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Everything posted by EdgarusQPFC

  1. Howls moving castle is simply a masterpiece. In terms of good anime. I'm a big fan of the Mobile Suit Gundam and Macross franchises, they are Mecha Sci Fi series. Code Geass is a Mecha series that's often likened to Death Note, the main character gains the ability to give someone a command they simply cannot refuse, and uses this to begin a guerilla war against the oppressive regime controlling Japan. Planetes is another outstanding series, about garbage collectors who work to collect the junk floating around earth's orbit, which I know doesn't sound like much, but it's all about their characters, their ambitions to be more than what they currently are, it's a really great story and comical at some points. Gungrave is another fantastic series, about 2 street thugs who work their way up a massive mafia like crime syndicate.
  2. So glad i went to see it, its the only bond ive went to see at the cinema and it was definetly a cracking choice. Im quite fond of the 3 Daniel Craig Bond films, think they have all been good, tho QOS was definetly the weakest of the 3
  3. I think this Superman films gonna do pretty well. The trailers for it have been simply outstanding, Nolan isnt the only good name behind it tho, Its got Zack Snyder, and David S Goyer working on it too. Thats 3 excellent names accociated with film adaptions of comic books alone. Films got alot of potential IMO
  4. Its been "in development" Since the wolverine film came out
  5. He seems ideal, but they totally made a c**t of it. Katana blades in his arms? Where are they gonna be stored when not in use? At least Wolverines blades make a kinda sense, but this is take the piss
  6. They have already merged Final Fantasy with Disney, so i wouldnt put it past them TBH
  7. All fair points, The wolverine name thing was pretty silly and when she was "dead" it was clearly obvious that was just fake blood and there were no wounds, didnt he think "oh f**k theres loads of blood, but where is it coming from?" but i actually enjoyed the conflict between Wolverine and Sabretooth in this one, Liev Schreiber is a good actor and he played the character well. But regarding the Cyclops and Professor X, the whole series seems to have people meeting each other and forgetting about it and completely forgetting brothers/sisters. At least in Wolverines case, he has the memory loss to justify why he doesnt remember his brother, why does Professor X forget he has a sister? Its a silly film in some points, but still pretty enjoyable
  8. Its true tho, the best star wars writing is when lucas isnt involved. He may have created the world, but he knows f**k all about how to write. The dialogue in the prequels is dreadful
  9. I quite enjoyed the original Wolverine film, excluding the adamantium AP bullet shite. Its a metal that is indestructable, shot by a bullet thats indestructable, they wouldnt work, it would simply deflect, unless you shot him in the eye and were very accurate about it, theres no way your shooting his brain!
  10. I wasn't really thinking about it from his powers, it just seemed more meaningful than being shot. Seems a little pathetic.
  11. First class is kinda a reboot in some ways. Certain parts of the established plot, those two finding Jean Grey, also building cerebro, oh and Emma frost being a teenager in the wolverine film (set like 20 year later). They are kinda politely ignoring some facts, like at no point during the first 3 films does Charles mention Mystique is his adopted sister, neither she she show any remorse for trying to kill him in the first film.
  12. I was properly disappointed by that film, i wanted to enjoy it, but no matter what it did, it simply wouldn't let me. What a waste. Well said, that's the whole point behind his character, his inner struggle between Vulcan and Human. It's true he later suppressed his emotions more as he got older, but he constantly bent the rules, and pretty much ignored his Vulcan Vow to never lie. This reboot introduced his emotional weak spot with his mother, and he definetly struggles to supress his emotions more than he used to.
  13. A place I worked were bad for that, Managers phoning you 2 hours after you have phoned in sick to see if you will come in, then again in the afternoon, then before they leave to see if you will be tomorrow. One burd got so fed up of her manager phoning hourly for updates she said to him "Look alright? If I could stop the shite from coming out my arse long enough to wipe it I'd fucking be in. I'm not well, I've not had a sick day in over 2 years and I'm not gonna fake one, accept that and I'll phone you to tell you when I feel better!" She got a disciplinary for it when she did come back. Managers in that place could be properly shocking at times.
