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Everything posted by EdgarusQPFC

  1. I'm enjoying the game, there's loads to do on it.
  2. The premise is a little silly now that I'm a adult, but as a portable retro style rpg game, you still cannot fault the game play.
  3. Already got one but I haven't played black 2 since November and haven't even completed it yet. Guess I have an excuse now. Glad to see them risking a proper 3D engine, cause they had really gotten all they could not out of the old ones. Already know ill be picking the fire starter(pun intended) the other two don't look as good. The legendaries look naff tho. The world graphics look crap but I'm assuming it's only a promo and not the final product.
  4. Absolutely spot on mate, couldn't have said it better. Looking forward to this year's rumble, should be a good one.
  5. I choose to watch this week's, as the first episode I've seen since shortly after the 1000th episode. The matches were outstanding, but what the f**k seriously? How much money has WWE made destroying mae youngs dignity? I see Ryback is a mainstay now, interesting. Liking the Daniel Bryan/Kane and Rhodes/sandow tag teams. Notice the titles seem to mostly be with the heels these days. Overall tho, better than when I last watched.
  6. Wouldn't mind if they worked on a trilogy set during the Knights of the old Republic. I'd love to see the Darth Revan story being told and expanded on. The sale to Disney is a good thing in my opinion. Lucas had damaged the franchise with the prequel trilogy and I don't think he could do anything to improve it.
  7. 4th Gym Badge yesterday Night. Been messing about with that shopping alley outside the city(brilliant addition btw) and having to level my pokemon to beat the Gym as I didn't have any good against electric. Gensect lvl 26 Lilligant lvl 26 Lucario lvl 23 Magby lvl 26 Luxio Lvl 22 Keldeo lvl 25 Decided to move my lvl 15 Keldeo, lvl 19 Elekid, a lvl 4 volt tackle pichu, lvl 10 Shynx, lvl 20 Aron, a lvl 1 bedlum, lvl 11 Togekiss, lvl 20 Mismagius and a lvl 18 magnezone to my roster last night to give me some options for gyms. Having a lazy b*****d Sunday so I'll be playing this all day Oh that reminds me I caught a lvl 35 Darmaitan and lvl 22 scraggy that belonged to N at the desert resort. I new from the back story feature(nice touch) that N released many of his pokemon, this backs it up. It's an excellent touch. There isn't anything special about the pokemon tho i might add
  8. Moved some pokemon from white today
  9. I have about 350 pokemon in my white game. I'll use my friends DS to move them to my Black 2.
  10. Both added. Have Thundrus as well now.
  11. Yeh mate, it's a easy game, an easier version of that face shooter game you get with the ds. But with slow clouds, takes sod all skill and works, unlike that really unreliable pokemon dream game thing Online.
  12. Games superb, wild riolu at lvl 5, belter. 3 Badges. Lucario lvl 18 Marill 18 Gensect lvl 22 Tornadus lvl 19 Magnemite lvl 18 Servine lvl 18 That pokemon dream radar app is 2 quid something and worth it. I got a lvl 10 Tornadus
  13. I got black 2 since I got white last time.
  14. My Black 2 was waiting for me when I got home from work, along with a rather well made leather case for my 3DS got the wi fj club gensect
  15. I still laugh when I name the rival a dirty name
  16. Mines is pre ordered with games website. Ign gave it a 9.6 and commented on it being a massive game and the most complete pokemon experience on the ds to date
  17. Aye Craig Charles has been to a few parties in his time, and it shows
  18. Apart from Kryten looking weird I thought it was a solid episode, funny, witty and it was a proper red dwarf episode. I'm already looking forward to episode 2
  19. I accually have to agree here, I think he hasn't had a truly good film in quite a while, it could be he changed his style of comedy or I am just bored of him now. As chuffed as I am about a Anchor man 2, i worry he is simply trying to cash in on his best role. I will gladly be proved wrong tho.
  20. Kick Ass 8/10 After much harassment from my friends that I hadn't seen this film I finally watched it tonight. Pretty amusing at some points, a certain nic cage gunfight scene comes to mind. Don't really know what else I can say about this other than that I really enjoyed the film.
  21. You should look at ffxiii its monster system is very pokemon like. I have pre order black 2. Gonna be ages before I get round to it tho, cause my gaming time is full for the next few months. Might start taking my ds to work tho.
  22. The quality polis are still quality. The lover boy was bloody comical, and i found the pallets bit funny at first but it went on a little too long. The drunk going around the world was brilliant tho
  23. I was comparing the writing more than anything else mate
  24. Watching last weeks Raw, think im starting to lose interest because i dont make as much of a effort to get it watched each week. Not too keen on AW but the guy has it absolutely spot on, i dont agree with his rape joke, i definetly think that was crossing a line, but its completely true that the WWE is far too PG for us older fans now. I can only assume Vince figured he could get more kids watching and getting merchandise bought for them to increase profits, but its clearly not working as well as he would like, we all know the viewing figures are down, most likely due to people like us losing interest. They should bring back the writing from the attitude era, cut all the product placements and recapping prior episodes, cause as i type this they are recapping the Brock Lesnar/HHH feud for about the 20th time and ive completely lost all interest in that match, which is a shame cause it could be a utter cracker, but because the plug it every episode at least once im bored of it. Now Rybacks coming out for what will likely be a match identical to every single match he has had. "My Hunger Consumes me, it is never satisfied. The WWE is were i feast, and tonight Reks and Hawkins are being served. Welcome to the food chain....Feed Me More!" - Ryback compared to "I respect what ch'ya done Mike, but ch'ya out here callin' yourself the baddest man on the planet. Right now you got your little beady eyes locked on the eyes of THE worlds toughest Son of a bitch! I can beat you any day of the week, twice on Sunday. Do I think I - Do I think you can beat my ass? Hell no! Do I think I can beat your ass? Why hell yeah! I don't know how good your hearing is, but if ya don't understand what I'm saying I always got a little bit of sign language, so here's to ya!" [Gives Tyson the middle finger] - Stone cold Its just not the same...
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