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Everything posted by EdgarusQPFC

  1. I really want him to cash in tonight, but knowing the WWE, they wont give the fans what they want.
  2. So far, its been rehash of last night. I like Wade better than The Miz, but he held the title for a day, thats pathetic
  3. I was raging about that last night when he didnt cash in
  4. He has until July, better hurry up tho, im sick of waiting tbh
  5. Wasnt it that attitude that frustrated the hell out of HBK and Bret Hart for years?
  6. Langston vs Bryan Again, and soon its Del Rio vs Swagger again, Why are we getting slightly different repeats of last night? How about a new storyline? How about a Fatal 4 way, Ziggler, Bryan, Henry and Ryback for a shot at Cena? ** Update** Now Miz/Barrett for the title again?
  7. Daniel Bryan is the best guy on the roster the now, listen to that crowd. Ziggler too, promote them to f**k already. They have proved themselves. Okay, good point. But surely it would be better than this?
  8. WWE need to start listening to the fans, cause clearly we know how to book a match better than they do right now.
  9. Dont think Henry should be given a title shot, but then again thats because im not keen on him. I think hes awful on the mic
  10. Its pretty pathetic, everyones known the result of their match even before it was an official match and theres just no interest in a part time champ and a droll Cena
  11. If Cena has any brains he will turn heel at WM and shock everyone, his fanbase is pretty bad right now and a shock Heel turn would help his career massively
  12. That was the worst ive ever heard it, and he doesnt sound over with many in the arena at all
  13. Cena got heavy slated when he came out, even the king commented on it
  14. He was apparently arrested a few years back with Black Tar Heroin, TBH i expect drugs will be the cause of death. Its a shame regardless
  15. Just found this, a match between The "great" Antonio vs Antonio Inoki, Basically the big lumbering "great" one refuses to sell any moves Inoki throws at him and eventually starts hitting Inoki for real with some really sore looking blows to the back and head. All this does is piss Inoki off, so he proceeds to hit back and even repeatedly kicks the fat lads head. Its pretty savage.
  16. Watching Raw the now, up to the Kane/DB vs primo match. The Fannydango (please....go) shite is already boring, no matter now long they milk and milk his debut, it will be utterly shite, its one of the worst gimmicks ive ever seen and the guy looks an utter tool. Setting him up for matches against Jericho will make some entertaining promo's but its a waste of the WWE's best talent IMO Personally Id have Ziggler vs Del Rio for the title at WM29 No DQ with the storyline of Ziggler being in the position of still being able to use his MITB even if he happens to loose the match to really put the pressure on Del Rio to succeed. That would free up Swagger for a "real" america vs "fake" america match against Cesaro for the US title to prove who is really patriotic. As much as i do like looking at AJ, does she actually do anything now?
  17. I watched the part where cm punk interrupted it. It wasn't as bad as I pictured. Kane going apeshit on punk was brilliant.
  18. Michael cole says what we all think! Finally!
  19. Im properly sick of all this movie plugging
  20. Thats fair enough, i agree with your comparison. Wouldnt have used either personally. But thats me
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