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Everything posted by LongTimeLurker

  1. Not Greece but you are moving in the right general direction.
  2. Follow MLS quite closely, so definitely looked very familiar.
  3. Definitely not BMO Field. My guess would be Mexico as well.
  4. Basically scoobied on this one. I'd lean towards somewhere former commie and East European judging by the ground and a smallish club that rose to prominence in fairly recent times. Throw in the black and white stripes and I'll go with a wild guess of Petrzalka?
  5. Think that's Windsor Park as it looks like a Norn Iron jersey?
  6. Most of Lowland league games have looked quite decent on youtube this season and the standard definitely appears to be rising overall, but that Nithsdale Wanderers team are genuinely approaching pub team level at some points in that clip. Not sure it's reasonable to expect people to pay to watch a game like that, but I guess there's probably only a couple of cup games like this each season and most people going know in advance the standard is going to be absolutely chronic, so it won't be a major issue. Only complaint on the song from me would be that they could mix it up a bit and give Let's Celebrate an occasional airing.
  7. Think some of the foliage on the left looks a bit more tropical than that? At first glance it reminded me a bit of Luzhniki in Moscow as it has a similar circular shape and there are small pitches around it a bit like that where the locals play games in the evening but pretty sure it's not without googling to remind myself the details of what it looks like.
  8. The eye looks more like Co. Monaghan to me? Never mind the gerrymandered Orange statelet under the jackboot of British military occupation in all of this. We've had plenty of hurricane forced winds in Scotland over the years with the 1968 storm probably being the worst in recent times historically and we seem to manage more or less OK. Why do Americans insist on building lots of buildings in totally exposed coastal areas that are easily predicted to be a bad move from a weather standpoint with materials that are not going to withstand strong wind levels that people somewhere like Shetland have dealt with routinely for centuries? And why do people in the media insist on linking strong winds to climate change when hurricanes, typhoons and tropical cyclones are not exactly a new phenomenon?
  9. Here's one that doesn't rely on being from the dawn of photography to be obscure: A former Scotland international played here before he became famous.
  10. Depends on what the deal is between the EU and UK. Something like EEA/EFTA and there's a case to be made for it. Under WTO sort of conditions it would be a very bad move economically.
  11. Think a lot of hardcore Leavers have left the SNP bandwagon since the SNP adopted an independence to stay in the EU posture (while before they would have been hearing that independence meant being forced to leave it) and hardcore Remainers haven't joined in anything like the same numbers. I guess Shotts would feature prominently as being the kind of place where A Better Britain - Unionist candidate could beat the SNP into third place given Harthill would probably be the epicentre on that.
  12. Why would the Sri Lankans see Ian Jr as being worth lavishing £100k on back in 2013 and why would the Torygraph be undermining the Tory-DUP deal that keeps their favoured party in power? Something is missing in what has been revealed so far.
  13. My guess would be Romford and a check of what pops up on Yahoo images confirms it. Building an overly large stand basically bankrupted them as it was part of a push to get into the Football League that didn't work out as the bottom clubs always got reelected.
  14. On a hard Brexit it's deid for a long time because people who view things pragmatically would not be sold on the arguments, but ironically Corbyn and co are now pushing for exactly what the SNP needs to have happen at Westminster for independence with a soft border to be a credible option.
  15. Strongly suspect that Big Tom could be as painful to listen to as the legendary Red Sovine: so will be steering well clear.
  16. Sums it up for me where the mentality of a particular type of right wing response to the debate is concerned, but the likes of Elon Musk are being driven by the profit motive as much as anything else and regardless of the whole climate change debate fossil fuels have been getting more expensive as the most easily exploited reserves were used up and that has created the fiscal environment where wind and solar and the Li battery has actually started to compete and make financial sense. Hopefully that will continue as if it is cheaper to keep burning fossil fuels developing countriesare going to do what they have to do to get their slice of the action economically regardless of what Al Gore and Michael Mann have to say about it.
  17. The Kim dynasty's strategy since the collapse of the Soviet Union has been to act like irrational lunatics and then reap the benefits when other states decide its better just to appease them financially rather than confront them about it as the price to be paid on the latter is too high, so the Kims wind up with the financial wherewithal to keep the people that man the state apparatus loyal. Trump's approach at the moment appears to be to call their bluff on the irrational lunatic angle rather than giving them anything and ramp up the pressure on sanctions in the hope it leads to regime collapse from within. Doubt there will be a nuclear exchange at any point, but would steer well clear of South Korea at the moment as there is quite a high risk where an outbreak of conventional warfare is concerned and Seoul is alleged to be well within artillery range for the North Koreans.
  18. Distracts attention away from Syria where the Russian and Iranian side is winning at the moment.
  19. http://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/newsireland/john-downing-yes-gerry-we-are-fussy-when-it-comes-to-brutal-murder-and-the-vilification-of-victims/ar-AAr5s1t?li=BBoPWjQ&ocid=spartandhp ...Mr Adams, who was never in the IRA,... They may be fussy about this matter, but they also seem to be willing to accept some of his propaganda at face value.
  20. Reminds me of an old Auf Wiedersehn Pet episode where the German construction company boss comes up with the one liner, "We knew it was a British bomb, because it did not blow up" or something along those lines.
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