulator 2013 for £4 and Civilisation V Gold Edition for £7.50 Can't really argue with that
  7. Going thru Heart gold again myself. Have a Scizor with the Technician ability, it truly makes him a force to be reckoned with. Basically technician doubles the damage of every move with a base damage of 60 or less. So 80 base quick attacks, false swipes, 100 base metal claw and best of all 120 base Aerial Ace. He's became my top physical hitter, even out classing my Gyrados Gonna milk every legendary I can from this game before moving them to my black save. May also get platinum again while I wait for X/Y. I've never owned a Lugia, so I'm gonna go out my way to grab one here.
  8. Bit late for replying, but personally id fork out the extra for the 3DS, X&Y look like they are gonna be great and they are 3DS titles, so rather than having to fork out for one later if you decide to get them, id grab one now and your ready just incase. I do prefer mine from my DSI tbh tho
  9. Agreed, i had thought for years Grammer was the only choice for older beast, and Stewart was the only choice for older xavier. Even think Hugh Jack man is perfect for Wolverine. Casting in the series has mostly been excellent.
  10. Confirmed cast from IMDB as of today Jennifer Lawrence - Raven / Mystique Peter Dinklage Nicholas Hoult - Hank McCoy / Beast Michael Fassbender - Erik Lehnsherr / Magneto Hugh Jackman - Logan / Wolverine Ellen Page - Kitty Pryde / Shadowcat James McAvoy - Charles Xavier Ian McKellen - Erik Lehnsherr / Magneto - older Evan Peters - Pietro Maximoff / Quicksilver Anna Paquin - Marie / Rogue Halle Berry - Ororo Munroe / Storm Patrick Stewart - Professor Charles Xavier Daniel Cudmore - Piotr Rasputin / Colossus Booboo Stewart - James Proudstar / Warpath Shawn Ashmore - Bobby Drake / Iceman Bingbing Fan - Clarice Ferguson / Blink Omar Sy - Bishop (rumored) Adan Canto - Sunspot Thats a great cast so far, Even bringing the lesser characters like Iceman/Colossus back with the original actors. Hell they have even been able to pull Anna Paquin off True Blood long enough to join the cast, judging by The Last Stand it seemed her character arc was finished. Hopefully this will be the film that really brings X-Men back, the last few films have been great in my opinion, but it seems all the other Marvel franchises have been more sucessful. The 3 Iron Man films have made $500 Million more than the 5 X-Men films, the Avengers only made around $300 Million less than all 5 of them. But this has always been my favorite Marvel franchise since i was a kid, id love to see eventual crossovers with the other Marvel franchises, i mean who wouldnt love to see like Wolverine/Spiderman or X-Men/Fantastic 4.
  11. There's something really disgusting about losing a toenail. Makes me cringe like f**k thinking about it.
  12. It is her, she's been confirmed in the cast, all original cast members are reprising their roles.
  13. Godfather 2 style would be brilliant, then when it can't get cooler, they intertwine!
  14. Anyone heard about the Sequel to Xmen first Class? It's called "X-Men Days of futures past" and will also be a sequel to Xmen the last stand. James McAvoy and Patrick Stewart will be cast as Xavier. Both Michael Fassbender and Ian McKellen as Magneto Also. The majority of the principal cast from both films are back. Wolverines back, Storm, Kitty Pride, Young beast, young mystique and such. The concept sounds excellent and the cast is brilliant! Bryan Singer is directing and Michael Vaughan is producing.
  15. I understand what happened to him, but it looks ridiculous. That's what bugged me. Whoever they had doing his fight scenes did a perfectly fine job, but Ian Mcdairmids acting there is just horrible, his face and his reactions to whats going on around him are just awful, they look so out of place in the context, and he doesnt look like the Dark Lord of the Sith one of the "Most powerful duelists of all time" and instead looks like a old man who has no clue how to swing a sword. Thats the biggest issue with Lucas's stiffy for greenscreen, it totally ruined his cast and they couldnt give more than very wooden preformances. Cause he did have a (mostly) gifted cast there who could do the job well, i mean compare Mcdairmids ROTJ Emperor to the ROTS one, its awful. If Lucas invested all that money in some sets instead of CGI, id have been able to take the films more seriously In the whole prequel trilogy my favorite fight is the Qui gon, Obi Wan vs Darth Maul one, followed closely by Obi Wan vs Anakin. Maul was such a potentially good character, the look and the combat are perfect, but lucas decided not to give him any lines or character, then killed him off quickly.
  16. Agreed, they built up that Palpatine is this big sith master, and yes in Return of the Jedi he comes across as this quietly powerful figure, and the intimidation factor works brilliantly, but in the Prequels he comes across as a fucking parody. "The force is sssstrroonnnnngggg in youuuuu" He sounds fucking hispanic there for some reason. And whats with the fucking face? he looks like a fucking joke. The only thing he does right is the "scream" at the beginning of the Windu fight, its inhuman and bizzare, it works for a sith lord, cause they arent gonna be normal. Oh and when hes fighting Yoda, and hes laughing away like a old granda who has had a sherry too much? Fucking joke. The only Jedi fight that looks any good is the Anakin/Obi Wan fight at the end, the rest look really half arsed. Windu is built up as being one of the greatest duelers in Jedi History, and hes the only Jedi in History to master "Vaapad" which is "a state of mind rather than just a fighting style, allowing the wielder to channel his own inner darkness into the duel, and accept the fury of the opponent" and yet the fat kid with the staff in that Star Wars parody video comes across as a better fighter.
  17. The Jedi come off as a group of hopeless sods in the prequels
  18. Id have gladly taken a lesser film visually if the story made sense
  19. Is it a new continuity? or a new one with the old Spiderman still in it? Kinda like how theres been 3 or 4 Robins
  20. ? I agree with diversity and all that, more power to them, but some white characters wouldnt work at all if they were another ethinicity, i cant picture an Indian James Bond for example. But regarding my OP, if they do decide to cast a African American actor as The Human Torch, if they can pull it off without making any major alterations to the character then go ahead IMO
  21. Theres rumours that the human torch is going to be played by a African American actor, and Marvel geeks are being accused of Racism because they are pointing out that the Human torch is white.
  22. Id disagree there, the character was so wasted. And needlessly included. The Big problem with with the prequels for me is that they spent far too much time establishing needless characters like Jar Jar, Windu, Qui Gon, even R2D2 and C3PO shouldnt have been in it. If they spent more time with the already established characters they could have had more screen time to write a better story, instead of squeezing in the most important characters story(vaders) in a rushed and half arsed way. He bloody goes from kid-teen-jedi knight to murdering children far too quickly and it feels far too rushed. Lucas spent too much time trying to give us a visual feast, instead of working on the franchises most important character. Oh and the casting for him was fucking awful too. Me and a buddy were talking about this the other night, when casting your series most important character, spend more than 5 minutes casting him for f**k sake! Oh and his downfall to the darkside? due to a dream of his wife dying, which ultimately led to him trying to kill her? f**k sake!
  23. Exactly, cause they were working for what? 5 years and 4 or 5 films before the Avengers came out? going Batman-Superman-Justice League would be far too rushed
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