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Everything posted by EdgarusQPFC

  1. Jack Swagger needs to come up with a new gimmick, cause he comes out every week looking like a wean thats shat himself. Looking like Gary Busey doesnt help him much either
  2. Ive just got to the end of the first match on Smackdown
  3. One week thing, Every week on the run up to the 1000th show they will have a "classic raw superstar" fight someone
  4. Just finished watching, nice addition to the Show/Cena match, now at least its got a purpose. And that "punch" was fucking horrendous! He missed vince by miles and show threw the punch so poorly! Good episode overall, was baffled when AJ mounted Kane, he definetly left cause he was gonna sprout one Happy to see Ziggler getting a title match, i didnt see the point in Christian being in the match tho, he was already booked for a title match. I knew Khali wouldnt win, the guy is so useless in the ring i dont see why they keep him on, The Del Rio match on Friday was proof of this, he is a big clumsy oaf who cant sell anything or even throw a believable punch. Any of us here would be able to throw a more convincing match! They cant be too happy with him injuring Del Rio.
  5. Have just started watching Last nights Raw, and i never thought id ever see McMahon enter the ring being cheered and applauded by the crowds
  6. Admittedly that episode was pretty fucking gash if im honest. This weeks Raw with McMahon back should hopefully be a good one!
  7. Since you didnt post a source, i found one And it says he may be out of No Way out, not that he is. http://www.twnpnews.com/2012/06/del-rios-wwe-no-way-out-match-in-jeopardy-sufferes-concussion/
  8. Doing something to annoy fans is one thing mate, but doing something that makes you wanna change channels is completely different. As Ludo pointed out, thats exactly what she does for me. A Heel doing thier thing should get the fans going but ultimately you should still enjoy the programme. Back in the days when edge was being a cocky asshole, or the Undertaker kidnapping Stephanie and even when The Mcmahon-Helmsley faction were controlling the show and getting rid of Mick Foley, aye the fans booed, but it was still entertaining programming. Having a old cow screaming "Excuse Me" repeatedly is far from entertaining and doesnt in any way strike me as the actions of a good heel. Unless your into that kinda thing of course
  9. I couldnt have said it better myself mate, absolutely spot on.
  10. Theres a big difference between a heel doing things the fans dont like, and doing something pretty detestable and irritating.
  11. I thought it was a pretty bland episode tonight, pretty much just a rehash of last week. The Cena/Cole thing was only amusing when Cena had cole appologing to King and such. The C.M Punk/Bryan/Kane bout looks set to be a great one as Kane has really upped his game lately and i think hes starting to shine. Im one of his biggest critics. So its good to be proven wrong once in a while. They need to stop this Vickie "Excuse me!" shite as its clear the fans detest it. Shes a old bitch with saggy tits and the face of a dug, the less we see and hear of her the better. Im sure that sexy AJ will get involved in some way at the PPV match up, shes a right wee stunner and the more i see of her the better, mental or not.
  12. It just strikes me that WWE are risking falling into WCW's trap. Aka holding onto more people than you need so your rival cant hire them. Theres no way theres 12 minutes between adverts, from what ive been watching theres been adverts sometimes as short as 6-7 minutes apart.Then you have the promo's and endless crap taking up screen time. Just strikes me it could be much better.
  13. A pretty meh episode, the only highlight was Bryan getting his Number 1 contender spot. After watching the WWE again for 2 weeks i notice some serious problems with it: - If you look at the roster for the WWE they are packed with plenty of Big name stars, Randy Orton, Del Rio, and so on who are on the storylines right now. But they also have plenty of decent enough stars waiting in the wings for a chance. I was surprised to learn The Miz is a former champion, and they have him in a storyline where hes moaning and greetin like a wean for his chance. They have plenty of stars, but nothing to do with them. They dare not release them, lest TNA grab them like they did the likes of Kurt Angle, Jeff Hardy and so on. So they keep them on, seemingly getting paid to do nothing. Then you have the big name stars who arent active the now, Undertaker, The Rock, Rey Mysterio. When they show up again they are gonna want thier shot too. But they struggle to show 5 matches on a single episode now, cause they cut to adverts every 7 minutes or remind you of prior events 5 times per episode. They need to stop all this John Cena supporting the troops, kids, disabled, f**k im sure he will be writing a article about the pidgeons next. Stick it on the website and leave it there. There arent enough belts for the number of wrestlers they have available, At one point WWE was hosting Raw, ECW and Smackdown on a weekly basis, whats wrong with doing that again? Better still have more than one PPV a month, maybe have a Raw and Smackdown PPV event, rotate them alternating two weeks between each other. They can develop thier wresters, add more storylines, give us more matches and accually make use of all those guys in the back just sitting around.
  14. Its a rivalry that could grow into the likes of the Stone Cold/The Rock from years ago. They both have enough talent, ability, they know each other well enough in and outside the ring. We have already had one great match, and i could see many more if the WWE capitalise on it. Thinking of a mania match between them is a little far ahead, the last mania was barely 2 month ago.
  15. Decent Smackdown, i thought Kane deserved the win, he was excellent in the triple threat match, a proper return to form for the big freak. Del Rio didnt deserve the win, his kicks were brilliant but he spent most of the match outside the ring. The storyline with the big show is pretty weak "You betrayed me all, i got no support backstage" blah blah is pretty shite cause he got plenty of fan reaction and comments from other stars, so they could have thought up a better explination. I dont want a Kane/Bryan feud to start cause a Bryan/CM Punk rematch would be a hundred times better. Starting to like Santino a bit, hes pretty amusing, despite the fact he used to have a belter of a monobrow. So is Jack Swagger demoted to being Vickie Gurrerro's lapdog now? Whenever she fails to make a point she turns to the push up obsessed love child of Gary and Jake Busey. And her whole "excuse me" shite is already boring me to tears, having someone being dislikable is one thing, but being fucking annoying is another. Gag the bitch!
  16. This just got interesting..... Anyone else notice that guy kicking at Sheamus's arse was blatantly missing by miles?
  17. She sounds like she already is being strangled. Am i right in saying she is Eddie Gurrero's Widow? Are we sure he is deed? Cause if i was married to her id fake my death
  18. If i have to hear about the final episode of House again or another recap of prior events i swear ill start greetin. **Update** Oooh, tits
  19. This is dreadfull! I muted the feed and played a 3 minute track during the adverts, and i swear i missed the segment and it was back to adverts!
  20. Yeh you would think "The most prestigious belt in Professional Wrestling" would be a bigger deal. The fight last night was the best match in the PPV. **Edit** Anyone else watching this online? Whats with the ad breaks every 5 minutes?
  21. Big show is pained by your comments
  22. Gotta love the absurd exaggeration that happens on the WWE If he had all those injuries he would be hospitalised
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