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Everything posted by EdgarusQPFC

  1. Del Rio/Big Show again for the title again?
  2. 3mb are utterly pish, shite gimmick for shite wrestlers. Hopefully Sheamus batters them
  3. So an ad break at the start, middle and shortly after the end of a match. Bloody hell
  4. Your taking the piss with these adverts, its been litterally 5 minutes since the last ones, so we get an ad during the entrances, then in the middle of a match that will likely only be 10 minutes long! Pisstake!
  5. And out of 1 billion indians thats the best wrestler they can find?
  6. "Oh my gosh how are you feeling?" I properly cringed, McMahon sounds like buffalo bill on the phone!
  7. The Blue meanie was a more capable wrestler, i seriously cant imagine why this big freak is still on the roster. He has no ability
  8. "Sin Cara Injured" f**k sake! is that wee shite b*****d ever fit? When i started watching WWE again in may last year he was returning from injury, then when i started last month he was returning from injury and now hes injured again!
  9. I watched about half an hour but it was just all app plugs and a shite match, so i just went to bed
  10. Stopped watching after the awful Booker wwe app promo, really annoyed me. But it sounds like it turned into a decent Raw, ill find it on YouTube later
  11. Turning a great promo into a plug for their shite app, aye brilliant Booker
  12. trying to watch this weeks raw now, im really stuggling, just got to the "Cena/Flintstone" comparison chart. Seriously WWE? dont you think this PG attitude is just getting a little much now? its borderline now. Very poor stuff here
  13. have to disagree this is much nicer IMO
  14. Bring that belt back immediately, and the IC championship from that time too, the new one is rancid. Fix those shite tag belts, keep the us and throw away the divas and bring back the woman's. Oh and bring back the European title too
  15. Ziggler is definetly talented and I'd like to see him get a title run in
  16. Not sure it Cena is all to blame for his current matches, it depends on the booking after all. I totally agree that it's stupid that he is nigh undefeatable atm, and its being preformed shitely. But we don't know if he is insisting he never loses face or its simply the lackluster writing. It wouldn't surprise me tho if he did moan about never losing a match.
  17. I didn't notice anything special about punks promo, maybe I wasn't giving it full attention cause it felt like a regular heel promo, ill rewatch it tomorrow. Rocks bit at the end was a little silly I'm premise but ill gladly watch Vicki get snagged any day. More mental stuff from AJ. Tbh I was bored of it 6 month ago when I stopped watching. Her screaming like a bull on heat just made her look a rite twat. Bring back the hardcore title and give it to Ryback so he has an excuse to be fed more
  18. Watching it now, up to the Cena cage match. Decent Raw so far, gotta say tho, fair play to Cena giving his hat and shirt to that disabled girl in the Cena top. The lassie looked so chuffed and ill bet it will be one of her favorite memories in her life. Ziggler and Rybacks promos were samey, kinda generic, they need a little practice still. Enjoyed everything with Rhode Scholars/ Hell No tonight, could have used longer matches but entertaining none the less. Delighted to see Foley finally getting his rightful place in the Hall of Fame, Foley is God for a reason. Amazed taker isn't in it yet, id like to see him get in this year.
  19. I'm enjoying the game, there's loads to do on it.
  20. The premise is a little silly now that I'm a adult, but as a portable retro style rpg game, you still cannot fault the game play.
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