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Everything posted by EdgarusQPFC

  1. Great Start, ive high hopes for tonight
  2. Hearing the Outlaw's intro has made this night for me already
  3. Been playing white again this weekend. Completed the Gyms and on Victory Road. Traded a Porygon i got from that dream world for a Zoroark, cracking Pokemon. Everyone still playing fire me friend codes in PM
  4. The Show/Kali match was utterly pointless, they need to bin Kali
  5. You might be right, but i really hope your not.
  6. Now WWE know you shouldnt give Charlie Sheen a job, cause he will find a way to f**k it up fantastic
  7. Was a pretty poor episode if im honest, and last weeks smackdown was pretty bad aswell. Im secretly hoping that they are just saving all thier good stuff, storylines, reveals, returns etc for the 1000th episode and new 3 hour format, Because as it is right now, its bloody woeful. The only redeeming storyline going was the AJ/Punk/Bryan storyline and after last night, even that has lost all dignity. Tho i will admit, hearing AJ say "you turn me on" was a nice touch Spend less time advertising fights, and more time making them worth watching.
  8. Agree totally mate, good episode overall. Anyone see the promo for the new air time for raw in america? The "Cena remind them it starts at 8" one? I thought it was pretty good
  9. http://bleacherreport.com/articles/1235731-wwe-how-daniel-bryan-is-carving-out-a-hall-of-fame-career Interesting article saying Bryan has the potential to end up a hall of famer, i dunno about that but he is certainly on a great roll right now.
  10. Agreed mate, im enjoying this episode so far, Just got to the Del Rio/Ziggler matchup **Update** Vickie in a one piece :barf AJ in a two piece
  11. "And even i find you mentally unstable" - Kane in a rare moment of comedy
  12. Foley's role as Temp GM could have been great, but he did nothing at all.
  13. Agreed, his career would skyrocket if he got rid of that old Hag, he has the ability and while he is kept a heel with an extremely annoying heel manager at his side hes not gonna get far. At least i dont think so anyway.
  14. Exactly mate, until we see him in a legit singles match we cant even tell if hes worth the hype or just another flop. Currently im leaning toward flop.
  15. Another Ryback yawnfest. Cena picking up show and edge - Impressive moment Ryback picking up 2 stick insects who dont even fight back - Pointless moment Is that the 6th time now? Bored
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2t9PjU7cPZk&feature=related Tonights Smackdown is on youtube for those who cant wait
  17. AJ Skipping around the ring in that mask and hearing Cyndi Lauper got me thinking of this burd for some reason.. Definetly one of the most random parts ive seen in a while. Wonder where its gonna lead tho..... Hopefully not Oh and the crowd barely reacting to the Lauper introduction was hillarious. "Introducing Cyndi Lauper!" "..................."
  18. I think the look on Kane's face here exactly sums up the part im up to on last nights RAW, WTF!
  19. Just started watching, Big Johnny is having the arse ripped from under him. Im glad we dont need to listen to him introduce himself 3 times an episode anymore. "I am Mr...." "and i am the gene..." "...down and raw" fucking zzzzzzzz we bloody know! Foley is a brilliant choice as we need more of old Mick, but it shouldnt be a temp position, give him his old role back, inject some proper comedy into the WWE again, its not as funny as it used to be years ago.
  20. Damien Sandow would be an entertaining choice! Never gonna happen tho. Regal still has my vote.
  21. This gets my vote, Regal is fantastic. He talks in most of the WWE Documentarys ive been watching lately and he comes accross as a cracking bloke
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