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Everything posted by LongTimeLurker

  1. Bit more complicated than that because there is a secular vs orthodox angle going on that makes it difficult to have all the right wing parties on the same page.
  2. They have the shared goal of having Netanyahu wind up in jail, which is probably no bad thing in the short term. A major cause of the recent aggro was provocative actions on his part aimed at making that sort of cooperation politically impossible. The numbers only work on this because an Arab political faction called Ra'am has emerged that are willing to participate pragmatically in future Israeli coalition governments of whatever ideological orientation as long as their core electorate benefit out of it materially in some way. They only just made it past the 3.25% threshold needed to enter the Israeli parliament and when they did it was very bad news for Netanyahu.
  3. If you go further back even Craigroyston started out in Muirhouse and from what I've read were basically a former Edinburgh based Eyemouth (?) squad initially that decided they would rather start an EoS club of their own than be hired guns for Borders village teams.
  4. Do we now know for certain that this means that Leith Athletic are sharing the main athletics stadium rather than a secondary 3G cage and hence should be able to get licensed?
  5. Not picking up much sympathy for the Mapuche from the usual suspects so far despite the way a settler state attracted European settlers in to take all the best land from them. Is there something about the Israeli settlers that makes them different in some way from the Chilean ones so that one land grab becomes less objectionable than the other one in some people's minds? Should probably mention that it's not just Chile on the settler state front: It should be easy enough to simply state that the plight of the Mapuche is also important and we stand in solidarity with them as well but that's not what happens. This all comes round to what went wrong for Labour when Andrew Neil interviewed Jeremy Corbyn with the outcome of that election campaign being that a complete buffoon with a hard Brexit agenda became PM. Should have been easy enough for him to say that of course we apologise for any genuinely anti-semitic behaviour that has happened and will do our utmost to root any culprits out of our party but for whatever reason he couldn't bring himself to do that.
  6. You are in the Highland League. There is nothing to decide.
  7. Meanwhile in Chile (another settler state founded out of Spanish colonialism with a recent history of severe human rights abuses) the indigenous Mapuche people are still actively trying to get the land back in Araucania: I wonder why Mapuche rights are less important than Palestinian ones to the usual suspects in this thread?
  8. Can only imagine the meltdowns some people on here would have if they heard some of my relatives say things like hudden instead of held. Gotten is just the tip of the iceberg of what some geriatric Scots speakers can do with past participles and the eccentricities of American English are really quite tame in comparison. Moving things back towards the real subject matter though: If the SCC is getting 7 prime Saturday fixture dates during the league season like that, it's difficult to see how the junior cup fits in as a flagship tournament if there is also a WoS specific West of Scotland Cup to squeeze in as well. Think this post from parkcircus implies that they will probably use Scottish Cup dates initially and run it in parallel with the WoS equivalent of the Alex Jack and Alba Cups in the EoS and SoS and then I guess they would probably have to leave any remaining rounds for May and June after the league season has concluded:
  9. Could he really have been oblivious to how controversial that phrase can be after the extent to which Celtic supporters collectively flipped their lid online when it appeared in the Sunday Herald one time and forced a full-page apology? http://www.allmediascotland.com/press-news/15199/sunday-herald-issues-apology/ Definitely stretched credulity close to breaking point.
  10. Rail would probably still have been a factor and Buckie was not on the Inverness to Aberdeen mainline unlike the others.
  11. The three towns part of Ayrshire really didn't need another semi-professional level club. Good to see that the common sense solution has unfolded. Guess that only leaves Stewarton but maybe they are delayed for a year like the Blantyre/Hillhouse club.
  12. You are drawing a distinction related to favoured brands of ancestral sky fairy worship that would probably not have seemed particularly important to the Taino, Maya, Aztec and Inca peoples at the point of conquest. In the present day, Latin America can still be viewed as a series of capitalist settler states with marginalised indigenous populations to a large extent with the exceptions possibly of Paraguay where the Guarani language is as mainstream as Spanish and more recently Bolivia on the latter part. Cuba would be an exception on the capitalist part obviously. Where the 18th century Enlightenment clearly did have an influence on Latin America would be on Simon Bolivar who is believed to have been in the masons like many of the founders of the North American state that would eventually prove pivotal during the 20th century in defeating the totalitarianism of the Nazis, Fascists and Ustaše etc and then successfully opposing the totalitarianism of Soviet Communism to shape to a large extent and for better or worse the world we live in today. I seriously doubt that's the end point Francis Fukuyama claimed it was but a large portion of the world has moved towards liberal democracy rooted to varying extents in Enlightenment values as their favoured system.
  13. Scots speakers did as well so this all seems like a big fuss over not very much.
  14. Only Bobby Barr and Connor Coupe according to this: https://www.transfermarkt.com/brechin-city-fc/kader/verein/3194/saison_id/2020/plus/1
  15. Yes, but do you seriously think there's any chance of that actually happening now? There's no reason why it couldn't simply be done by the SFA if there was the level of agreement required between the various tier 5 and 6 pyramid league.
  16. Perhaps worth bearing in mind that Christopher Columbus landed on Hispaniola in 1492 and that European colonialism of the Americas started shortly thereafter with the Treaty of Tordesillas between Portugal and Spain that provided the basis of how to divide up the world between those two powers with the blessing of the Vatican. That long predates the philosophers you have mentioned and suggests that their role was in no way pivotal to what unfolded in terms of providing an intellectual framework for colonialism.
  17. In a similar manner to Ken Ferguson in SPFL board terms, George Fraser is going to find that his influence on the game won't last because his club simply won't be able to hack it at tier 5 level over the medium to long term once the top west clubs start to arrive and even before that as more of the existing members from a non recent junior background get relegated other league officeholders may well be voted in. It's too bad Tom Johnston and co did what they did back in the 100k toilet block and holy grail era to allow this small clique of clubs to gain the unhealthy influence they currently have but eventually the damage will be undone.
  18. Well you did have a FIFA vice-president at one point.
  19. The appropriate time to question the location of the Club 42 boundary was when it was first being brought in. If they were arrogant/foolish enough to believe there was no need to do so because it would never effect them because only Cove Rangers and Spartans were ever likely to move up and clubs like Kelty Hearts would stay in the juniors in perpetuity then they have received the outcome they deserved.
  20. Not surpised he would be part of this and hopefully this finally lifts the lid on how Scottish football really operates for some people on here. I was met with plenty of skepticism/ridicule/abuse in early 2020 for posting about it but the evidence was reasonably clear at the time that Ian Maxwell and the SFA board were trying to orchestrate having Angus as part of the LL catchment through Option Z. The goal was Brechin/Forfar/Montrose/Arbroath in the LL if relegated as that had become an SPFL board hobby horse through Ken Ferguson's influence and the east region in as a tier 6 feeder to the new LL East alongside the EoS with the three regions of an intact SJFA entering at the same time so all the blazers resident at Hampden would get what they wanted for their fiefdoms and live happily ever after.
  21. At the end of all this, shared HL and LL oppostion to Ken Ferguson's various boardroom shenanigans may have helped the remaining pyramid issues to reach resolution by ending any possibility of Angus clubs ever being relegated to the LL and through the emergence of the Midland League at tier 6 on a more rational DD postcode and River Tay basis than the bizarre Club 42 line of latitude. Enjoy the trips to Wick and Fort William lads.
  22. Turns out Brechin were still trying to avoid the HL but a 0-17 vote at the LL AGM should be the end of the road for that:
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