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Everything posted by EdgarusQPFC

  1. "Brawler Buddies"........ Quit this pish and get some storylines going
  2. Anyone else bored of Heyman/HHH Rehashing the same thing again?
  3. Been waiting for an excuse to use that WTF is with this Charlie Sheen thing tho, so pointless
  4. That Undertaker DVD is definetly being bought
  5. Rock is showing Bryan a absolute mic masterclass, he is still the best on the mic
  6. Punk, Bryan and The Rock in the same ring. Fucking Brilliant.
  7. Bryan has a "wit chu talkin bout willis?" look on his face
  8. What? AJ as GM? AJ is wearing converse with her wedding dress
  9. Mostly cause none of us know who he is Kane will appear?
  10. King speaking from experiance regarding marriages clearly pretty experianced
  11. Feed im watching has 1 or 2 ads then shows random Raw segments to music, pretty enjoyable accually
  12. Swaggers opening got ignored for a product placement, his career is doing brilliantly Aww get tae f**k with these matches
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