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Everything posted by EdgarusQPFC

  1. Punk being amazing on the mic and all cena can say is "uhh what do you want me to do?" Then punk nails it by saying what we have all been wanting
  2. Im looking to start losing some weight, getting annoyed whenever i look in the mirror now but im pretty unfit, im gonna start going on walks every day. Any advise for anything else i should be doing to lose weight?
  3. The Coconut Revolution - Story of the island of Bougainville, and their guerilla war for freedom. Excellent viewing.
  4. Considering the time, wouldnt it be great if the show cut out during his promo? "Finally the rock has come back.." end!
  5. Considering the time, wouldnt it be great if the show cut out during his promo? "Finally the rock has come back.." end!
  6. That elimination chamber has a proper chance of being great now. The surprise of Swagger getting a place is seriously good, getting sick of seeing the same faces week in week out. Great to see a fringe star getting a push for a change
  7. Makes AJ envious cause he has better tits than her. Nothing, hes a proper quiet lackey who just stares at people and interferes.
  8. completely stopped watching now, bored
  9. Considering how awful it is currently, can you blame them? Its a shite way to run a show currently with recaps, plugs and constant ad breaks it makes it pretty unwatchable live
  10. Oh ment to mention it before, but Cena got some heavy boo's from the fans earlier when he went to say something. Clearly we arent the only ones getting fed up of him
  11. That had to be a 10 minute gap between ads at most there i know i keep going on about it but its a fucking joke. If they had this many add breaks during a movie theres no way you could ever follow it
  12. I think this will be the last Raw ill sy awake for, its been 2 hours and i feel like ive seen 30 min of matches
  13. Cmon tae f**k raw, replaying things that happened 10 seconds before? I know what just happened, i was watching, and even if i wasnt looking at the screen, i was listening and know what was happening! Somehow i cant see Khali being a spokesperson for WWE Reading
  14. WWE need to turn the miz into a Heel again, i cant take him seriously as a face
  15. after that match, call me crazy but give swagger a shot in the elimination chamber! He was surprisingly decent
  16. They even have David Otunga plugging that shite app on his twitter, well i dont suppose he has anything interesting to say anyway
  17. I tried that, believe me its somehow worse!
  18. When you hear Ryback shout "Feed me more" does anyone else think of that old Jpg of the fat burd being fed cake? Seriously? 5 minutes of big show standing there saying nothing after punching someone, then a replay? surely an ad to follow!
  19. Del Rio/Big Show again for the title again?
  20. 3mb are utterly pish, shite gimmick for shite wrestlers. Hopefully Sheamus batters them
  21. So an ad break at the start, middle and shortly after the end of a match. Bloody hell
  22. Your taking the piss with these adverts, its been litterally 5 minutes since the last ones, so we get an ad during the entrances, then in the middle of a match that will likely only be 10 minutes long! Pisstake!
  23. And out of 1 billion indians thats the best wrestler they can find?
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