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Everything posted by EdgarusQPFC

  1. Not to mention the pretty obvious echo heard
  2. A couple of these are on the US Netflix, i watched the 2006 DX return, Best of Undertaker, Some of the Rock one, The Stone Cold one, Gonna watch "The History of the WWE Championship" soon too
  3. Just finished watching it, Interesting first Raw in about 2 years or so. The big show firing was pretty pathetic, him greetin like a wean was a bit over the top. Found "John Carrey" amusing, and the wee slap at the end was pretty poor. Who the heck is this dude running the show? And wheres McMahon these days? Kane is still about i see, continuing his status in the WWE as someone who is always there but who doesnt do much. Hes a bit of a joke these days, this decades Mideon or Gangrel. He used to be brilliant, his entrance into the WWF, tearing the door off the steel cage and piledriving the undertaker was one of the late 90's best moments Oh and my prediction is that Lesnar will interfere, but The Big Show or Triple H will appear to stop lesnar, and Cena will pick up the win. Orton will win the title, CM Punk will defend his successfully, thats all i got.
  4. Wish i had access to Skysports, anyone know anywhere that streams WWE?
  5. Hurlcock still makes me laugh, this topic is definite PnB Gold material!
  6. Ive yet to see a Film in 3D that was even remotely worth the extra money and ive seen about 5 so far. I seen The Avengers in 2D and enjoyed it. Its like an extra 4 quid for a darker picture and a couple of crap effects.
  7. EdgarusQPFC

    The Sopranos

    Im sure to get some red dots for this and several WTF comments. But i didnt like The Soprano's I watched most of the first season as id been told how amazing it was, maybe it gets better or its just been so overhyped, but i didnt see what all the fuss was about. Does it get better in season 2? or is it likely its just not my thing? I think the godfather is overated and i much prefer goodfellas aswell btw
  8. Aww dude, im almost tempted to red dot you! Dracula dead and loving it is one of my favorite Nielsen films, i think its hillarious. Peter Macnicol is brilliant as renfield!
  9. Avengers Assemble - 10/10 Just back from seeing this. Big superhero movie fan and this film admittedly has been on the backburner for me as The Dark Knight Rises has nearly all my attention. Well it used to.. From the get go this film is just excellent, storyline is excellently paced and plays out well, the only area they were a little vague on was Thor's return from Asgaard, but its acceptable. The fight scenes are numerous and varied, the action is everything you would want in a Marvel film. Theres several references to prior events from all previous films that helps settle the film in the universe, and you truely feel all those films were leading to this point. All the cast get enough screen time on thier own and as part of the team to keep everyone happy. For me the two standout characters in this film were the villian Loki and not Bruce Banner, but his alter ego, The Hulk. Loki works well as the films villian, he is bold enough and controlling enough during the events of the film, and when he smiles you know something is up. The Hulk steals it for me as he is surprisingly funny in his appearance's, and there is subtle hints that there is more to him than his rage. And when these two characters finally meet, its quite comical. The films finale, in now way feels rushed or disapointing. One of the things that left me unhappy with Thor was that the films ending was far too quick and you didnt get a true battle as you should. That is definetly not the case here, the ending is marvelous. Watching the character's working together is done excellently and will be an absolute delight for all Marvel fans. I generally dont give films a perfect rating, but there was no moment in the film that left me unhappy or puzzled. Thor's arrival is indeed a little vague, but in no way does it ruin anything. Im still convinced The Dark Knight Rises will top this film, but its not gonna be easy.
  10. Been watching some of the Wrestling vids they have on the US Netflix, theres a 9 hour long one about when DX came back in 2006, shows all the storyline and matches during that time, theres also an Undertaker one which i watched over the course of a few days, has all his good matches. Him vs Yokozuna, vs bret hart with Shawn Michaels ref'ing. Bloody brilliant and its put me in the mood for it all again. I havent watched in a few years so i was Shocked about Edge, watched his hall of fame and his farewell. Pretty shitty for him, but he left a legend. Started reading on some of my old favorites from the old days. Matt Hardy is a walking disaster now, pretty pathetic.
  11. Green dot for you sir. The Bhoy n Ghirl use does my nut in awsell
  12. Im in tears and been laughing for a good 10 minutes on that one, superb mate! :lol::lol:
  13. Agreed, maybe next gen. But with everything as it stands currently it will cause far too many problems. And rockstar have allways valued thier customers and offered great versions of thier games and pre order content.
  14. It doesnt make sense to me personally that they would do digital only. This games gonna sell out quicker than MW could ever hope.
  15. Aye, Venturas. The trailer to me shows Santos and San Fierro. I hope they include all 3 islands cause thats what i liked about SA, each island had its own feel and look so it added great variety and all the offroad available was just awesome. Me and my mates were saying thats what GTA4 sadly lacked as we would chase each other in jeeps wishing we had some proper offroad.
  16. You see the giant mountain from the 2nd island during the trailer.. and the bridges connecting the 2nd and 3rd islands
  17. The first 2 islands are definetly there, wether vegas/nevada island(forget its name) is there is another question. The fans will be shitting themselves with delight. Cause after being an avid gta4 online gamer for years all ive heard every night ive been online is allways "They should remake San Andreas, best game by far" I agree with them, but after hearing it for years it rite got on my tits. Graphics are very promising and if they can combine the serious plot of GTA4 with the variety and fun of GTA SA then this will be a very difficult game to beat.
  18. Have bought a 3DS with white and Heart gold, Just made Goldenrod city with a team of Zubat, Slowpoke, Sandshrew, Flaffy, Oddish and Quilava. Kinda wish i had my old save i had set up starting with charmander, squirtle and bulbasaur
  19. I delete people who use the check in feature, even if they are real friends. I couldnt give a f**k if your checking into nandos or checking in at cineworld. Pal of mine from my old work uses it on a daily basis, and i honestly dislike her for using it.
  20. Hitman (2007) - 8/10 Watched this again last night, a brilliant adaption from the videogame series. Timothy Olyphant is excellent as the cold indifferent Agent 47, and plays the role excellently when hes faced with the utterly stunning Olga Kurylenko making passes at him, you can really feel his awkwardness at having someone so close to him. The fight scenes are good and i think the film really shows the style of the games, there are scenes where he kills silently, and others scenes where theres a major balls up and he has to go on a small massacre, which is what happens in the games. My only complaints of the film is the fight scene against the other 4 agents where they pull small samurai swords out of nowhere and start fighting, it doesnt fit with the games at all and didnt fit correctly in my opinion. And Henry Ian Cusick (Desmond from Lost) playing the main villans brother, his part in the film is fairly small but whats annoying about him is his really piss poor attempt at a russian accent, to me he sounds more like he has a bad cough. The scenes between Timothy Olyphant and Olga Kurylenko are the best parts of the film, its excellent to watch the progress from disliking each other to forming an attachment. Dougray Scott plays an interpol agent who has been hunting 47 down for the past 3 years and "knows his man" Hes pretty cheesy throughout.
  21. "9" (2009) 8/10 An excellent computer animated film about small robots trying to survive in a wasteland after a war and discover what caused the war. Pretty good voice cast for a animated film, Elijah Wood, John C. Reilly, Jennifer Connelly, Crispin Glover, Martin Landau and Christopher Plummer. Who are all excellent in the film, and add a real character and quality to the film you normally only see in pixar animated films. If you enjoy animated movies then give this one a shot cause its unmissable.
  22. While chatting to someone i found out that eggs are classified as a meat, which i find strangely curious, cause id never thought about what category they would come under "Protein Foodstuff?" i dunno
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