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Everything posted by LongTimeLurker

  1. Definitely significant if the Ukrainians are able to start regularly striking this area. Why the bridge to Crimea at Chonhar wasn't destroyed by retreating Ukrainian forces at the start of the conflict remains a mystery:
  2. Belfast - Boney M Moscow Nights - Vladimir Trochin New York state of mind - Billy Joel Vienna calling - Falco Sarajevo grade moj - Halid Beslic https://youtu.be/ZKmWTq-68ss
  3. Choosing Alloa for this analogy seems a bit bizarre given the other possibilities that are available that sort of distance from Edinburgh. Nothing says salubrious stockbroker belt quite like Bowhouse.
  4. Hopefully this means Joe Biden isn't falling for Putin trundling out the nuke-capable ICBM and warning of "consequences" if the Patriots are delivered:
  5. Key bridge damaged in Melitopol: Think this severely disrupts the land bridge to Crimea.
  6. This guy also has interesting ideas about what the Ukrainians could do with 1000 km range drones to mess up Russia's gas pipeline network. which also ties in with the point you made about the US being more relaxed now about attacks on Russia proper.
  7. Strong suspicions now that Ukraine now have a 150km range capability with GMLRS:
  8. Ukrainians gain some ground again: this place was said to be quite strategic and the key to further advances east. We'll see if the end of the mud season in that part of the world is significant.
  9. ...more specifically 12 miles short of it, with a trip to Stalingrad also outlined but with a return journey only being possible by air for a lucky few after a 10 year stint in the gulag. Wonder if a perception that Vlad backed the Reichsburger coup nutters in some way resulted in a U-turn on this because the Germans have definitely not been keen on the optics of having their panzers on the Dniepr or Donetsk rivers again.
  10. Significant if accurate given this is well outside HIMARS range:
  11. Late with this but this was the starting lineup:
  12. Guess a lot of Poland's reaction on the Patriots was posturing though and it probably actually facilitated this, which may or may not have been what made Vlad's most recent missile strike this week a bit of a damp squib:
  13. This reply sums up what is happening very well: The time for Vlad to invade was 2014 on the pretext that the coup against Yanukovych was illegal. Instead he waited until there was a new Ukrainian leader in power from the Russophone east and south rather than a leader backed primarily by "Banderastan".
  14. Maybe worth bearing in mind that a 1970s era Soviet UAV of this general type made it all the way to Zagreb before crash landing early on in the war. Throw in some sort of GPS guidance system for reaching a predetermined set of coordinates and pack in plenty of high explosives et voila. I doubt the Russians are in the habit of moving their strategic bombers or oil storage facilities about in the middle of the night so it's probably easy enough for the Ukrainians to figure out what they want to try to hit with images from commercial satellites they have been reported to have access to. Wonder how many of these old UAVs former Warsaw pact NATO members in eastern Europe could still have sitting around in warehouses. Manufacturing them from scratch is unlikely to be mission impossible (perhaps with a little help from the Poles in providing facilities under NATO Article 5 protection) if it is a design from 50 years ago.
  15. They can even pay Kadyrov a visit in Grozny now apparently:
  16. Guess that's why they let slip the info about the 1000km range drone so there was no speculation about NATO providing something with that capability:
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