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Everything posted by LongTimeLurker

  1. Did Craig Levein not use 4-6- 0 with the national team at one point? Hopefully it goes better than that did and somebody unexpected turns out to be suprisingly good as a striker.
  2. Well at least there was no sledgehammer involved. Early on in the war there was a clip of a Ukrainian soldier kneecapping Russian POWs that definitely wasn't for the faint hearted. No doubt an isolated incident but sometimes people are going to lose the plot in these situations and cellphones mean their escapades get recorded now in a way that wouldn't have happened back in the day. Think we get shielded from a lot of the gorier stuff because Youtube and Twitter have become a lot stricter about what they will allow to be posted than they used to be.
  3. Macron sends something that may or may not be a tank, Putin fails to go thermonuclear or attack the Suwalki gap over it, so the next step now is something that is unambiguously a main battle tank with the onus very much on Germany who recently said they wouldn't do it unilaterally: Looks very much like Ukraine can win the whole shebang at this point if NATO countries give them the necessary hardware, but maybe NATO leaders prefer to draw things out until Russia starts to implode of its own accord and/or want to give Vlad the chance to do another major goodwill gesture back to the 2014 lines.
  4. ...while Albion Rovers do wonders for it? Anything that happens below the Championship barely even registers with most people so doubt it matters that much. The lower two divisions of the SPFL are only there because the voting structure makes it impossible to jettison them.
  5. Wheels rather than tracks so not a tank but an interesting development nonetheless:
  6. Guess Ward's loan at Crossgates Primrose was only to the end of the year and Lennon Walker will now be back at Falkirk for similar reasons:
  7. A guid New Year tae ane an aw... We'll see how accurate this turns out to be but apparently a HIMARS attack on a Russian barracks right on midnight.
  8. More Marshal Pilsudski on that one: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intermarium and what didn't happen at the end of WWI because Ukraine fell under the sway of Lenin and the Bolsheviks.
  9. Interesting overview of where things stand and might now be heading even if the Czech Republic is in a bizarre location in the thumbnail graphic.
  10. Kirkintilloch's new ground (assuming KRR do get access OK) will no doubt have the devil's lanterns. 99% sure I saw it mentioned on here that Hurlford had a public meeting about going for licensing, so that probably just leaves Beith and Arthurlie as not being known to be going for it?
  11. The Northman while on a plane to Canada a couple of days ago. Quite enjoyed the Viking angle because I have some Shetland ancestry and that part of my family were always firmly of the opinion that it would have been better to have stayed Norwegian, but the director overdid it a bit on the austere landscapes and sending a boatload of slaves from Russia to Iceland didn't exactly make sense for anyone who dabbles in geography. DNA research suggests the Faroese and Icelanders are patrilineally Norskie and matrilineally Irish/Scottish Gael. Nicole Kidman's character unlikely to win an award for being Mother of the Year. Didn't even realise it was Bjork until I saw the credits, but was barely awake by that point.
  12. For a week in 1970, it looked like they would own the original Douglas Park after "merging" with Hamilton Accies. Accies shareholders fought back with a new board being formed, and the SFL allowed them back in after the club had officially resigned from the league. I think the county council then bought the ground instead to clear the debts, and Accies bought it back again a few years later. The Dunns had no luck on engineering that merger but did manage to later take over Robertsons of Springwell. Think it maybe says something about where Clyde fit in Scottish football's pecking order slightly over 50 years on that it is now Finnart they are competing with where a ground of their own is concerned.
  13. Looks like the Ukrainians might take Kreminna soon:
  14. Is Hill of Beath not more like Carriden than Linlithgow in Bo'ness terms? Is there any feeling of genuine rivalry between HoB Hawthorn and Cowdenbeath or have a lot of people been happy to float along to either when they have a big game given different league setups were involved? If Central Park is killing Cowdenbeath, having a licensed ground nearby in what is basically also Cowdenbeath is the obvious escape route. Yoker and Clydebank I guess would be an example of where both clubs keep going after that happens rather than merging.
  15. Think we would hear about stuff like this if it was happening in Ukrainian-controlled areas: Guess the difference might be that the Ukrainians had 8 years to prepare their version of Operation Gladio.
  16. Fife lingo for neighbour. Probably thinks you are from Cowdenbeath rather than Bo'ness. Think he does have a point that a merger with HoB might be the better way ahead now there is no junior-senior divide, but it's always easy to say that about somebody else's club.
  17. Anyone who has been following this for a while should be able to tell from a quirky type of punctuation that is being used that Aconcagua is almost certainly Pyramid Pete.
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