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Everything posted by LongTimeLurker

  1. That would be a way to stick a spanner in the works, which is why it hopefully won't happen. Having only the west region entering in 2020- 21 to provide the missing west feeder and leaving other issues to later would be the easy next step, if the SJFA are really going to propose this on Dec 11th.
  2. Sounds promising that the WRSJFA may be entering before anything gets sorted in the east and north regions and nobody appears to be opposing it if Beenzon-Toste's information is accurate. Hopefully common sense has prevailed. Would have thought that the eventual solution in the east will probably have to revolve around the ERSJFA feeding into the EoS in some way rather than the LL, if there isn't an effective merger south of the Tay through having more clubs joining the EoS next season. Will be interesting to see what if anything happens with the Tay Bridge boundary, which is the other issue that needs to be addressed.
  3. The hillbillys were pro-Union for the most part all the way down the Appalachians even as far south as Alabama. Slavery and the confederacy was more of a coastal and Mississippi valley plantation sort of thing.
  4. It doesn't really matter whether it's in one year or not though, if it blows a big enough hole in the budget to cause problems elsewhere in budgetary terms. Looking forward to seeing what Andrew Neil does to Jo Swinson and Boris Johnson. The SNP and Labour may have lucked out by going first, because the last of these interviews will be the most fresh in the memory on election day.
  5. Too bad Andrew Neil won't be doing any interviews. That would have been good for a laugh where cash for ash or gay marriage is concerned with Arlene or something like "Have you ever worn a balaclava?" with the SFer.
  6. Maybe worth bearing in mind that pyramid entry was agreed at the SJFA's 2018 AGM, so the stumbling block now is more to do with blazer politics than persuading committee members at club level. Hopefully, something sensible gets proposed at next month's PWG meeting that breaks the logjam.
  7. I'm sure Neil will be well read up on the P&B politics page He is from Paisley so he might still follow Scottish football a wee bit. Have heard it said that he's a Rangers fan. Surprised the leaders agreed to these interviews. All too predictable that he was going to go for the jugular rather than adopting a more traditional deferential approach with pre-agreed questions.
  8. Bonnyrigg Rose's game on Saturday looked a wee bit dodgy on that as well in the corners in the highlights. Think the 0.25 variance limit or whatever it is may be more important than the 200 lux angle.
  9. The main reason to keep piling on extra requirements for entry level was to limit numbers. The associate membership change at the last SFA AGM and the removal of voting rights for new members below tier 5 should have addressed many of the concerns of the existing full members, so there is less danger of that happening now.
  10. ...and I for one welcome our new Tenants Super drinking overlords. Maybe worth bearing in mind that Inverness Caledonian Thistle were also pushing for a colts team in the Highland League recently: https://www.inverness-courier.co.uk/sport/highland-league-not-closed-to-colts-team-178630/
  11. Not getting involved in the pandarilla thing, but from what I understand Noam Chomsky, who usually has something highly insightful to offer, is alleged to have referred to the Khmer Rouge as "agrarian reformers" shortly after year zero had commenced. Definitely best to always be wary of what nutters will do when handed power with no checks and balances.
  12. Definitely wanted them to beat Arbroath today, but find some of their supporters' attitudes on not wanting a pyramid a bit irritating sometimes.
  13. The Lib Dems blew it big time with selecting Jo Swinson as their leader. Having 12 MPs after the last election no doubt limited their options, but how they can't make more headway against Corbyn at the moment among moderate Remain voters beggars belief.
  14. Auchinleck Talbot 1-1 at home against Arbroath and Brora 1-1 at Morton also deserve a mention. One result can be dismissed as a fluke, but a series of them shows that the gap in quality simply isn't that large. Will be interesting to see if any of the nonleague clubs hits the mother lode with a game against one of the Old Firm.
  15. On one level if Stirling University, Stranraer and Annan can have tier 6 teams last season, it's not obvious why the Old Firm shouldn't have them as well, until you consider the question of why they would want to be in a WoS league rather than the SPFL reserve league, which they are not currently participating in. Rangers don't seem to have been impressed with that setup and colt teams definitely seem to be the preferred way to go: https://www.rangersnews.uk/news/rangers-pull-development-squad-out-of-spfl-reserve-league/ so Edinabear's info fits what is currently happening in many ways. If into leaks out of next month's PWG meeting the way it normally does, we should soon know more about what's happening.
  16. Bo'ness having its fair on a Friday is what that post was probably all about. 4-1 now. What a shame.
  17. Now you know how cringeworthy some of the kilts and bagpipes Braveheart inspired kitsch that some SNP supporters have been known to go in for over the years looks to the silent majority of people who aren't really hugely fussed either way over which flag winds up being the main national one. Beyond that think the Keith & Cullen (a weird combination if you know the geography involved) result points to over 40 but under 50 being the probable outcome for the number of SNP MPs.
  18. It was a normal STV council election back in 2017.
  19. 2017 numbers are here for comparison: http://www.moray.gov.uk/downloads/file112898.pdf
  20. The inability of the Tories to attract significant numbers of transfers probably says something about how tactical voting is going to go in the general election. There's a Moray one being announced later today that should also provide an insight on that.
  21. One of the left leaning parties need to use this clip to remind voters how we got to where we are today:
  22. Don't think that one belongs on this thread. Very much a holiday destination, but not entirely sure why having been to Nassau for a few days break about 15 years back. Think Haiti is more the place nobody ever goes in that part of the world.
  23. Think they got moved to Sochi when a stadium was built for the World Cup, so not sure if they are still around.
  24. In England their main target vote is moderate one nation type Tory Remainers.
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