  14. I'd get moaned at tae f**k. "Wit ye dont want tae see yer Nephews photo's?" and so on
  15. My Cousin, She posts pics of my Nephew onto her Facebook constantly. When she posts them tho, she tags everyone on her friends list into the posts so it comes up in thier notifications. Really fucks me off now, If i wanna see pictures of my Nephew, then ill fucking look at them myself.
  16. All that shite and the inspirational happy feel good pish. Got a burd i used to work with who posts all that kinda shite and seems a bit of a goer, she seems to go thru men quicker than knickers and of course when it all ends shes always posting and moaning that "all men are arseholes, useless, c***s, blah blah fucking blah" And when she wasnt posting it on Facebook, she was saying it at work and eventually it started to get on my nerves. I ended up pulling her up about it stating that including myself there were at least 5 guys in the room who had never done her wrong and even more next door, so her claims that we are all arseholes is a load of pish. Her response of course was that she was "obviously" joking about men being arseholes. Despite saying it every single day endlessly Oh and ive said it before, but people who use that Check in shite Blah blah has checked in at Nando's - I dont care Blah blah has checked in at, Walking to work lol - Go f**k yourself Blah blah has checked in at, wait let me stop you there, i dont fucking care!
  17. Its good to see Rik Waller keeps himself busy these days
  18. Ive been quite fortunate not to have any nightmare neighbours like DAFC has been suffering from, and honestly mate, they sound like utter c***s. Ive got annoying neighbours, but they arent that bad. One of my neighbours, a woman who is just a bit of a c**t in every way, has her kids occasionally visit. She used to get them to buzz our door to get in rather than bother her, used to be a minor pain until her friends started picking up this habit too. Now she used to claim that she needed them to buzz our door as she couldnt hear her buzzer. Which i know is alot of shite. I was getting pretty fucked off about it, but the tipping point came when one of her pals buzzed to get in and completely blanked me on the way to her door, no thank you, not even a look. So i pulled her up about it and told her no more, if anyone tried my door again i would simply ignore it and it all stopped.
  19. Theres a few ways these new films could go, if they do decide to set them after ROTJ, i would like to see Starkiller from the Force Unleashed introduced to the storyline. I was a big fan of both games and the character likeness and voice are provided by Samuel Witwer, so casting wouldnt be an issue. The character has gotta be the most powerful force user in history, what he pulls off in the games totally pisses all over Yoda and the like, its already been confirmed that those games are fully canon, so the characters there. Id also like to see something set around the times of the old republic, i was a big fan of the Revan and Malak characters from the old Kotor games and i think the story in them is solid enough for a film. If the fighting in the film is anywhere as good as this tho, it will be amazing.
  20. Contact (1997) 7/10 While technically not the last film i watched, as I'm watching it right now. This is a film I utterly hated the first time I seen it, even as a kid I thought it was rubbish. But a few years back i ended up seeing it again, and now I really like it. While I agree the billionaire just happening to build a second device is utter shite, that and bloody Matthew Mcwhatevers character are the only poor points. I really enjoy them finding the signal, understanding it, piecing it all together then making the device, and a brilliant wee turn by the greatly underrated Jake Busy as the sinister preacher turned suicide bomber.
  21. Well either way would have ended with the same result, but i think it would have been more meaningful the way I suggested, the way it happens is basically an accident, when the bullet is deflected. The way I thought of would have been more deliberate, Eric knew he was defying Charles wishes, and he alone would have been responsible for the outcome. In this case, crippling his friend to sate his revenge.
  22. Watching a double bill of X-Men First class, and the directors cut of Watchmen. Just at the end of X-Men when Magneto kills Shaw, does anyone else think that for the sake of the story it would have been better if Xavier was left paralysed because he was in Shaw's head while Magneto was forcing the coin thru Shaw's skull? Rather than Xavier getting a deflected bullet in his arse? I actually thought that was what was happening when Xavier began to scream as Shaw died. I think it would have made the dynamic between them stronger as Xavier would have just excuse to blame Magneto for his condition, but he would rise above that to try and keep Eric on his side.
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