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The Hero of the Day

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Everything posted by The Hero of the Day

  1. Good to see Rima get punted from Tough Enough, there was only so long WWE could keep justifying to keep her in there. USA network were pulling for her to win the whole thing seen as they picked the contestants. What I didn't like when Matt was chucked out, he was chucked out like he was nothing but when Miss USA is eilminated she got the whole "she dropped the whole beauty queen thing and gave it her all and she can be proud of herself" ... nonsense, which was always going to happen I suppose. Oh and Doug Williams will be wrestling for PBW in Dumbarton early June time.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rczcIhZYdQU The only thing better than this promo is this promo. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4tIFmj9oNA
  3. Exactly, when Hogan put you over, you usually went somewhere with your career. Same can't really be said for Cena.
  4. Well how can you tell me people weren't doing so ?
  5. And your probably correct .... at the present. I remember everyone this time last year, maybe a little more than a year, shouting for Dibiase to get his push because many felt he was ready for the main event.
  6. Everyone was saying the exact same thing for Ted Dibiase this time last year if I remember correctly. Where is he?
  7. No chance in hell, will Cody Rhodes ever be a world champion with the physique he has just now. No chance. Whats new there then?
  8. Just a cool find I thought Id share Taker vs Austin SUmmerslam 98 promo
  9. I liked the Rock's selling of the stunner actually. The person that sold the stunner best was babyface Kurt Angle in 2001. And Hassan Razor Ramon without a doubt Mr Perfect Vader Raven? In the 90s Haha good one.:lol:
  10. Top Fives - Wrestling edition Top wrestlers ever that could sell the move best?
  11. Aye Sneijder was subbed after about 30 an hour. I gave him a standing ovation and was about the only one I think. He moved to Real Madrid that summer I think.
  12. After deciding to give this a watch. I've read a few reviews about it, all reviews are positive and everyone seems satisfied with the results they are getting. Did you use it once your mate once he had used it or was he able to get you some sort of discount?
  13. Haven't you heard? Wrestlemania was 2 weeks ago. It'll go back to its normal pretty dull self with the exception of the RAW on the first of May if I'm lead to believe.
  14. Green dot for anyone that can gpost a link for Tough Enough Episode 3 on dailymotion or whatever... cheers
  15. 5-6 smaller meals every 2-3 hours instead of 3 big meals a day. Keeps your metabolism up which will burn calories at a faster rate. Burning fat is a pretty slow process so patience is something you'll need.
  16. Out of interest what does your HIIT consist of ? Sign up to the gym and go with a pal. Your more likely to be more motivated if you've got someone doing it along side you. Ask around at work if there is any 5 a side games that takes place during lunch with colleagues or something.
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mE_Jybejmu0&feature=related TUNE!
  18. He's safe in the knowledge that they've probably put a lot of money into his character though.
  19. And Compton has been training with the U17's for the past week because of his attitude.
  20. Dominating suggests that Murdoch was running the show, which he was far from doing, he made a few decent challenges and won the ball in midfield, it's just somethign we've not seen happen all to often in the past 3 years with a combination of BOB and McBride/Millar/Arfield.
  21. Anything worth watching this week on RAW or IMPACT?
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